Dec 8,2009 Regular Council
Committee of the Whole
Moved, seconded THAT Bylaw 2824, the Fees Bylaw, be amended;
THAT Bylaw 2824 as amended by the Committee of the Whole be referred to the next regular meeting of Council for first, second and third reading;
THAT Bylaw 2824 be adopted at an extraordinary meeting of Council on December 10, 2009 with implementation effective January 1, 2010;
AND THAT the fees and charges bylaw be referred to Finance Committee to perform a comprehensive review of the Fees Bylaw and make recommendations for Council’s consideration before June 30, 2010.
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding after the words “be amended” the words “by changing the fee for search of city records in sections 1, 2 and 7 to read $95.00 for first hour and $10.00 for each additional 15 minutes or portion thereof”. Voting Against: Mayor Trasolini, Councillors Clay, Nuttall
Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding after the words “be amended” the words “by changing the fee for search of city records in sections 1, 2, 7 and 34 to read $95.00 for first hour and $23.75 for each additional 15 minutes or portion thereof”.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding after the words “be amended” the words “by changing the fee for electronic media in section 1 to read ‘actual cost or minimum of $20.00’”.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding after the words “be amended” the words “by changing the fee for tender documents in section 1 to read ‘actual cost or minimum of $30.00’”.
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding after the words “be amended” the words “by removing the words ‘rental of dwelling unit’ from section 2. item 310 Home Occupation”. Voting against: Mayor Trasolini, Councillors Dilworth and Rockwell
Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding after the words “be amended” the words “by adding the words ‘hourly’ or ‘daily’ in the sections headed ‘Arena – Ice Rentals’ and ‘Arena & Curling Rink – Dry Floor Rentals’ for those rates that are charged on an hourly or daily rate basis”.
Separation of the main motion to deal with the fourth paragraph separately was requested.
The question on the main motion as amended with respect to the first three paragraphs was put and CARRIED. Voting against: Councillor Clay
The question on the main motion with respect to the fourth paragraph was put and CARRIED. Voting against: Councillors Dilworth, Rockwell
Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT the proposed amendments to the 2003 Public Visual Art Master Plan be approved
Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT the Snow and Ice Control Operations report dated November 23, 2009 be received; AND THAT the Snow and Ice Control Plan (Attachment 1) and the Sidewalk Snow & Ice Control Priorities (Attachment 2) as presented in the Engineering and Operations report dated November 23, 2009 be approved.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT this annual report be received and that the Transportation Committee be asked to review this report and bring forward its annual work plan by February 2010.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT the 2009 Economic Development Committee annual report be received; AND THAT the Economic Development Committee be asked to review this report and bring forward its annual work plan by February 2010.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT the 2009 Arts and Culture Committee annual report be received; AND THAT the 2010 Arts and Culture Committee be asked to review this report and bring forward its annual work plan by February 2010.
Public Hearing
OCP and Zoning Bylaw Amendment for Lots 17-20 3000 Block Henry Street
1. OCP Amendment to amend the height provision currently in the Official Community Plan for the development site
2. Zonging Bylaw amendment to rezone the subject property from Acreage Reserve (A1) to Comprehensive Development Zone (CD53).
Mr. Tim Akenman, Architect for the project, spoke in favour of the application, noting that it is a highly sustainable development.
He indicated that there are several project consultants present who could answer specific questions, including the civil engineer, the environmental engineer and the traffic engineer. He noted there are over 70 letters of support that have been provided to Council.
He noted that as part of their consultations, particularly with residents in the Terravista development, three re-occurring issues have come up including geotechnical, traffic and parking.
He advised that the geotechnical review took eighteen months, and included a peer review by Golder and Associates who were chosen by the City for the review. Both reports came back as having deemed the site safe for this development.
He also referred to the traffic and parking report which also underwent a secondary peer review by a neighbouring resident.
Alan Carter, Terravista Place, Port Moody, advised that he has worked with environmental assessment, remediation and restoration and wanted to comment on potential social impacts of this development noting there has not been a social impact assessment which is important. He suggested there should have been an assessment of issues related to the development’s impact on traffic, site preparation, where sediment will be removed from the site, noise impact, air quality and the proximity to the nearby school. He advised that his life will be affected. He suggested that if the city and the proponent are interested in reducing the negative effects, they should reduce the building footprint by 40%.
