Sep 6,2012 Arts and Culture
3.1 Youth Art Festival Subcommittee Report Susan Ius distributed a report on table on the Youth Art Festival, and noted that the festival was a success, with many positive comments from all categories of participants. The Committee discussed the various possibilities for the organization of future festivals, and agreed that the Arts and Culture Committee should pass the project on to a society or non-profit organization. The Committee discussed potential organizers for the festival, and noted that it may be possible to have the festival as a fundraiser.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the report from the Youth Festival be endorsed and forwarded to Council.
3.2 Art Core Report Jillian Hull noted that the Art Bar program was highly successful, with coverage in the Tri-City News and in the fall edition of the Focus Newsletter. Ms. Hull noted that Art Core will be meeting on September 11, 2012 to discuss the bike path painting project and other ideas, and will report back in the October meeting of the Arts and Culture Committee.
3.3 Street Performers Update Staff noted that there have been two Street Performer licenses issued to date, and provided the Committee with a sample of their music. Action: Councillor Nuttall to contact Maria Wood at Newport Village to provide an update on the Street Performers Program.
3.4 City Evergreen Line Public Art Panel Councillor Nuttall noted that the City-Evergreen Line Public Art Panel members should meet during the week of September 10, 2012 in order to prepare for a meeting with the Evergreen Line Project Team later in the month. Action: Staff to request a representative from ArtsConnect.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT Helen Daniels be appointed to the City-Evergreen Line Public Art Panel as the Arts Centre Society representative.
Councillor Nuttall noted that he is waiting for Vicki Allesia to provide a representative from Port Moody Artists’ Association.
3.5 Festival of the Arts Joan Davis gave an overview of the 2012 Festival of the Arts, and encouraged member to publicize and attend the event. Ms. Davis introduced the various events in the festival, including a youth dance party, a Slovakian mime-comedian, VIP Gala, stand-up comedy, improv, etc. Ms. Davis also noted that there are advertising opportunities in the Festival of the Arts brochure and that interested parties should contact her directly.
4.1 Advertising Program Councillor Nuttall noted that the advertising program has a budget of $2,000, and that Tri-City News has indicated that they would be willing to provide an advertising package for that amount. The Committee discussed how to best spend the budget on advertising, and concluded that newspaper advertising should proceed. The Committee also identified several other ways to advertise arts events, including: • Putting up a notice board in Newport Village; • Putting up a notice board in the Recreation Centre; • Providing instructions on the website for event organizers to cross-promote their events; • Putting up a donor sponsored sign; and • Creating a Facebook page.
Action: Staff to identify space for a bulletin board at the Recreation Centre. Action: Councillor Nuttall to liaise with Newport Village and Tri-City News.
4.2 Civic Art Award Staff noted that the deadline for award nomination is September 30, 2012, and encouraged members to publicize the award as well as submit nominations. The nominees will be reviewed at the October meeting. Action: Staff to send the nomination form to the Port Moody Art Centre for distribution.
4.3 Review of Arts and Culture Master Plan and Next Steps Councillor Nuttall requested input from Committee members on the next steps in implementing the Arts and Culture Master Plan. Richard Dixon noted that an inventory of available non-traditional venues for performing arts has yet to be done. Ann Kitching noted that ephemeral art should be promoted, and provided an example of a community drawing that is made in Robert’s Creek annually. Jillian Hull noted that art in local business should be promoted. Councillor Nuttall requested that members return to the next meeting with any ideas they have for non-traditional venues, as well as any plans for implementing any part of the master plan. Staff will report back on performance spaces at Civic Facilities.
4.4 Public Art Update Susan Ius noted that the panel has not met, but that the unveiling of the Necklace Project will be on September 20, 2012. Ms. Ius noted that invitations for the unveiling have been sent.