Dec 14,2010 Regular Council
Committee of the Whole
Report: Heritage Commission dated November 22, 2010 File: 0360-20-09-03
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2010 Annual Report of the Heritage Commission be endorsed.
Report: Community Care Committee, dated December 6, 2010 File: 0360-20-02
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2010 Annual Report of the Community Care Committee be endorsed.
Report: Transportation Committee, dated November 8, 2010 File: 0360-20-06
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2010 Annual Report of the Transportation Committee be endorsed and the Transportation Committee be asked to review this report and bring forward its annual work plan by February 2011.
Report: Transportation Committee, dated November 26, 2010 File: 5400-20-21
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Ungless Way at Newport Drive Concept Curb Extension Improvement B be added to the City capital plan as budgets and priorities allow.
AND THAT once improvements are constructed, the intersection of Ungless Way and Newport Drive be monitored for pedestrians crossing the west leg of the intersection and signage to restrict pedestrian crossings be installed if concerns continue.
Report: Transportation Committee, dated November 29, 2010 File: 5400-20-14
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT crosswalks not be implemented on Clarke Road at Seaview Drive or Mount Royal Drive at this time as these locations currently do not meet provincial warrant criteria for a marked and signed crosswalk.
THAT the sidewalk on the west side of Clarke Road from Mount Royal Drive to Cecile Drive be implemented by staff consistent with current budget plans;
and In light of the history of vehicles leaving Clarke Road on the upper section,
THAT pavement skid resistance be tested on Clarke Road from St. Johns Street to Seaview Drive in appropriate locations as determined by staff, including immediately north of Mount Royal Drive to Cecile Drive, and the results of these tests be reported to the Transportation Committee for consideration.
THAT the drainage be reviewed on Clarke Road from St. Johns to Seaview Drive in appropriate locations as determined by staff, including immediately north of Mount Royal Drive to Cecile Drive, and the results of these tests be reported to the Transportation Committee for consideration.
Report: Transportation Committee, dated November 29, 2010 File: 5400-20
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT 30km/hr signs be posted on Prince Street in consideration of the similar speed limits on directly connecting streets and staff report back to the Transportation Committee if further concerns regarding speeding on Prince Street are received.
Report: Transportation Committee, dated December 2, 2010 File: 5460-06-11
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT in accordance with the guidelines of the Citys Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Policy, no traffic calming installation be implemented at the Harvard Drive and Princeton Avenue intersection as less than 67% neighbourhood support for any improvement option was received.
Regular Council Meeting
2. Pubic Input
Report: Youth Focus Committee, dated December 6, 2010 File: 0360-20-07
Natalie Forster and Shane Virani presented the Youth Focus Committee 2010 Annual Report.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the delegation request be dealt with this evening;
AND THAT the Youth Focus Committee annual report, dated December 6, 2010, be received and that the Youth Focus Committee be asked to review this report and bring forward its annual work plan by February 2011.
PowerPoint Presentation
Delegation Application dated September 23, 2010 File: 0490-01
Dr. Scott McAlpine, President, Douglas College addressed Council on the new five-year strategic plan and the future directions of the College in the community.
PowerPoint Presentation
Delegation Application dated December 14, 2010 File: 0620-30
Julie Pavey, Manager of Environmental Services introduced Cleone Todgham, Port Moody resident, who requested Council support for producing a Ten Year Interpretive Plan for the City. Ms Todgham outlined the projects elements, process, community engagement aspects and benefits to the city and volunteered her time to assist with this project.
File: 3900-02 / BL2850
City of Port Moody Public Safety Radio Building Amplification System Bylaw, 2010, No. 2850 a bylaw respecting internal radio communications and support systems in certain buildings.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2850 be now adopted.
File: 3900-02-1
City of Port Moody Fees Bylaw, 2010, No. 2857 a bylaw to provide fees for 2011.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2857 be now adopted.
