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June 21,2012 Special Council

Special Council Meeting
Agenda            Minutes

2.1 Strategic Capital Budget Review

2.1.1. Strategic Projects

2.1.2. 2013-2016 Project Summary page (By department) Operating


The Director of Corporate Services advised that the purpose of meeting is to see if currently approved projects in years 2013 to 2016 of the 2012 Capital Budget are strategically aligned with the recently approved 2012 Council Strategic Plan.

Council reminded staff of a previous request to identify which pillar of the strategic plan each capital project falls under for the 2013 - 2017 capital plan.

The Mayor entered the meeting and assumed the Chair of the meeting at 5: 15pm.

The Mayor clarified the purpose of the meeting, advising that policy decisions were to be made tonight with the purpose of staff reporting back to a future Council Meeting, and incorporating those policy decisions into budget deliberations for future Finance Committee meetings.

The Mayor opened the floor to Council members wishing to discuss particular line items.

Discussion ensued around funding for replacement of existing soccer turf fields and whether it was possible to redirect those reserve funding sources towards a new field at Inlet Park, and what other funding sources or strategies might be possible.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff report back on a proposal for a new soccer field at Inlet Park with a recommended funding strategy in the 2013· 2017 Strategic Capital Budget.

Council requested that staff report back on LED lighting throughout the City and funding options for conversion to LED.

The Mayor requested that the meeting be closed to the public at 5:30pm.

The meeting resumed open to the public at 5:44pm.

The Fire Chief advised that the $5,000 allocated for Public Education Resources is for public education materials relative to Emergency Preparedness and that the Department does not currently have the resources to implement the program.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT $5,000 for Fire Rescue - Public Education Resources be removed from the 2013·2016 Strategic Capital Budget.

Discussion ensued relative to the roof for the outdoor stage at the Inlet Theatre. Staff advised that preliminary quotes came in at $25,000 for design works and $185,000 for construction.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff report back on budget options for the design work of an awning for the roof for the outdoor stage at the Inlet Theatre.

Discussion ensued around the uncompleted sauna project at the Recreation Complex, and whether it was still a capital priority. Staff pointed out that the operating costs for the sauna project were not identified on the capital project sheet.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT $47,000 for the Facilities - Recreation Complex Sauna Completion project be removed from the 2013-2016 Strategic Capital Budget.
Voting Against: Councillor Glumac

Staff reported that the $200,000 Cultural Capital Designation capital project was recently split into two projects when the City was informed the grant was not going to be approved. The two projects are $105,000 for the Centennial Project in 2013 and $95,000 for Public Art in 2012.

Staff reported that the $58,000 Library -Integrated Library Management System Upgrade (New) item is not a new capital project and therefore should have been included in the Operating Projects listing rather than the Strategic Capital listing.

Council questioned the requirement for the Engineering - Street Light Study ($25,000). Staff advised of the policy and guidelines in place for street lighting and that instead of having developers install lighting at their discretion, Engineering is undertaking a study to ensure placement of street lights is in line with recommended standards. Staff is working with developers to have the funding for lighting provided directly to the City.

Council requested that the Facilities - City Facilities (Rec Com/Kyle) Upgrades on DCC for lighting and Rec Complex Ext. Lighting projects be included in the LED lighting review.

Discussion relative to the Engineering - Bike Path Development project ensued. Staff advised that a report on the Bike Master Plan is coming forward to a future Finance Committee meeting.

Staff were requested to report back on options for the inclusion of a piano room at the Arts Centre or the Centennial House.

Councillor Elliott left the meeting at 6:07pm.

Staff reported that the Parks - Trail Development (New) project is the upgrading of an existing trail not a new trail and therefore should have been on the Operating Projects list not the Strategic Capital List.

Staff reported that a report will be coming to the Finance Committee relative to funding levels and programs through TransLink.

Staff advised that funding for Information Services projects requires a more stable funding source rather than relying on surpluses generated from the Operating Fund. Staff informed Council that a recommendation for more certain funding for the Systems and Technology Reserve is planned as a discussion point during the 2013 budget deliberations.

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