Wendy Swalwell, 2129 Clarke Street, Port Moody, spoke in support of the application as a resident in the area and as President of the Moody Centre Community Association. She advised that she is impressed by the proponent and their team and how thorough a job they have done. They have attended an association meeting which had a vote passed to support this project. She noted there are a lot of issues they need to deal with and they have done their homework and developed their plan which is appropriate for the site. She indicated that this development would give density which the area needs, it will be built to LEEDS standards and will have dealt with parking and traffic issues. She expressed the view that this is a very forward thinking project. She advised that the association talked about no development until transportation infrastructure is in place, however, in reality the Murray-Clarke Connector may not happen but regardless, this development will be good for the community given its high caliber.
Lana Harris, 3001 Terravista Place, Port Moody, advised she has been a resident for one year and before moving to the area, she checked the Official Community Plan and this development will be another change to that Plan. She expected the area would be rejuvenated by upgrading existing buildings. She referred to the Land Use Committee meeting on this application where there was consideration of a geotechnical survey and she thought the city was to conduct this survey and asked that that be addressed.
Robert Wiebe, 3099 Terravista Place, Port Moody, advised that he opposes this project on the basis of the impact on the environment. He indicated that travelling by public transit is getting more difficult due to rider volumes and adding 150 or 200 more individuals would make use of the infrastructure more difficult. He expressed the opinion that the city should err on the side of caution and wait for transit before allowing additional population in the area.
Jennifer Mac, 4001 Terravista Place, Port Moody, indicated that one of the reasons they chose to live here is the quiet and the greenspace in the neighbourhood. She indicated she has several issues with the development: there is a shortage in underground parking in the development plan when there is already a shortage of parking spots on Henry Street; there is also a lot of commuter parking in the residential streets so there will not be enough space for residents in the buildings to park on Henry Street and they may then use up parking spaces on Terravista Place. She expressed concern for increased vehicle congestion. She questioned whether the car share program will really work and inquired if the city has looked at studies that these programs work. She also indicated that there is only one park on Henry and William Streets now and it is a playground and expressed concern that people will tend to take their dogs to this one little park. She also expressed concern for the loss of hiking trails and green space and the displacement of wildlife. There is already a building on Williams Street which is currently vacant and new residents will move in next year and she expressed concern that this area cannot sustain all these people, their cars and families. The middle school may become even more congested with vehicles adding additional students from this development. There is also not a good sidewalk for students. School buses use Henry Street which is already congested with parking. She added that loss of green space will affect existing property values.
Mr. Cliff Van Alstyne, 201-3001 Terravista Place, Port Moody, indicated support for the remarks of first speaker regarding geotechnical studies noting that this site is swampy and boggy. He suggested the siting of the development should be back from Henry Street to have the same boulevard as Terravista, which would also reduce the development size.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT Bylaw No. 2804 be forwarded to the next Council meeting for further consideration. Voting against: Councillor Elliott
Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT Bylaw No. 2803 be forwarded to the next Council meeting for further consideration. Voting Against: Councillor Elliott
Regular Council Meeting
2. Public Input
Robert Simons, Port Moody, provided Council with an update on the Western Station Committee’s meeting with the Evergreen Line Project Office about an additional skytrain station in western Port Moody. The Project Office advised the group that there are four different stakeholder groups that are asking for additional stations along the line. He advised that the Committee focused on the opportunities for land use, densification, etc. to increase the opportunity for ridership. He also advised that the Project Office also indicated that there is an affordability issue for additional stations. He requested an opportunity to meet with the city staff who are looking at the Evergreen Line plans.
Robyn Spence, 27 Hickory Drive, Port Moody, advised he is the new owner of 27 Hickory Drive and requested a two-week extension of the proposed notice on title to provide time to submit architectural designs to the city before the city considers placing a notice on title.
Tyler Gibson, Youth Focus Committee member, Natalie Forster, Youth Focus Committee Vice-Chair, and Brent Cote, Youth Leader, were in attendance and provided Council with an update on the Committee’s 2009 activities.
They also noted that the youth lounge, which has the goal to connect with disengaged youth, is working extremely well.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council deal with receipt of the annual report this evening.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Youth Focus 2009 annual report be received for information;
AND THAT the Youth Focus Committee be asked to review the 2009 annual report and bring forward its annual work plan by February 2010.
