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Dec 6,2011 Inaugural Council

Inaugural / Regular Council Meeting
Agenda              Minutes
3. Presentations to Outgoing Councillors
Mayor Clay presented gifts of appreciation to former Mayor Giuseppe Trasolini and former Councillor Karen Rockwell. Former Councillor Meghan Lahti, although not present, was acknowledged for her contribution to the City.

Mayor Clay also announced Council’s decision that the name Trasolini is added to the list of street and park names in the City of Port Moody and that Town Centre Field will be renamed Trasolini Field.

Verbal Report: Mayor Clay
File: 0550-06
Mayor Clay delivered his Inaugural address.
Letter: Greater Vancouver Regional District dated November 3, 2011
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay
File: 0480-20-02
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Mayor Mike Clay be appointed Director on the Greater Vancouver Regional District Board;
AND THAT Councillor Gerry Nuttall be appointed alternate.
Letter: Greater Vancouver Regional District dated November 28, 2011
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay
File: 0480-20-33
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Councillor Gerry Nuttall be appointed Director on the Greater Vancouver Regional District Labour Relations Bureau;

AND THAT Councillor Bob Elliott be appointed alternate.

7. Council Appointments to Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay
File: 0375-20-09
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the appointments to the Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee be as follows:
Council Representative Councillor Gerry Nuttall
Alternate Council Representative Councillor Bob Elliott
8. Appointment of Signing Officers
Verbal Report: Director of Corporate Services
File: 1940-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT effective December 6, 2011, the Signing Officers Resolution, approved on December 2, 2008, be rescinded;
AND THAT the Signing Officers for all the City Bank Accounts be Mayor Clay or, in the absence of the Mayor, the Chair of the Finance Committee; or M.A. Roberts, Manager of Financial Services; or Gorana Cabral, Finance Supervisor;
AND P.M. Rockwood, Director of Corporate Services; or R. Anderson, Budget Advisor.
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