April 3,2012 Land Use Committee
Staff provided an overview of the application for OCP and Zoning Bylaw Amendments for a proposed mixed-use development at 2713-2725 Clarke Street.
A representative from Gair Williamson Architects provided an overview of the proposed development.
Ann Hulbert of 19 Wildwood Dr asked for clarification on the maximum allowable number of storeys at the site.
Staff noted that the existing CD39 zoning allows for a maximum of five storeys.
Steven Kurrein noted that he does not have an issue with the land use, but does regret that there is no Design Advisory Panel to address the design issues in the proposed development, which would see a shorter than average building on Clarke Street and taller than average building on Spring Street, and a courtyard that does not receive any direct sunlight except for in mid June. Mr. Kurrein also commented that he is opposed to frequently amending the OCP, and that he would like to see the OCP changed if there are problems that need correcting, and followed if there are not.
Councillor Dilworth noted that Council has committed to reopening the OCP, particularly along the skytrain corridor and in Moody Centre.
Councillor Glumac requested information on sunlight and traffic studies for Moody Centre.
Staff noted that a preliminary traffic study has been completed, and that a more in depth traffic study will have been completed and presented to Council by the time the application is presented to Council.
The applicant’s representative noted that the courtyard is wider than the courtyard in the neighbouring building by Aragon to allow for more sunlight.
Councillor Glumac requested information on the increased number of units.
Staff noted that the existing floor space ratio and the allowable units per acre would result in very large units that are not compatible with current market demands.
Councillor Nuttall requested information on the impact on existing views by switching the three and five storey buildings around.
The applicant’s representative noted that views would be affect regardless of which of the two buildings are taller, and that by having 84 units of people entering on Spring Street, it would animate the Street more.
Brent Elliott noted that the land use aspect of the project is appropriate, but noted that it is unknown whether the proposal will be consistent with the imminent OCP amendment, which will see an increase in density in the area.
Judith Roche echoed Mr. Elliott’s concerns about the OCP amendment, noting that piecemeal OCP amendments throughout Moody Centre are a concern. Ms. Roche also expressed concerns about the durability of the fir cladding, and its appearance after several years of wear.
Robert Starcevich requested information on how the noise issues from the train and Evergreen Line will be addressed.
The applicant’s representative noted that laminated glass, sound insulating clips, and closed balconies are part of the proposed development.
Mr. Kurrein suggested a change in the application process, wherein applications would be presented to the Land Use Committee during preliminary design stages so as to identify and address concerns prior to finalizing the design.
Staff noted that the OCP review and amendment process will take approximately one year.
Councillor Zoë Royer suggested working on neighbourhood concept plans to inform decision making.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the application for an Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendment for 2713-2725 Clarke Street be supported.
The Committee discussed the conflicting information in sections 5.7(a) and (c) of the general regulations of he Zoning Bylaw, and agreed that the draft should be changed to accurately reflect the intent of the amendments.
Staff noted that the draft regulations will be amended to address the discrepancies between sections 5.7(a) and (c) and brought back to the Committee for review at the next meeting.
The Committee noted that section 5.7(c) should note the number of children rather than the number of persons including children and staff.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT item 4.2 be deferred to the next meeting.