File: BL2859 / BL2860
City of Port Moody Anti-Idling Bylaw, 2010, No. 2859 a bylaw to regulate vehicle idling in the City of Port Moody.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2859 be now adopted.
City of Port Moody Municipal Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw, 1996, No. 2298, Amendment Bylaw No. 2860a bylaw to assign responsibilities and fines relative to vehicle idling in the City of Port Moody.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2860 be now adopted.
Report: Fire and Rescue Department dated November 30, 2010 File: 7130-01
Emergency Program Bylaw No. 2866 a bylaw to develop and implement plans for emergencies and disasters in the City.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2866 be now read a first time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2866 be now read a second time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2866 be now read a third time.
Report: Development Services Planning, dated December 6, 2010 File: 6700-20-92
A bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890 to rezone 2115-2119 St. Johns Street from one family residential to multiple family residential.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2847 be now read a first time;
Moved, seconded
THAT Bylaw No. 2847 be now read a second time;
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2847 be referred back to staff for further discussion with the proponent with respect to siting of buildings along St. Johns Street, the amount of the affordable housing contribution and the general design so it is more in line with the form and character of the neighbourhood.
Report: Development Services Planning, dated December 6, 2010 File: 6700-20-77
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2853 be now read a first time;
Voting against: Councillors Clay, Lahti, Rockwell
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2853 be now read a second time;
Voting against: Councillors Clay, Lahti, Rockwell
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2853 be referred to a Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday, January 25, 2011, at City Hall, 100 Newport Drive, Port Moody.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2854 be now read a first time;
Voting against: Councillors Clay, Lahti, Rockwell
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2854 be now read a second time;
Voting against: Councillors Clay, Lahti, Rockwell
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2854 be referred to a Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday, January 25, 2011, at City Hall, 100 Newport Drive, Port Moody.
Report: Corporate Services Department Finance Division, dated December 3, 2010 File: BL2879 / 3900-02-1
A bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Fees Bylaw, 2010, No. 2857, a bylaw to add a collection cart delivery fee for 2011 and replace GST with HST.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2879 be now read a first time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2879 be now read a second time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2879 be now read a third time.
4.9 Report of November 23, 2010 Public Hearing Application for Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendment
2718- 2732 St. Johns Street
File: 0634-20
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Report of the Public Hearing on Bylaw No.s 2855 and 2856 held Tuesday, November 23, 2010 be received.
Report: Community Services dated November 25, 2010 File: 5920-20-03
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Progress Update Report on the Inlet Park Redevelopment Feasibility Study dated November 25, 2010 be received for information.
Council indicated that they expect a further report for Council consideration prior to public consultation commencing and that the public consultation information would include anticipated costs of the various options and information on funding source options.
Report: Legislative Services dated December 2, 2010 File: 0360-20-07
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Terms of Reference of the Youth Focus Committee be amended to add that there shall be no maximum number of terms a Youth Focus Committee member may serve on the Committee;
AND THAT section 1.4.2 of the Committee System Policy 1-0360-1 be amended by adding with the exception of the Youth Focus Committee which shall have no limitation on the number of terms a committee member may serve.