Barry Seaton, President, Stephanie Booth, incoming President, and Suzette McFaul, Chief Executive Officer, representing the Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce, presented an update on the activities of the Chamber of Commerce. He mentioned a number of 2009 events that were well received and well attended.
Barry Sharbo, representing the Port Moody Waterfront Community Interest Group, presented information/submissions in regards to the Official Community Plan, the Murray-Clarke Connector, the Evergreen Rapid Transit Line, transit oriented development, all in relation to each other.
He advised that he represents 80% of the owners of the lots on Murray Street and advised that they feel the proposed land use in the updated Official Community Plan is not adequate for the area. He requested that Council consider new land use designations that would be compatible with transportation infrastructure and proposed a mixed use option for Murray Street.
Marion Bernie, Executive Director, and Alete Chetney, representing the Wilson Centre Seniors’ Advisory Association, provided a review of their outreach services and the number of seniors participating in their programs.
She spoke to the various programs they provide advising that City of Port Coquitlam has been providing them with in-kind support for many years. She advised that Fraser Health cut their funding, the timing of which did not allow them to apply for grants. The grants they have now submitted will not be considered for funding until March 2010.
They requested one time funding of $5,000 to bridge their financial needs. She advised that the City of Port Coquitlam has recently given one-time funding of $10,000 to continue to provide services to Port Coquitlam residents only, and that the City of Coquitlam is being asked for $15,000. She advised that there are approximately 30-40 Port Moody seniors using their services.
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT Council deal with the delegation request this evening.
Voting Against: Councillors Dilworth, Rockwell
4.2 Report of Public Hearing - November 24,2009
“City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 196, 2009, No. 2817” a bylaw to facilitate the construction of a mixed use building to permit live-work and child care uses at 300 Panorama Place.
“City of Port Moody Official Community Plan, 2000, No. 2465, Amendment Bylaw No. 29, 2009, No. 2823” a bylaw to amend the land use designation and residential density definitions for the subject properties.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Report of the Public Hearing on Bylaw Nos. 2817 and 2823 held Tuesday, November 24, 2009 be received.
4.3 Fees Bylaw Amendment
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2824 be now read a first time.
Voting against: Councillor Clay
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the recommendations from the Committee of the Whole be endorsed as follows:
THAT Bylaw 2824, the Fees Bylaw, be amended;
by changing the fee for search of city records in sections 1, 2, 7 and 34 to read $95.00 for first hour and $23.75 for each additional 15 minutes or portion thereof”;
by changing the fee for electronic media in section 1 to read ‘actual cost or minimum of $20.00’”;
by changing the fee for tender documents in section 1 to read ‘actual cost or minimum of $30.00’”;
by adding the words ‘hourly’ or ‘daily’ in the sections headed ‘Arena – Ice Rentals’ and ‘Arena & Curling Rink – Dry Floor Rentals’ for those rates that are charged on an hourly or daily rate basis”;
THAT Bylaw 2824 as amended by the Committee of the Whole be referred to the next regular meeting of Council for first, second and third reading;
THAT Bylaw 2824 be adopted at an extraordinary meeting of Council on December 10, 2009 with implementation effective January 1, 2010;
AND THAT the fees and charges bylaw be referred to Finance Committee to perform a comprehensive review
of the Fees Bylaw and make recommendations for Council’s consideration before June 30, 2010.
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT Bylaw No. 2824 be now read a second time as amended.
Voting Against: Councillors Clay, Dilworth, Rockwell
Mayor Trasolini requested the Finance Division to provide a report on the repercussions related to the fees bylaw to the next Finance Committee.
“City of Port Moody Official Community Plan, 2000, Bylaw No. 2465, Amendment Bylaw No. 28, 2009, No. 2804” a bylaw to amend the height provision currently of the Official Community Plan for the development site.
Moved, seconded
THAT Bylaw No. 2804 be now read a third time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Official Community Plan 2000, Bylaw No. 2465, Amendment Bylaw No. 28, 2009, Bylaw No. 2804 be amended as follows:
By deleting Section (3) of Bylaw No. 2804 as follows:
“(3) By deleting the following sentences within Housing Policy 5 on pages 102 and 103,
Neighbourhood Plan Areas – Chapter 12:
The maximum density of multi-family developments in areas designated for multifamily residential and commercial uses generally will range between 30 and 80 units per acre, with a maximum building height of three storeys. As well, a fourth storey may be considered on the north side of St. Johns Street where a proposed project exhibits an exceptional architectural design, maintains view corridors and steps back upper storeys.
and replacing it with the following:
The maximum density of multi-family developments in areas designated for multifamily residential and commercial uses generally will range between 30 and 80 units per acre, with a maximum building height of three storeys. As well, a fourth storey may be considered on the north side of St. Johns Street, located at 2718-2732 St. Johns Street and 2713-2725 Clarke Street where a fifth storey may be considered, and for property at Lots 17-20 in the 3000 block of Henry Street a maximum building height of eleven storeys may also be considered, where a proposed project exhibits an exceptional architectural design, maintains view corridors and steps back upper storeys.”
