July 3,2012 Land Use Committee
4.1 Zoning Bylaw Amendment (Rezoning) – 2210 Clarke Street
Staff provided an overview of the application for zoning bylaw amendment to allow a laneway house at 2210 Clarke Street.
Staff noted that a previous application for a rezoning of this property was presented to the Land Use Committee in February 2012, and subsequently received third reading at Council. Staff noted that the applicant has revised the plans, moving the laneway house from the northwest corner of the property to the northeast corner, which will require rescinding the third reading and holding a new public hearing.
The applicant noted that the preferred location for the laneway house has always been the northeast corner, but that a decision was made to locate it on the northwest corner in order to avoid major excavation. The applicant noted that he later discovered that major excavation was required at either location, and so has decided to place the laneway house in the originally preferred location.
There were no comments from the public.
Judith Roche noted that this application sets precedence for having a laneway house and a secondary suite on one residential property, and that densification should be carefully planned to ensure that services and infrastructure can support the added density.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the application for a Zoning Bylaw amendment for 2210 Clarke Street be supported as presented.
4.2 Official Community Plan Map Amendment and Zoning Bylaw Map Amendment – 126 Kyle Street
Staff provided an overview of the application to amend the OCP and Zoning Maps from low density residential to public institution to facilitate the relocation of the Centennial House.
The representative for the applicant noted that an open house was attended by approximately 60 to 80 people was held on June 28, 2012, and that public feedback will be accepted until July 16, 2012. The applicant noted that there was general support for proposed Art Centre activities, but that two immediate neighbours would like the lot to remain vacant.
Councillor Dilworth called for public input.
Robert Simons of 1012 Alpine Place spoke in favour of the amendments, noting that it would be wise to expand public space in the city, and that rededicating the property for public use is a good thing. Mr. Simons also noted that, as the president of the Port Moody Heritage Society, he applauds the reclamation of the Appleyard heritage building for public use.
Jenn Warner of 2506 St. George Street noted that it would be more appropriate to place the building on the lot on which Kyle Centre is located, as it would be safer and more accessible to users of the facility. Ms. Warner noted that, as the immediate neighbour of the proposed site, she would like to have input on landscaping and use of the proposed building to ensure privacy and quiet enjoyment of her property. Ms. Warner asked whether this rezoning would allow more buildings to be placed on the lot.
Staff noted that while there are no restrictions on the number of buildings that can be placed on the lot, the restrictions on lot coverage (50% maximum) and set-backs will apply.
Ms. Warner asked whether there would be parking spaces available for the new facility, and whether it would be possible to designate resident-only parking spaces on St. George Street.
Councillor Dilworth asked that staff make the information available to Council, and that Ms. Warner voice her concerns at the public hearing.
Ann Kitching of 120 April Road spoke as the president of the Port Moody Arts Centre Society, and noted that the Arts Centre has been in the Old City Hall for the last 15 years, and has not disturbed its neighbours. Ms. Kitching noted that the Arts Centre Society is grateful that it is being considered as a tenant for the Centennial House.
Brent Hilpert of 1248 Alderside Drive noted that the proposed zoning will result in different parking requirements. Mr. Hilpert requested information on the history of the property, including its date of acquisition by the City and its last use.
Staff noted that the new parking requirement will be six spots, and that it would be addressed later in the process.
Councillor Dilworth asked that the information on the site’s history be made available at Council.
Councillor Bob Elliott requested information on why the site on the Kyle Centre property was not chosen as a location for the Centennial House.
Councillor Rick Glumac noted that he supports having staff work with residents to alleviate concerns on the property.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the application for an Official Community Plan Map amendment and Zoning Bylaw Map and Public Service (P1) text amendment for 126 Kyle Street be supported as presented.
(voting against: Mayor Mike Clay)
Councillor Dilworth noted that the house will be moved to the property prior to approval of the rezoning as it is a single family dwelling. Councillor Dilworth noted that outstanding concerns should be addressed at Council.
Staff provided an overview of the application to amend the Land Use Contract for Parcel E (220 Brew Street) of the Suter Brook site.
Representatives for the applicant noted that the office building will create more than 630 full time jobs once the building is fully leased out, and would promote ridership on the Evergreen Line.
The architect noted that the building is a clean, simple office building that is well integrated into the surroundings and includes various sustainable features such as sun shades and a green roof.
Robert Simons of 1012 Alpine Place noted that he is extremely disappointed that after 11 years of planning for a hotel at the site, that it would become a commercial building. Mr. Simons noted that with the construction of the Evergreen Line, a hotel would be more viable than before and the idea should be revisited.
Representatives for the applicant noted that the viability of the hotel has not changed even with the construction of the Evergreen Line.
Councillor Rick Glumac noted that he wishes to see a business plan that backs up the claim that a hotel is not viable at the site. Councillor Glumac also noted that the reduction in parking re uirements should be addressed by cash in lieu of parking payments, which, according to rates in Coquitlam, would be in the range of $3 million.
Representatives of the applicant noted that the proposed office building is also a risky venture, and that amenity contributions and cash in lieu of parking payments would have a negative impact on its viability.
Councillor Small noted that she supports bringing business to Port Moody, but that she is also concerned about the parking reduction. Councillor Small also raised concerns about the low participation rate during the public information session.
Councillor Dilworth noted that 800 notices were sent out to residents in the notification area.
Judith Roche raised concerns about the extra traffic that the 700 employees will bring, and asked whether marketing of the space will specifically address the traffic issues.
Councillor Elliott asked whether the existing excess parking in Suter Brook will be reassigned to the new building.
Representatives of the applicant noted while there are excess stalls in the existing building, there are currently no plans to reallocate these to the new development.
Councillor Glumac noted that he would support the application if staff can be directed to negotiate payment of cash in lieu of parking.
Councillor Dilworth noted that these issues should be addressed at Council, and that she also has concerns about the reduction in parking, especially since there will be no park and ride at the Ioco Station. Councillor Dilworth noted that traffic management is an issue at the existing development, where cars are parked in various irregular ways, and that adding more traffic to the area may exacerbate the problem.
Councillor Nuttall noted that while he was not in support of amending the land use contract, he will be supporting the application at this stage to facilitate a public hearing.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the application for a Land Use Contract amendment for the Suter Brook site to permit a new 9 storey commercial/office tower on Parcel E be supported.
(voting against: Councillor Bob Elliott)
4.4 Text Amendment to Zoning Bylaw to Clarify and Expand Child Care Use
Staff provided an overview of the text amendment and clarified the changes in the new report.
Moved, seconded AND CARRIED
THAT the proposed changes to the zoning bylaw to clarify and expand Child Care Use outlined in the Development Service report dated June 28, 2012 be supported and forwarded to Council for consideration.