6.2 Council Appointments of Acting Mayor for 2011Verbal Report: Mayor Trasolini File: 0530-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following First Acting and Second Acting appointments be approved:
Month |
First Acting |
Second Acting |
January |
Lahti |
Clay |
February |
Lahti |
Clay |
March |
Rockwell |
Dilworth |
April |
Rockwell |
Nuttall |
May |
Elliott |
Dilworth |
June |
Clay |
Nuttall |
July |
Clay |
Lahti |
August |
Dilworth |
Rockwell |
September |
Elliott |
Lahti |
October |
Nuttall |
Elliott |
November |
Nuttall |
Elliott |
December |
Dilworth |
Rockwell |
6.3 Mayors Council Member Appointments to 2011 Standing and Statutory Committees
Verbal Report: Mayor Trasolini File: 0360-07
Mayor Trasolini announced the following appointments:
Finance Committee (Standing Committee)
Chair - Lahti
Vice Rockwell
Land Use (Standing Committee)
Chair Clay
Vice Nuttall
Heritage Commission (Statutory Committee)
Chair Elliott
Vice Clay
6.4 Council Member Appointments to 2011 Select, Statutory, Regional and Local Committees
Verbal Report: Mayor Trasolini File: 0360-07
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following Council member appointments to Select, Statutory, Regional and Local Committees be approved:
Select Committees:
Arts & Culture Committee
Chair Nuttall
Vice Elliott
Community Care Committee
Chair Elliott
Vice Dilworth
Economic Development Committee
Chair Clay
Vice Dilworth
Environmental Protection Committee
Chair Dilworth
Vice Lahti
Library Building Committee
Representative Lahti
Representative Rockwell
Transportation Committee
Chair Rockwell
Vice Lahti
Youth Focus Committee
Representative Lahti
Alternate Dilworth
Statutory Committees:
Emergency Measures Committee
Chair Trasolini
Alternate Elliott
Joint Family Court & Youth Justice Committee
Representative Rockwell
Library Board
Representative Lahti
Parks & Recreation Commission
Chair Nuttall
Vice Rockwell
Regional and Local Committees:
Arts Centre Society
Representative Nuttall
Representative Nuttall
Fraser Health/Municipal Government Advisory Council
Representative Elliott
Golden Spike Days
Representative Clay
Homes for Good Society
Representative Elliott
North East Sector Environmental Stewardship
Representative Dilworth
School District 43/City of Port Moody Liaison Committee
Representative Rockwell
Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce
Representative Clay
Tri-Cities Homelessness Task Group
Representative Elliott
Tri-Cities Solutions by Design
Representative Elliott
6.5 Mayors Community Member Appointments to 2011 Standing Committees and Statutory Committee
Verbal Report: Mayor Trasolini File: 0360-07
Mayor Trasolini announced the following appointments:
Finance Committee (Standing Committee)
Wayne Byhre
Jason Hulbert
Michael Price
Heritage Commission (Statutory Committee)
(1 vacancy)
Dianna Brown - Heritage Society
Eva Delanowski
Kevin Hagglund
David Ritcey
Clifford Van Alstyne
Jennifer Voss
David Zille
Land Use Committee (Standing Committee)
Rick Glumac
Steven Kurrein
Joyce Rautenberg
Ramin Seifi
Darryl Tolentino
Kiah Warren
6.6 Community Member Appointments to 2011 Select, Standing and Statutory Committees
Verbal Report: Mayor Trasolini File: 0360-07
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following community members be appointed to committees as follows for a one year term, except where specified:
Statutory Committees:
Joint Family Court & Youth Justice Committee-2 year term
Stephen Atkins
Library Board
Susan Croll
Linda Martin
Barbara Nuttall
Rosario Passos
Parks & Recreation Commission
Tianna Behr
Chris Carter
Nicki Forster
Denis Heinrichs
Neil Houston
Allen Hunt
Solon Thomas Vine
Select Committees:
Arts & Culture Committee
Vicki Allesia
Richard Dixon
Susan Ius
Ann Kitching
Mandra Lebovitz
Stirling Ward
The following organizations have appointed their representatives:
Arts Connect: Helen Daniels
Commemorative Society: Cathy Burns
Heritage Society: Andy Wickey
Port Moody Arts Centre: Gerald Moss
Community Care Committee
Bev Bakka
Marie Brymer
Laurel Cowan
Ron Curties
Lani Lardizabal
Ian Macdonald
Patrick McGrath
Debbie Richardson
Valerie Simons
Jennifer Sing
Denise Wells
Economic Development Committee
Jamie Cuthbert
Sol Friedman
Joanne Gauci
Phil Heard
Dameria Jan
Alex Kiyatkin
Glen MacRae
Danny Pero
Robert Simons
David Spence
Environmental Protection Committee (2 vacancies)
John Callaghan
Melissa Chaun
Stephen Hadden
Jutta Haunerland
Shahrzad Jannat
Fatima Marankan
Nancy Owens
Jo-Anne Parneta
Cynthia van Ginkel
Transportation Committee
Gord Couling ICBC
Brandon Elliott
Azzeddine Oudjehane
Carlos Perez
Colin Petrie
John Seinen
Robert Starcevich
Louis Sun
David Whelan
Mitch Williams
Youth Focus Committee (9 vacancies)
Natalie Forster
Tyler Gibson
Sukwan Lee
Sagar Tailor
Shane Virani
6.7 Council Appointments to Greater Vancouver Regional District Board
Verbal Report: Mayor Trasolini File: 0480-20-02
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Councillor Meghan Lahti be appointed alternate to Greater Vancouver Regional District Board.
