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Mar 9,2011 Parks and Rec

4.1 Recreation Fees Bylaw 4.1 Review Process
The recreation fees bylaw process was reviewed and the Commission determined that the process should be adjusted to provide for fee review by the Commission as a group as opposed to the sub-committee method used in past years.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the recreation fees subcommittee previously established be disbanded.
4.2 Recreation Program & Operatinos Review Process
The Commission discussed approaches to the review of recreation programs and operations. The method chosen for the review was to start with Glenayre Centre and review aspects of the programs, operation cost and usage of the facility. Staff will prepare a draft review of Glenayre Centre programs and operations for the April 13, 2011 Commission meeting.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the summary format of program, facility operations and usage as presented, be approved for the cost-benefit review of the recreation cost centres.
4.3 Sports Achievement Award
The Commission discussed the establishment of a Sports Achievement Award to recognize a Port Moody organization or individual for an outstanding contribution to sport in the City. The Port Moody Sports Achievement Award would recognize significant contributions through time, talent, leadership or support of sports, benefiting the community.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT a draft design of the Sports Achievement Award form be prepared for review at the April 13, 2010 Commission meeting.
5.1 Curling and Youth Service Review
The Director of Community Services provided a summary of the service review reports on youth and curling.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the youth and curling reports be received.
5.2 Facility Visit Schedule
To assist with the recreation program and operations review, site visits were discussed as a means of gaining a more detailed understanding of the services provided in each cost centre.
The Commission will schedule a daytime visit/tour of Glenayre Community Centre prior to the next regular meeting of Commission.
6. Information
6.1 The Benefits of Recreation
Verbal Report: R. Higo, Director of Community Services
Director of Community Services provided on-table, background information on the Benefits of Recreation along with an accompanying 5 minute video from the BC Recreation & Parks Association.
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