“(3) By deleting the following sentences within Housing Policy 5 of the Official Community Plan, Neighbourhood Plan Areas – Chapter 12:
The maximum density of multi-family developments in areas designated for multifamily residential and commercial uses generally will range between 30 and 80 units per acre, with a maximum building height of three storeys. As well, a fourth storey may be considered on the north side of St. Johns Street, located at 2718-2732 St. Johns Street and 2713-2725 Clarke Street where a fifth storey may be considered, where a proposed project exhibits an exceptional architectural design, maintains view corridors and steps back upper storeys.
and replacing it with the following:
The maximum density of multi-family developments in areas designated for multifamily residential and commercial uses generally will range between 30 and 80 units per acre, with a maximum building height of three storeys. As well, a fourth storey may be considered on the north side of St. Johns Street, located at 2718-2732 St. Johns Street and 2713-2725 Clarke Street where a fifth storey may be considered, and for property at Lots 17-20 in the 3000 block of Henry Street a maximum building height of eleven storeys may also be considered, where a proposed project exhibits an exceptional architectural design, maintains view corridors and steps back upper storeys.”
The question on third reading, as amended, was put and
Voting against: Mayor Trasolini, Councillor Elliott, Rockwell
4.4 (b)
“City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 194, 2009, No. 2803” a bylaw to rezone the subject property from Acreage Reserve (A1) to Comprehensive Development (CD) Zone 53.
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT Bylaw No. 2803 be now read a third time.
Voting against: Mayor Trasolini, Councillors Elliott, Rockwell
4.5 Notice against title, 27 Hickory Drive
Opportunity for those affected to make representations to Council.
Mr. Robyn Spence gave his personal guarantee to resolve this issue in the next two weeks by submitting appropriate plans. If required he would remove the deck.
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT the property at 27 Hickory Drive is in contravention of the City’s Building and Plumbing Code Administrative Bylaw No. 2577;
THAT in accordance with the provisions of Section 57 of the Community Charter, the City Clerk file a Notice in the Land Title Office, New Westminster, BC with respect to the aforementioned property stating: Parcel Identifier: 026-514-087 Strata Lot 2, Section 16, Township 39, NWD, Strata Plan BCS1635.
“No person shall occupy or permit the occupancy or use of any building or any part thereof in absence of a permit required by this bylaw and contrary to the terms of any permit, notice or certificate given by the building official,”;
AND THAT Council has passed a resolution relating to the subject property further information respecting it may be obtained at the offices of the Municipality.
Voting against: Mayor Trasolini, and Councillors Dilworth, Elliott, Nuttall, Rockwell
Moved, seconded:
THAT the following be added to the Council Committee System Policy 1-0360-1 under Clause 2.1:
The vice chair of the committee is not obligated to attend meetings and is not counted in determining if a quorum is present,
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding “except in cases where the vice-chair is present and can contribute to establishing quorum”.
Voting against: Councillor Dilworth
The main motion as amended was put and CARRIED
Voting against: Councillors Clay and Dilworth
5.1 Port Moody Heritage Society
Delegation request from November 24, 2009 Regular Council:
THAT Council keep the financial situation of the Heritage Society in mind and encourage other levels of government to at least restore heritage funding to 2008 levels.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Mayor write a letter to the appropriate minister, both provincially and federally, with respect to heritage funding for communities.
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT staff be directed to fund, purchase and install equipment to provide free public wireless Internet access at Kyle Center.
Voting against: Councillors Clay, Dilworth, Elliott, Nuttall, Rockwell
6.2 Murray Clarke Connector and related traffic issues update
Mayor Trasolini reviewed a chronology of promises and plans for the Murray-Clarke Connector. He suggested there is a need to explore options to address traffic issues in the absence of the Connector.