6.8 Council Appointment to Metro Vancouver Port Cities Committee
Verbal Report: Mayor Trasolini File: 01-0480-10-069
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Councillor Mike Clay be appointed Director to the Metro Vancouver Port Cities Committee.
6.9 Council Appointments to Municipal Insurance Association
Verbal Report: Mayor Trasolini File: 0670-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the appointments to the Municipal Insurance Association be as follows:
Voting Delegate Councillor Mike Clay
1st Alternate Councillor Diana Dilworth
2nd Alternate Councillor Bob Elliott
6.10 Council Appointments to Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee (LMTAC)
Verbal Report: Mayor Trasolini File: 0375-20-09
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the appointments to the Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee be as follows:
Council Representative Councillor Gerry Nuttall
Alternate Council Representative Councillor Bob Elliott
6.11 Council Representative to Mayors Council on Regional Transportation
Verbal Report: Mayor Trasolini File: 0475-20-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Councillor Mike Clay be appointed as the alternate to the Mayors Council on Regional Transportation.
Report: Community Services, dated December 3, 2010 File: 0360-12-20
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff undertake a pilot program for worm composting as outlined in the Worm Composting Pilot Program report dated December 3, 2010.
Voting against: Councillor Clay, Nuttall
Report: Community Services dated December 3, 2010 File: 11-5280-100-01
Removed from agenda.
Report: Development Services dated December 2, 2010 File: 6700-20-56
Moved, seconded and
THAT the property owner of 2025 St. Johns Street provide written confirmation to the City by January 31, 2011 to proceed with a new public hearing with respect to Bylaw No. 2589;
AND THAT should the property owner wish to proceed with a new public hearing, third reading of Bylaw No. 2589 be returned to Council for consideration of rescinding on February 8th, 2011 and consideration of setting a new public hearing to be held on February 22, 2011 at Port Moody City Hall, 100 Newport Drive, with respect to Bylaw No. 2589 given the significant time lapse since the close of the April 13, 2004 public hearing;
AND THAT should the property owner not respond by January 31, 2011 or indicate that they do not wish to proceed with the subject application, Bylaw No. 2589 be returned to Council for consideration of abandonment in accordance with Development Approval Procedures Bylaw No. 2543.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding at the beginning thereof the words THAT staff advise the proponent of this resolution and and by adding after St. Johns Street the words be instructed to.
The motion as amended was put and CARRIED.
Report: City Manager, dated December 8, 2010 File: 5400-20-03
Moved, seconded and
THAT option #2, divert through traffic, discussed in the City Managers report dated December 8, 2010, be investigated by staff and reported back as to how that could be implemented.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
AND THAT option #4, re-assess need for the project, be endorsed with the amendment that Port Moody assist TransLink to develop a business case for the Murray- Clarke Connector.
The motion as amended was put and CARRIED.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Port Moody City Council oppose any TransLink supplemental plan that, beyond the Evergreen Line, does not include the Murray Clarke Connector project and that this resolution be forwarded to all North-East Sector municipalities with a request for support.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the notes of the Town Hall Meeting held on November 29, 2010, be received and be amended as requested by Councillor Nuttall.
