Nov 20,2012 Finance Committee
4.1 2013 Budget Townhall Meeting Date and Format – January 31, 2013
Action: Determine 2013 budget town hall meeting date and format.
Attachment 4.1.1: Unaddressed admail- distributed to approx 12,600 residents advising them how they might participate in the budget consultation process. Includes notice of Budget Town Hall Meeting on front and survey on reverse side.
Attachment 4.1.2: Poster - on display around City Hall and at civic facilities.
Attachment 4.1.3: Sample display – this one was at Kyle Centre. There were similar displays at Recreation Complex and City Hall, for one week prior to the Budget Town Hall Meeting.
Attachment 4.1.4: Survey – available at the displays at Kyle Centre, the Recreation Complex and City Hall. Drop boxes were also available for submissions.
Attachment 4.1.5: Sample of departmental expenditure posters - on display at Kyle Centre, the Recreation Complex and City Hall.
Attachment 4.1.6: Understanding Port Moody’s 2012-2016 budget – plain language booklet explaining budget process and drivers. Available at Kyle Centre, the Recreation Complex and City Hall and online
Attachment 4.1.7: Poster – on display the day of the town hall meeting
Attachment 4.1.8: Finance Committee report dated March 1, 2012 – contains analysis of the survey responses
Attachment 4.1.9: 2012 Ipsos Reid Survey – contains questions similar to those on the budget survey.
Moved and seconded
THAT the survey (attachment 4.1.4) be included with the January utility statement mail-out each year.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended to have the January utility statement mail-out include attachment 4.1.2, the notice of Budget Town Hall Meeting on one side and information on the budget similar to the information found on departmental expenditure posters on the reverse, with information directing recipients to the City website to provide input.
The question on the motion as amended was put and CARRIED.
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT the survey not be conducted at all, AND THAT efforts be focused on advertising the Budget Town Hall Meeting. (voting against: Councillor Gerry Nuttall, Councillor Zoe Royer, Mayor Mike Clay, Councillor Diana Dilworth, Councillor Bob Elliott, Councillor Rosemary Small, Michael Price, Jason Hulbert)
The Committee noted that it is important to invite feedback in whatever format the public wishes to use, and that the survey should continue both on paper and online.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the iPad draw be removed. (voting against: Councillor Zoe Royer, Mayor Mike Clay, Councillor Rick Glumac, Jason Hulbert)
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT unaddressed ad-mail be included.
(voting against: Councillor Gerry Nuttall, Councillor Zoe Royer, Mayor Mike Clay, Councillor Diana Dilworth, Councillor Rick Glumac, Councillor Bob Elliott, Councillor Rosemary Small, Michael Price, Jason Hulbert)
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the proposed 2013 Budget Town Hall Meeting plan be endorsed as amended.
Action: Review ideas and make recommendations to Council.
Cost Leadership Idea Form, File No. 05- 1700-03-10-08/2012
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT item #1 – Increase the sharing of training resources with neighboring municipalities be moved to the list of Suggestions NOT Requiring Council Decision.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT item #3 – Sale of coffee/tea/snacks in the galleria be endorsed. (voting against: Councillor Bob
(voting against: Councillor Bob Elliott)
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City continue to accept on-time post marked payments.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT item #4 – Improve energy efficiency at entrances to City Hall be moved to the list of Suggestions NOT Requiring Council Decision.
4.3 Museum Capital Projects and Feasibility Study Review
Report from Community Services dated November 14, 2012, File No. 18-7780-65
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the museum capital improvement projects be removed from the 2013 – 2017 capital plan and reviewed upon completion of the Museum Relocation Study:
AND THAT $10,000 be allocated to a Museum Relocation Study in 2013 of the 5 year capital financial plan
On-table: Power Point Presentation
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
That item P296, $51,000 for Executive Leadership and Mentoring be removed from the Council Strategic Priorities Reserve.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT item P251, $45,000 for Full Electric Vehicle Car Share be removed from the Council Strategic Priorities Reserve.
(voting against: Councillor Zoë Royer, Councillor Bob Elliott, Councillor Rick Glumac)
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff investigate the feasibility of acquiring a fully electric vehicle to replace the existing hybrid vehicle once it is due for replacement.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council explore the inclusion of continued funding for the Heritage Commission (currently item P260 in the Council Strategic Priorities Reserve) within the base budget.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff report back on the tax implication of funding the Inlet Field Phase One Redevelopment in the 2013-2017 Five Year Financial Plan.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT a detailed executive budget summary be presented at the next Finance Committee meeting.
5.1 October 27th Finance Committee Followup
Action: Receive for information
Attachment 5.1: November 14, 2012 memo from the Community Services Department, File No. 18-7780-65