Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT with respect to Item 7 “Parking Revenue”, on the Cost Leadership List requiring Council decision, formerly Item 26 on the List not requiring Council decision, staff report back with details about potential paid parking within the city and include the previous reports as well as more up to date information on the feasibility of a citywide pay parking strategy.
Pay parking may be a method of demand management, i dont see it being much of a revenue generator - we have asked to get the information back which will help make a case of moving this forward or not.Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT with respect to Item 10 “Field Advertising Program”, on the Cost Leadership List not requiring Council decision, staff report back when the investigation on field advertising is complete.5.2 2011 Transportation Committee Draft Work PlanReport: Transportation Committee dated March 16, 2011
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Brandon Elliott be named as the Chair to the Parkside Drive Neighbourhood Advisory Committee.
Regular Council Meeting
2. Public Input
Gary Holtz representing the Coquitlam School District #43 spoke in support of the Development Permit applications for modular classrooms at Mountain Meadows and Glenayre schools. He advised that if the permits are approved they will be able to start the new full day kindergarten program in September 2011. He outlined some of the sustainability features of the modular classrooms and elements that distinguish them from the other forms of temporary classrooms that havebeen used in the past. 3.1 Request for Dangerous Dog RegulationsLetter: Laurel Giassa dated February 17, 2011
Ms Giassa appeared before Council and requested Council to enact a bylaw requiring dangerous breed dogs to be muzzled in public and that this also apply to dogs crossbred with dangerous dogs. Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff report back to the next Council meeting with a report on dangerous dog licensing practices in other Metro Vancouver municipalities and include a copy of the previous report to Council on this issue.4.2 Development Permit 2011-80 for Mountain Meadows Elementary Modular Classroom, 999 Noons Creek DriveReport: Development Services – Planning dated February 22, 2011
Moved, seconded
THAT staff be authorized to issue Development Permit 2011-80 for the proposed modular classroom at Mountain Meadows Elementary subject to the required documentation, plans, permits, fees and securities having been submitted to the satisfaction of staff.
AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application.
AND THAT the Mayor write to the Minister of Education and Chair of School District No. 43 Board of Trustees to express the City’s disappointment that modular classrooms on permanent foundations arebeing used to resolve overcrowding while several school buildings are vacant.
Separation of the motion was requested.
The question on the first paragraph of the motion was put and CARRIED.
The question on the second paragraph of the motion was put and CARRIED.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the third paragraph of the foregoing motion be amended by adding after the words “while several school buildings are vacant” the words “having recently been closed and deemed unnecessary to serve the population”.
Voting against: Councillor Nuttall
The question on the third paragraph of the motion as amended was put and CARRIED.
Voting against: Councillor Nuttall
4.3 Development Permit 2011-79 for Glenayre Elementary School Modular Classrooms, 495 Glencoe Drive
Report: Development Services – Planning dated February22, 2011
Moved, seconded and
THAT staff be authorized to issue Development Permit 2011-79 for three proposed modular classrooms on permanent foundations at Glenayre Elementary School subject to the required documentation, plans, permits, fees and securities having been submitted to the satisfaction of staff.
AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application.
AND THAT the Mayor write to the Minister of Education and Chair of School District No. 43 Board of Trustees to express the City’s disappointment that modular classrooms on permanent foundations are being used to resolve overcrowding while several school buildings are vacant.
Separation of the motion was requested.
The question on the first paragraph of the motion was put
The question on the second paragraph of the motion was put and CARRIED.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the third paragraph of the foregoing motion be amended by adding after the words “while several school buildings are vacant” the words “having recently been closed and deemed unnecessary to serve the population”.
Voting against: Councillor Nuttall
The question on the third paragraph of the motion as amended was put and CARRIED.
Voting against: Councillor Nuttall
4.4 “The Station” Development at 2718-2732 St. Johns Street – Issuance of Development Permit No. 2011-75
Report: Development Services – Planning dated March 14,2011
File: 3060-20-75
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be authorized to issue Development Permit No. 2011-75 subject to the required documentation, final plans, fees and securities having been submitted to the satisfaction of staff;
AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of Development Permit No. 2011-75.
Voting against: Councillor Elliott
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff work with the developer to increase the size and possibility decrease the number of parking stalls in this development and report back to Council.