6.16 2011 Council Meeting Schedule Amendment Heritage Mountain Booking
Verbal Report: City Clerk File: 0550-08
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the October 11, 2011 Council meeting be held at Heritage Mountain Community Centre, 200 Panorama Place, Port Moody.
Report: Legislative Services dated December 1, 2010
Email: Fee for Service Guide, Audited Financials and 2011 Invoice, Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce dated November 23, 2010
File: 0230-20-02 / AG207
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce Fee for Service agreement fee invoice for the 2011 year be approved for payment from the 2011 operating budget.
Report: Cultural Services, Community Services dated December 2, 2010 File: 18-7940-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT $2,500.00 from the arts work reserve be approved for funding the fabrication of four additional paddles for the Noons Creek Bridge public art project.
Joint Report: Legislative Services and Corporate Services dated December 6, 2010 File: BL2878 / 4200-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT a loan authorization bylaw for the Fire Hall #1 project be brought forward for Council consideration once the final report of the project cost consultant has been completed.
Memorandum: City Clerk, dated December 7, 2010. Copy of Accord File: 0500-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Tri-Cities Early Childhood Development Community Accord be referred to the Community Care Committee with instructions to investigate and explore options for participation that dont require financial resources.
Voting Against: Councillors Clay, Elliott, Lahti
Letter: Mayor Ernie Daykin, District of Maple Ridge, dated November 24, 2010 File: 0410-05
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT a letter be written to Minister Coleman advocating that the province take immediate action on the UBCM resolution titled Alcohol Reduction Strategy.
7.1 Committee of the Whole Meeting
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of December 14, 2010 be endorsed as follows:
Heritage Commission 2010 Annual Report
THAT the 2010 Annual Report of the Heritage Commission be endorsed.
Community Care Committee 2010 Annual Report
THAT the 2010 Annual Report of the Community Care Committee be endorsed.
Transportation Committee 2010 Annual Report
THAT the 2010 Annual Report of the Transportation Committee be endorsed and the Transportation Committee be asked to review this report and bring forward its annual work plan by February 2011.
Request for Crosswalk Newport Drive and Ungless Way Intersection
THAT the Ungless Way at Newport Drive Concept Curb Extension Improvement B be added to the City capital plan as budgets and priorities allow.
AND THAT once improvements are constructed, the intersection of Ungless Way and Newport Drive be monitored for pedestrians crossing the west leg of the intersection and signage to restrict pedestrian crossings be installed if concerns continue.
Crosswalk Warrant Study Clarke Road at Seaview Drive or Mount Royal Drive
THAT crosswalks not be implemented on Clarke Road at Seaview Drive or Mount Royal Drive at this time as these locations currently do not meet provincial warrant criteria for a marked and signed crosswalk.
THAT the sidewalk on the west side of Clarke Road from Mount Royal Drive to Cecile Drive be implemented by staff consistent with current budget plans; and
In light of the history of vehicles leaving Clarke Road on the upper section,
THAT pavement skid resistance be tested on Clarke Road from St. Johns Street to Seaview Drive in appropriate locations as determined by staff, including immediately north of Mount Royal Drive to Cecile Drive, and the results of these tests be reported to the Transportation Committee for consideration.
THAT the drainage be reviewed on Clarke Road from St. Johns to Seaview Drive in appropriate locations as determined by staff, including immediately north of Mount Royal Drive to Cecile Drive, and the results of these tests be reported to the Transportation Committee for consideration.
Prince Street Request for Traffic Calming
THAT 30km/hr signs be posted on Prince Street in consideration of the similar speed limits on directly connecting streets and staff report back to the Transportation Committee if further concerns regarding speeding on Prince Street are received.
Harvard Drive and Princeton Avenue Traffic Calming Options
THAT in accordance with the guidelines of the Citys Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Policy, no traffic calming installation be implemented at the Harvard Drive and Princeton Avenue intersection as less than 67% neighbourhood support for any improvement option was received.
