June 8,2011 Parks and Rec
4.1 Fees Bylaw Review
The Director of Community Services presented a Recreation Fees Matrix that includes rates from neighbouring municipalities for comparison.
The Committee discussed the various fees.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following changes to fees and charges be adopted:
Increase teens and seniors skating rates by 1%;
Keep the current skating rates for adults, children, and family;
Increase Parent and Tot skating rates by 2%;
Increase Noon-Hour Hockey rates by 2%;
Increase rates for skate rentals, skate sharpening, and helmet rentals by 1%;
Increase 10-strip skating ticket rate for teens and seniors by 1%;
Keep the current rate for adults and children 10-strip skating tickets;
Reduce 10-strip Noon-Hour Hockey ticket rates to $58.95
Keep the current adults, teens, and seniors rates for aquatics;
Raise children aquatic rates by 1%;
Introduce new family aquatic rate of $3.20;
Keep the current adults, teens, and seniors 10-strip aquatic ticket rates;
Increase the children 10-strip aquatic ticket rates by 1%;
Keep current rates for all aquatic season passes;
Increase private pool rental rates by 1%;
Increase School Board rentals by 2%;
Keep the current fitness drop-in, 10 swipe, 1-mo, 3-mo, 6-mo rates for adults, teens, students and seniors
Increase adults and teens Recreation Centre 1-Year fitness membership rates by 1%;
Change the seniors Recreation Centre 1-Year fitness membership rate to $334;
Increase all Kyle Centre fitness rates by 1%.
The Commission agreed to delay the discussion of the Curling rates until after staff has met with the Curling Association at the end of the month.
The Commission agreed to delay the discussion of the field rental rates until after the staff report on fields is completed.
Councillor Nuttall informed the Commission that the Swim Club would like to have a delegation at the next Parks and Recreation Commission meeting to express their concerns about potential fee increases.
Move, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Swim Club be invited to express their concerns about the fee increases at the next meeting.
The Director of Community Services noted that the fees and charges review will be completed once the curling and field rental rates are reviewed.
4.2 Old Orchard Hall Recreation Program
The Director of Community Services gave an overview of the report on the Old Orchard Hall Recreation Program and Operations.
Nicki Forster noted that Girl Guides are not associated with the Pleasantside Community Association, and are usually charged a room rental rates at all the other facilities they use.
Councillor Nuttall noted that a comprehensive review of programs and operations can take place once all the facilities have been reviewed.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the report be received for information.
5.1 Parks Tour
The Commission discussed having a Parks Tour to become familiar with the Citys parks, and agreed that a Parks Tour will be conducted during next months meeting.
The Commission agreed to have a short meeting of about one hour at 5 p.m. on July 13, 2011, and then go on the Parks Tour. The Aquarian Swim Club will be invited to speak at 5 p.m.
6.1 Bylaw Update
The Director of Community Services reported that staff has provided an amendment to the Parks and Community Facilities Rules and Regulation Bylaw. This amendment provides clarity on loss of access rights for patrons that are not abiding by facility rules.
6.2 Best Practices
Councillor Nuttall reported that he attended a Parks and Facilities Tour during the FCM in Halifax, and will be presenting reports to the Commission on potential dog waste solutions, and on self-guided interpretive parks tours.