Counc. Rockwell left meeting at 9:01 p.m. and returned at 9:03 p.m.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the traffic issues related to the absence of the Murray-Clarke Connector project be referred to the Transportation Committee to make recommendations to Council.
6.3 2010 Capital Project Pre-approvals
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following 2010 capital projects be preapproved for budget year 2010:
• Rocky Point Pool Showers;
• Rocky Point Pool Structural Repair, Deck Recoat, Hot Water Tank;
• Civic Centre Paving Stones;
• Westhill Pool Filter Room Doors;
• Kyle Centre Flooring Replacement;
• Dredging of Rocky Boat Launch & Pier Improvements;
• Replace OP12 2000 Freightliner Dump Truck;
• Replace OP23 2002 Ford 1 Ton Dump Truck;
• Works Yard Furnace Replacement;
• Sanitary 600mm Trunk Forcemain P3 (Ioco Road to Coquitlam border);
• Radio Repeater & Portable Radio Replacements;
• Integrated Storm Water Management Plan; and
• John Deere Tractor PK 46.
6.4 Appointments of Acting mayor for 2010
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following Councillors be appointed First and Second Acting Mayors for the periods indicated below,
AND THAT in the event neither the First Acting Mayor nor the Second Acting Mayor is available to attend an official function, Council be canvassed and the first Councillor to commit to attend, represent Mayor and Council at the function.
Month |
First Acting |
Second Acting |
January |
Clay |
Lahti |
February |
Clay |
Lahit |
March |
Dilworth |
Nuttall |
April |
Dilworth |
Nuttall |
May |
Lahti |
Rockwell |
June |
Lahti |
Clay |
July |
Rockwell |
Dilworth |
August |
Nuttall |
Dilworth |
September |
Elliott |
Rockwell |
October |
Rockwell |
Elliott |
November |
Nuttall |
Elliott |
December |
Elliott |
Clay |
6.5 Mayor's appointments of council members to 2010 standing and statuatory committees
Finance Committee (Standing)
• Chair - Nuttall
• Vice – Lahti
Land Use (Standing)
• Chair – Lahti
• Vice – Clay
Heritage Commission (Statutory)
• Chair – Dilworth
• Vice – Nuttall
6.6 Council apppointments to select, statuatory, regional and local committess
Select Committees:
Arts & Culture Committee:
• Chair – Nuttall
• Vice – Dilworth
Community Care Committee
• Chair – Elliott
• Vice – Rockwell
Economic Development Committee
• Chair – Dilworth
• Vice – Nuttall
Environmental Protection Committee
• Chair – Lahti
• Vice - Elliott
Library Building Committee
• Representative – Elliott
• Representative – Dilworth
Transportation Committee
• Chair – Clay
• Vice – Rockwell
Youth Focus Committee
• Representative – Clay
• Alternate – Lahti
Statutory Committees:
Emergency Measures Committee
• Chair – Trasolini
• Alternate – Elliott
Joint Family Court & Youth Justice Committee
• Representative – Rockwell
Library Board
• Representative – Elliott
Parks & Recreation Commission
• Chair – Rockwell
• Vice – Lahti
Regional and Local Committees:
Arts Centre Society
• Representative – Nuttall
• Representative – Nuttall
Fraser Health/Municipal Government Advisory Council
• Representative – Elliott
Golden Spike Days
• Representative – Rockwell
Homes for Good Society
• Representative – Clay
North East Sector Environmental Stewardship
• Representative – Lahti
School District 43/City of Port Moody Liaison Committee
• Representative – Rockwell
Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce
• Representative – Dilworth
Tri-Cities Homelessness Task Group
• Representative – Elliott
Tri-Cities Solutions by Design
• Representative – Elliott
6.7 Mayor's appointments of community members to 2010 standing and statuatory committees
Heritage Commission (Statutory Committee)
Margot Knight
David Ritcey
Ron Simpson
Clifford Van Elstyne
Jennifer Voss
Dave Zille
Land Use Committee (Standing Committee)
Helen Brown
Joanne Gauci
Laba Guebezai
Steven Kurrein
Darryl Tolentino
Dave Whelan
6.8 Community appointments to select, statuatory, regional and local commmittees
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following community members be appointed to committees, for a term of one year, except where specified:
Statutory Committees:
Board of Variance - 3 year term
Devrin Froese
Martina Tolentino
Joint Family Court & Youth Justice Committee-2 year term
Debby Knoke
Library Board
Peter Belanger
Barry Fleming
Kathryn Fraser
Errin Morrison
Parks & Recreation Commission
