Feb 7,2012 Finance Committee
Staff presented the budget consultation posters, questionnaires, unaddressed ad mail, and the poster board displays to be placed at the City Hall Galleria, Recreation Centre, and Kyle Centre ten days prior to the Budget Town Hall Meeting.
Councillor Nuttall noted that on the poster under the 2012 Town Hall Section, the line should read “Hear about our budget process first hand and have your say.” [italics only added to highlight change]
The Committee noted that the poster board displays are too text heavy, and should be broken up with large graphics.
The Committee also noted that the poster board displays should not contain information on the 2011 budget, but should present information on average cost per household, preferably with charts or graphs.
The Committee noted that the comments should be focused on informing residents of the cost of services provided.
Councillor Dilworth noted that the Port Moody logo and branding is not sufficiently prominent and that the colours may confuse Coquitlam residents.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2012 Budget Town Hall meeting be held on February 29, 2012.
Mayor Clay noted that questions three and four on the questionnaire should be re-worded to ask residents about what services should be increase and decreased, rather than what services they are willing to pay more or less for.
Mayor Clay noted that the question on subsidies also require re-wording.
Councillor Dilworth noted that the private services listed under question 2 are not private services and should be changed.
Councillor Nuttall noted that question five should not include any examples and should be worded with more neutrality.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Budget Consultation Promotional Material be adopted in principle with the understanding that significant changes will be made as discussed.
Staff presented a sample PlaceSpeak website for Budget Consultation, noting that the program will be free to use and can authenticate that respondents are Port Moody residents.
The Committee discussed the use of PlaceSpeak.
Moved, seconded, and DEFEATED
THAT the PlaceSpeak approach to online engagement (survey and discussion forum) be adopted.
Voting against: Mayor Mike Clay, Councillor Gerry Nuttall, Councillor Diana Dilworth, Councillor Bob Elliott, Councillor Rosemary Small, Wayne Byhre, Jason Hulbert
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT a survey be put on the City website using normal and existing means of online surveying.
Staff noted that the 2011 Budget Town Hall Meeting was set up with the committee in front of the stage, moderated by the Mayor, with two microphones set up for public comment, and written questions collected by staff for the Committee. Staff requested direction for the format of the 2012 Budget Town Hall Meeting.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2012 Town Hall meeting follow the same format as the 2011 Town Hall meeting.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be directed to establish a new Debt Reserve for the purpose of retiring debt obligations early.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be directed to utilize appropriate reserves to retire debt obligations early and repay reserve plus interest by using annual debt payments that are no longer required.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be directed to increment the asset levy by a 0.5% tax increase for each year of the 2012 – 2016 Five-Year Financial Plan.
3.3 2012 - 2016 Capital Plan Review
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT item 3.3: 2012-2016 Capital Plan Review be deferred to the next meeting.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff present the 6.74% tax increase at the 2012 Budget Town Hall meeting.
voting against: Councillor Gerry Nuttall, Councillor Rosemary Small)