Voting against: Councillor Elliott
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the parking requirements for developments related to size of parking stalls as required in the zoning bylaw be reported back to Council with a review of the size of parking spaces contained in the zoning bylaw.
4.5 Renewal of Temporary Use Permit 2010-01 for 2021 St. Johns Street
Report: Development Services – Planning dated March 11,2011
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the renewal of Temporary Use Permit Application No. 2010-01 for the seasonal sale of bedding plants (from May 1 to September 1, 2011) and Christmas trees (from November 15 to December 24, 2011) at 2021 St. Johns Street be approved.
5.1 Tri-Cities Early Childhood Development Community Accord
Verbal Report: Acting Mayor K.D. Rockwell
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Port Moody Council endorse the Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee (LMTAC) discussion paper and write to the Provincial Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation (MARR) and the Federal Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC)expressing Port Moody’s support of LMTAC’s draft discussion paper and local government issues and interests on the First Nations Commercial and Industrial Development Act (FNCIDA) and the First Nations Certainty of Land Title Act (FNCLTA). 6.2 Rick Hansen 25th Anniversary RelayReport: Community Services dated March 14, 2011
Moved, seconded and
THAT staff be authorized to liaise with the Regional Route coordinator of the Rick Hansen 25thAnniversary Relay and to find a community group partner that would be interested in helping host the national relay event through Port Moody on May 17, 2012.
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT this matter be referred to Community Care Committee for report back to Council.
Voting against: Acting Mayor Rockwell, Councillors Dilworth, Elliott, Lahti
The question on the motion was put and CARRIED.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT April be proclaimed Daffodil Month and April 27thbe proclaimed Daffodil Day.6.5 Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Month - AprilLetter: British Columbia Society for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse dated February 18, 2011
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT April be proclaimed Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Month.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT April 23, 2011 be proclaimed World Earth Day.
6.7 Earth Hour – March 26, 2011, 8:30 P.M.
Verbal Report: Manager of Cultural Services on behalf ofthe Port Moody Green Team
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
That the verbal report of the Manager of Cultural Services with respect to Earth Hour, March 26, 2011 at 8:30 p.m. be received.
7.1 Committee of the Whole Meeting
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of March 22, 2011 be endorsed.
7.2 Approval of Decisions From Finance Committee
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the resolutions of the Finance Committee meeting of March 15, 2011 be approved as follows:
Review 5-Year Operating Plan
THAT staff bring back proposals that would enable the city taxation increase to be lowered to the 2010 rate of 3.25%.
Review 5-Year Capital Plan
THAT the “Council Desk Upgrade for Laptops” project for $60,000 be removed from the 2011 Capital Plan.
THAT the “New Asset – Trail Development” project for Chineside Park for $50,000 be removed from the 2011 Capital Plan.
THAT staff report back on the wooden staircases in Chineside Park and advise if they are authorized structures.
THAT staff remove the carpet in the Civic Centre reception area and reduce the amount accordingly in the “Civic Centre Furniture/ Carpet Replacement – Reception Area” capital project in the 2011 Capital Plan.
THAT the 2011 – 2015 5-year Capital Plan be approved as revised.
Response From Budget Town Hall Meeting
THAT staff consider suggestions provided by public from Budget Town Hall Meeting and related online survey for incorporation into their proposal to lower the city taxation rate increase.
9.1 Release of In-Camera Item
The following resolution was released from the March 8, 2011 In-Camera Council meeting:
Bylaw Enforcement – Heat Pump Noise
THAT staff be directed to bring back a bylaw amendment outlining guidelines for placement of heat pumps – noise guidelines for day and night.
The following resolution was released from the February 22, 2011 In-Camera Council meeting:
Ailsa Watermain Replacement – Award of Tender
THAT the Ailsa Avenue Watermain Renewal project be awarded to the low bidder, Targa Contracting Ltd., without theoptional roadwork.
10. Public Input
Brent Hilpert, Port Moody, inquired whether the impacts of a potential earthquake as occurred in Japan recently had been taken into consideration as part of the decision to replace Fire Hall #1 on the current site.
Shane Kennedy, Port Moody, commenting on item 6.1, questioned whether there are any First Nations bands claiming land in Port Moody. He also inquired whether Port Moody has an inventory of medical marijuana grow operations in the city