Mar 15,2011 Finance Committee
4.1 5 year operating plan review
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Staff bring back proposals that would enable the city taxation increase to be lowered to the 2010 rate of 3.25%.
Voting Against: Councillor Dilworth, Councillor Rockwell, Councillor Lahti and Councillor Elliott
4.2 5 year capital plan
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the "Council Desk Upgrade for Laptops" project for $60,000 be removed from the 2011 Capital Plan.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the "NEW ASSETT - Trail Development" project for Chineside Park for $50,000 be removed from the 2011 Capital Plan.
Voting against: Councillor Elliott, Councilor Rockwell, Mayor Trasolini and Councillor Lahti
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT Staff be authorized to remove any substandard staircases, close the unauthorized trails and post related signage for public information in the Chineside Park area.
Voting against: Councillor Lahti, Councillor Elliott, Councilor Rockwell, Councillor Nuttall and Councillor Clay
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Staff report back on the wooden staircases in Chineside Park and advise if they are authorized structures.
Staff were asked to bring back information on what minimal mitigation and signage would be needed as per risk management to offset liability; as well as which trails are on the City's trail inventory.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Staff remove the carpet in the Civic Centre reception area and reduce the amount accordingly in the "Civic Centre Furniture/ Carpet Replacement Reception Area" capital project in the 2011 Capital Plan.
Voting against: Councillor Lahti
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2011- 2015 5-year Capital Plan be approved as revised.
5.1 Response from budget town hall meeting
Moved, seconded CARRIED
THAT Staff consider suggestions provided by public from Budget Town Hall Meeting and related online survey for incorporation into their proposal to lower the city taxation rate increase.
The Committee suggested that in planning for the 2012 Budget Town Hall Meeting, that some sort of workshop or shirt sleeve session with the public prior to the meeting be considered.
5.2 2011 New Position Requests
Deferred to next meeting
6.1 2010 Capital and Operating Carry Forwards
6.2 2010 Operating Draft Results (actuals)
6.3 Murray Street Overpass Damage Claim
6.4 Responses to questions from Mar 1,2011 Finance Meeting
6.5 2011-2015 Police New Position Clarifications