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Apr 12,2011 Regular Council

Committee of the Whole
Agenda               Minutes
Report: Community Care Committee dated March 25, 2011 / File: 0360-20-02
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2011 Community Care Committee work plan as presented in the Community Care Committee report dated March 25, 2011 be approved.
Report: Port Moody Heritage Commission dated March 30, 2011 / File: 0360-20-09
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2011 Heritage Commission Work Plan and Budget be endorsed.
Report: Economic Development Committee dated April 8, 2011 / File: 0360-20-03
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2011 Work Plan of the Economic Development Committee be approved.
Regular Council Meeting
Agenda             Minutes
2. Public Input

Kristen Deratini, Westhill Place, Port Moody, spoke in regard to breed specific bylaws for so called dangerous dogs. She referenced recent statistics noting the low bite rates for Pitt Bulls between 1990 and 2007. She also referenced a recent Simon Fraser University report which cited irresponsible ownership, not breeds, as the cause of most aggressive dog issues and that breed specific bylaws Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, April 12, 2011 are ineffective. She also reported that she considered the  requirement to muzzle specific breeds discriminatory and advised of the success that the City of Calgary has seen with its bylaws, reducing the dog bite rate in their city by 70% while the population has doubled in size.
Arlene Lambert, Coquitlam, spoke against the idea of breed specific bylaws for dogs. As an owner of Pitt Bulls, she encouraged Council to focus on Canadian statistics related to the breed and recommended that they consider research from Bill Bruce and legislation in Calgary as a good reference on the issue. She also suggested that dog related bylaws such as Calgary’s may produce an income stream for the City.
Katherine Vreugde, Cardiff Way, Port Moody spoke against breed specific bylaws and suggested that if a muzzle bylaw was enacted, it may provide a false sense of security that un-muzzled animals are safe. She added that she would like to raise her future children in an environment that doesn’t discriminate against specific dog breeds.
Jessica Kantola, Noons Creek Drive, Port Moody spoke against breed specific bylaws noting that she would like to see all breeds muzzled if the city moves to muzzling certain breeds and that she believes discriminating against a breed of dog is similar to discriminating against race in humans.
Jessica Porter, Brew Street, Port Moody spoke against muzzling so called dangerous breeds of dogs. She advised that she considers muzzling, instead of addressing behavior, dangerous and would like to see dogs dealt with on an individual basis after aggressive behavior is determined. She is concerned that muzzling will induce fear in children and the community. She also noted she see dogs off leash on a regular basis and feels if the city’s current dog bylaws were more regularly enforced it would provide a greater sense of security. Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, April 12, 2011
3. General Matters
The Mayor acknowledged former Mayor and Freedom of the City recipient David Driscoll who  was in the audience.
3.1 Diversion Rate Update

Staff Presentation: Brigitte Pronovost, Supervisor of Solid Waste and Common Services
File: 5360-13
Brigitte Pronovost, Supervisor of Solid Waste and  Common Services presented a short film featuring  Port Moody’s recycling program from the early  1990’s, when curbside collection of recycling and  yard cuttings was first introduced in the City.
Ms. Pronovost reported that the City of Port Moody has now reached a solid waste diversion rate of 72%, far surpassing the Metro Vancouver goal of 70% diversion by 2015.

3.2 Crossroads Hospice Society PowerPoint Presentation
Delegation Application dated February 9, 2011
File: 0230-01

Barb Henham, Executive Director and Jill Cook, Board Director thanked Council for their support for the Labyrinth Healing Garden and requested their participation in the Annual Hike for Hospice event.

3.3 12th Annual ArtsConnect Art Walk PowerPoint Presentation
Delegation Application dated March 15, 2011
File: 0230-01
Helen Daniels and Marianne LaRochelle presented information about ArtsConnect’s 12th Annual Art  Walk taking place April 16 and 17, 2011.
4.3 Report of Public Hearing – Heritage Revitalization Agreement Bylaw; and Zoning Bylaw Amendment – 2115-2119 St Johns Street
File: 0634-20

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Report of the Public Hearing on Bylaw  No.’s 2834 and 2847 held Tuesday, March 8, 2011 be  received.

5.1 Dangerous Dog Licensing Practices
Report: Development Services – Building Bylaws and
Licensing dated March 28, 2011
Emails submitted to Council
File: 09-3900
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council receive the March 28, 2011 Development Services report for information.

6.1 Village of Belcarra Referral – Draft Official Community Plan
Report: Development Services dated March 30, 2011
File: 0460-10
Moved and seconded
THAT Council receive the proposed Village of Belcarra Official Community Plan for information and direct staff to forward related comments contained in the March 30, 2011 Development Services report, and any additional comments, to
Village Council.
AND THAT Port Moody’s continued concern with traffic volumes on Ioco Road be communicated to the Village of Belcarra.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the preceding motion be amended by adding an additional paragraph to read,
“AND THAT Port Moody’s concern about any increase in density or deviation from the rural land use designation in the Regional District Plan be communicated to the Village of Belcarra.”
The question on the preceding motion as amended was put and CARRIED, with the final wording as follows:
THAT Council receive the proposed Village of Belcarra Official Community Plan for information and direct staff to forward related comments contained in the March 30, 2011 Development Services report, and any additional comments, to
Village Council.
AND THAT Port Moody’s continued concern with traffic volumes on Ioco Road be communicated to the Village of Belcarra.
AND THAT Port Moody’s concern about any increase in density or deviation from the rural land use designation in the Regional District Plan be communicated to the Village of Belcarra.
6.2 Application for a Development Permit for a Duplex at 1534 Ioco Road
Report: Development Services -Planning dated April 3, 2011
File: 3060-20-81
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be authorized to issue Development Permit No. 2011-81 subject to the required documentation, final plans, fees and securities having been submitted to the satisfaction of staff;
AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of Development Permit No. 2011-81.

