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June 26,2012 Special Council

Special Council Meeting with Heritage Society
Agenda              Minutes
2.1  Port Moody Museum Site Feasibility Study
PowerPoint Presentation Delegation Application dated May 9, 2012 File: 0230-20-43
Wayne Beggs and Jim Millar, Port Moody Heritage Society, to discuss the site feasibility study commissioned for the Port Moody Station Museum and to request that Council have staff work with the Society on "next steps" via in-kind support. Future support would be determined through planning.
Robert Simons, President, Wayne Beggs, Past President and Jim Millar, Curator/Executive Director, Port Moody Heritage Society, provided a presentation on the heritage value of the Port Moody Station Museum, the Society's mandate and some of the changes in the area that are impacting or will impact the Station Museum in the near future. Mr. Simons noted that the Society is planning to prepare for these changes and to continue to celebrate the current legacy that the Museum represents.

Mr. Simons outlined in detail the site feasibility study commissioned for the Port Moody Station Museum which represents the work the Society has been doing to plan for the Museum's future. He noted that the Museum's Expansion Master Plan is a long term plan of potentially up to 10 to 15 years.

In response to a question, Mr. Beggs commented that this is being brought to Council at this time before public consultation to provide information to Council and get some feedback from Council on the future potential for the Museum.

Mayor Clay entered the meeting during the above presentation and assumed the Chair.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff continue to work with the Heritage Society on their future planning and report back to Council on next steps.
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