John Callaghan
Massimo Cerantola
Sharon Dixon
Nicki Forster
Denis Heinrichs
David Hilderley
Ann Hulbert
Select Committees:
Arts & Culture Committee
David Bizzo
Helen Daniels
Mark Hamilton
Susan Ius
Ann Kitching
Marianne LaRochelle
Rosario Passos
Nick Sartore
Amanda Semenoff
David Spence
Shannon Watkins
Community Care Committee
Laurel Allen
Bev Bakka
Brian Bishop
Marie Brymer
Laurel Cowan
Ian Macdonald
Debbie Richardson
Jennifer Sing
Economic Development Committee
Jamie Cuthbert
Sol Friedman
Paul Hagan
Munu Hicken-Gaberria
Shahid Hussain
Salim Janmohamed
Glen MacRae
Michael Reed
Robert Simons
Rosemary Small
Environmental Protection Committee
Melissa Chaun
Tracy Earle
Brandon Elliott
Jay Kwon Kim
Fatima Marankan
Karen Muttersbach
Lesley Evans Ogden
Azzeddine Oudjehane
Jo-Anne Parneta
Ajay Shah
Constance Smith
Transportation Committee
Thomas Chhun
Gord Couling
Rick Glumac
Rosemary Kean
Lalita Kuehn
Amanda Perka
Wayne Petrie
John Seinen
Robert Starcevich
Louis Sun
Youth Focus Committee
Erica Chae
Natalie Forster
Selin Jessa
Jason Kim
Devon Koerber
Sukwan Lee
Michael Shin
Ian Swanson
Shane Virani
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Mayor Giuseppe Trasolini be appointed Director on the Greater Vancouver Regional District Board;
AND THAT Councillor Mike Clay be appointed alternate.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Councillor Karen Rockwell be appointed Director on the Greater Vancouver Regional District Labour Relations Bureau;
AND THAT Councillor Gerry Nuttall be appointed alternate.
6.11 Council appointments to Municipal Insurance Association
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the appointments to the Municipal Insurance Association be as follows:
Voting Delegate – Councillor Gerry Nuttall
1st Alternate – Councillor Mike Clay
2nd Alternate – Councillor Diana Dilworth
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the appointments to the Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee be as follows:
Council Representative – Councillor Gerry Nuttall
Alternate Council Representative – Councillor Bob Elliott
6.13 Alternate Appointment to Translink Mayors Council
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Councillor Mike Clay be appointed as the alternate to the Mayors’ Council on Regional Transportation.
7.1 Ratifications of recommendations from committee of the whole
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of December 8, 2009 be endorsed as above.
7.2 Resolutions from finance committee
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following resolutions of the Finance Committee meeting of December 1, 2009 be approved as follows:
THAT the Budget Town Hall meeting be held on January 28, 2010.
THAT the Committee orientations take place on Thursday, January 21, 2010.
THAT $3000 be allocated out of the grants and allocations budget to the Port Moody Arts Centre Society for the Wearable Arts program.
8.1 Council verbal reports
8.2 Staff verbal reports
9.1 Release of In Camera decisions:
November 24,2009 Proposed High Tech Park Sites
THAT Council restore the committee to its work plan position prior to October 27,2009 and allow the committee to utilize graphics shown up to and including slide 9 as contained in the presentation to the in-Camera Council meeting of October 27, 2009.
December 1,2009 Recommendations from Finance Committee - Proposed Adjustments to Meet Savings Target
THAT any scheduled remuneration increase for 2010 for city council members be waived and that this decision be publicly released.
Letter: Kandahar Provincial Reconstruction Team
10 Public Input
Ron Curties, Port Moody, spoke to promote the January 1st, 2010 Penguin Plunge at Rocky Point Park to be held at 1:00 p.m.
David Spence, Port Moody, advised that the Port Moody Foundation will be at the Holiday Train to make a presentation to the Share Society. He advised that the Port Moody Commemorative Society has made an application to a grant program within Canadian Heritage and offered to provide more information on this application and the status in the event the Mayor would like to include this information in his letter on heritage funding. He thanked Council for the opportunity of serving on the Arts and Culture Committee. He also inquired about the intentions of the Mayor to name a centennial committee to plan for the City’s centennial in 2013.