6.3 Smoking Regulations
Report: Development Services – Building, Bylaws & Licensing
dated April 4, 2011
File: 09-3900-90
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following resolution be submitted to the 2011 UBCM Convention:
WHEREAS Fraser Health and other BC regional health authorities recommend that municipalities enforce smoke-free zones of 7.5 meters around entrances, windows and openings of public buildings and patios while the BC Ministry of Health, which regional health authorities report to, requires that smokefree zones of 3 meters be created in accordance with the BC Tobacco Control Act, Ministry print materials and sample signs offered to merchants;
AND WHEREAS this inconsistency between the size of smokefree zone set by regional and provincial health authorities results in conflicting local and provincial legislation, contradictory signage on buildings and confusing rules for merchants, smokers, non-smokers and municipal bylaw enforcement officers;
THAT regional health authorities and the Ministry of Health agree on and establish a single standard smoke-free zone around entrances, windows and openings of public buildings.
6.4 Proclamation Request – Earth Day, April 22, 2011
Memo: City Clerk dated March 24, 2011
File: 0630-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Friday, April 22, 2011 be proclaimed Earth Day.

7.1 Committee of the Whole Meeting
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of April 12, 2011 be endorsed as follows:
THAT the 2011 Community Care Committee work plan as presented in the Community Care Committee report dated March 25, 2011 be approved.
THAT the 2011 Heritage Commission Work Plan and Budget be endorsed.
THAT the 2011 Work Plan of the Economic Development Committee be approved.

7.2 Approval of Decisions From Finance Committee
Finance Committee meeting of April 5, 2011
Review 5-Year Operating Plan
File: 0360-20-05

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the resolutions of the Finance Committee meeting of April 5, 2011 be approved as follows:
THAT the proposed $5,000 increase to the Inlet Theatre Net Revenues, item 1 from the Proposed 2011 Budget Adjustments document, be endorsed and applied to the 2011 Operating Financial Plan.
THAT the Curling to Skating Net Fees item be referred to staff for consultation with affected user groups and extrapolation of additional revenue if user- pay rates were enacted.
THAT the proposed cost decrease of $10,000 to Garage Maintenance, item 4 from the Proposed 2011 Budget Adjustments document, be endorsed and applied to the 2011 Operating Financial Plan.
THAT a $40,000 reduction in supplemental funding from taxation to fund the MRN General Rehabilitation Reserve Transfer, item 5 from the Proposed 2011 Budget Adjustments document, be endorsed and  applied to the 2011 Operating Financial Plan in order to allow for street lamp replacement on St. Johns Street in 2011 and the MRN Reserve be adjusted to accommodate the change.

THAT the proposed $10,000 increase to the tax penalties revenue, item 7 from the Proposed 2011 Budget Adjustments document, be endorsed and applied to the 2011 Operating Financial Plan.
THAT the proposed $5,000 increase to the tax interest revenue, item 8 from the Proposed 2011 Budget Adjustments document, be endorsed and applied to the 2011 Operating Financial Plan.
THAT the proposed $15,000 increase to the 2011 grant-in-lieu from the Burrard Thermal GIL, item 9 from the Proposed 2011 Budget Adjustments document, be endorsed and applied to the 2011 Operating Financial Plan.
THAT the proposed $5,000 operational reduction related to the elimination of the Trails Capital Project budget, item 10 from the Proposed 2011 Budget Adjustments document, be endorsed and applied to the 2011 Operating Financial Plan.
THAT the $4,428 reduction in Real Growth – Tax Revenue, item 11 from the Proposed 2011 Budget Adjustments document, be applied to the 2011 Operating Financial Plan.
THAT the traffic fine revenue sharing budget from the Strategic  Community Investment Fund be increased to $519,322 from the current budget of $510,000, which would reduce the amount of funding required by the Police Board from the City.
THAT the Fire Administrative Assistant position request be approved.
THAT direction be given to staff to find a funding source for the onetime $5,000 cost for the Fire Administrative Assistant position.
THAT the Library Shelver position request be approved.
THAT the Parks Auxiliary Grounds Maintenance cost centre be increased by $8,000 for 2011 and that the line item be revisited in the 2012 budget process.
Voting Against: Councillor Nuttall
Finance Committee meeting of April 7, 2011
Committee recommendations not circulated. To be dealt with as
the Financial Plan and Tax Rate Bylaw readings on April 26, 2011.

10. Public Input
David Spence, Henry Street, Port Moody, commended Council for taking the risk to allow the Blue Trees art installation and doing something significant in the arts.
Rebecca Breder, Port Moody, specializing in animal law, commended the City for reviewing its animal control bylaws in
relation to muzzling specific breeds. While not providing legaladvice, Ms. Breder expressed her concern that there is no provision in the animal control bylaw to allow for an appeal process once an animal has received a dangerous dog designation. She also noted that she felt there were inconsistencies in the bylaw that could be reviewed.
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