Crosswalk Warrant Study Clarke Road at Seaview Drive or Mount Royal Drive
THAT crosswalks not be implemented on Clarke Road at Seaview Drive or Mount Royal Drive at this time as these locations currently do not meet provincial warrant criteria for a marked and signed crosswalk.
THAT the sidewalk on the west side of Clarke Road from Mount Royal Drive to Cecile Drive be implemented by staff consistent with current budget plans; and
In light of the history of vehicles leaving Clarke Road on the upper section,
THAT pavement skid resistance be tested on Clarke Road from St. Johns Street to Seaview Drive in appropriate locations as determined by staff, including immediately north of Mount Royal Drive to Cecile Drive, and the results of these tests be reported to the Transportation Committee for consideration.
THAT the drainage be reviewed on Clarke Road from St. Johns to Seaview Drive in appropriate locations as determined by staff, including immediately north of Mount Royal Drive to Cecile Drive, and the results of these tests be reported to the Transportation Committee for consideration.
Prince Street Request for Traffic Calming
THAT 30km/hr signs be posted on Prince Street in consideration of the similar speed limits on directly connecting streets and staff report back to the Transportation Committee if further concerns regarding speeding on Prince Street are received.
Harvard Drive and Princeton Avenue Traffic Calming Options
THAT in accordance with the guidelines of the Citys Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Policy, no traffic calming installation be implemented at the Harvard Drive and Princeton Avenue intersection as less than 67% neighbourhood support for any improvement option was received.
7.2 Approval of Decisions From Finance Committee
The City Clerk recommended that the recommendation
THAT the $1,300 increase for 2011 for Mayor and Council Salaries Regular be removed for cost savings be referred back to Finance Committee to provide staff with clarification as $1,300 was not the full amount of the proposed increase.
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT increases for 2011 for Mayor and Council Salaries Regular be removed from the budget.
Voting against: Councillor Clay, Dilworth , Elliott, Nuttall
2011 2015 Budget Review
Moved, seconded and
THAT the following resolution of the Finance Committee meeting of November 30, 2010 be approved as follows:
THAT the $3,000 increase for 2011 for Mayor and Council Conventions, Dues and Activities be removed for cost savings.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
AND THAT staff report back to Council with a breakdown of the budget for conventions, dues and activities.
The motion as amended was put and CARRIED.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following resolution of the Finance Committee meeting of December 7, 2010 be approved as follows:
Police Budget Overview
THAT the Police 2011 2015 Budget High Level Review document circulated on table replace both tables on page 3 of the related report / page 4 of the agenda.
THAT the Finance Committee recommends that the Police Board be requested to make the following adjustments to the Police Department 2011-2015 5-year Provisional Financial Plan presented to Council on October 12, 2010:
to first, meet the budget targets established by Council at the April 26th, 2010 Special Council Meeting; and then further:
reduce each year of the 2011 - 2015 budget by $57,800 to reflect the amount related to the benefit overhead adjustment not incorporated into the 2010 budget; and then
reduce each year of the 2011 2015 budget by amounts needed to incorporate cost of living estimates in line with collective bargaining strategies of the Metro Vancouver Labour Relations Bureau.
8.1 Council Verbal ReportsNotice of Motion Council Expense Reimbursement if Overexpended
File: 1800-01
Submitted as Notice of Motion by Councillor Rockwell on November 23, 2010 for consideration this evening.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council reaffirm the Council decision made May 10, 2005 when considering the Council Indemnity Task Force Report that an additional $250 per year, per elected official, be allocated in the Citys operating budget, to cover expenses of attending and representing the City at community events; budget to be managed by City staff and reimbursement to be made according to submitted receipts and expense claims, which budget has been increased annually by the Consumer Price Index and now stands at $300 per year.
AND THAT any Councillor who has exceeded the yearly amount reimburse the City.
10. Public Input
- none