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July 17,2012 Finance Committee

Agenda             Minutes
Staff provided an overview of the emergency repair and Glenayre Community noted that that cost estimate has been revised to $ 20,000

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the amount of up to $20,000 to repair flooding at Glenayre Community Centre be funded from Accumulated Surplus.

Staff provided a Division Functional Overview presentation for the Library Division.

At the request of the Committee, staff provided additional information on eBook licensing, usage levels, the Community needs assessment, etc.

The Committee thanked staff for the presentation.


Staff provided a Division Functional Overview presentation for the Planning Division.

At the request of the Committee, staff provided additional information on Development Revenues, MTls issued, building inspections, dog licenses and various inspections.

Staff will provide a breakdown of regular and home-based business licenses by e-mail.

The Committee thanked staff for the presentation

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