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July 11,2006 Council Meeting

Committee of the Whole
2.1 Translink working session re: LRT
5.1 Community Care Committee Recommendation re: Disable Resident Evancuations
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Planning and Development Services Department be authorized to send a letter to owners, managers and strata councils of high-rises and four storey buildings in the city requesting that a fire department lock box be installed at the front exterior of their building with a regularly updated manifest of disabled residents.
5.2 Traffic Calming - Highview Place
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the proposed traffic calming plan for Highview Place as outlined in the report dated July 4, 2006 be implemented.
5.3 Traffic Calming - Noons Creek
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT a roundabout be endorsed as the improvement at the intersection of Noons Creek Drive and Falcon Drive.
Voting Against: Councillor Dilworth
Regular Council Meeting
Agenda     Minutes
2. Public Input
Maria Wahl - CUPE - in support of boathouse restaurant
Ken Otway - Glenayre - petition to council in regards to bonfires and partying in BBY mountain/North Road area
Cynthia Van Ginkel, Anita Wilks, James Fleming, Terry Grieve, David Edgar - support of boathouse restaurant
Barry Tyldesley, Wendy Swalwell - opposed to loss of boatlaunch parking and city process
Elaine Golds - opposed to development in parks and twinning of Port Mann Bridge
3.1 Coast Capital Savings - cheque presentation to Port Moody Foundation for $ 30,000 for rec centre campaign.
DEFERRED to July 25 
3.2 Parklane Homes - cheque presentation to Port Moody Foundation for $ 5,000 of $ 25,000 for rec centre campaign.
3.3 David Suzuki Foundation - presentation re: Gateway project and Port Mann Twinning.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2709 be now adopted.
Voting Against: Councillors Clay and Watkins
4.3 Untidy Premises Bylaw and Ticket Information Bylaw - adoption
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
That bylaws are adopted.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
That bylaw is adopted
Moved, seconded and CARRIED 
First, Second reading and referral to public hearing (July 25) 
4.6 Development Permit - Boathouse Restaurant
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be authorized to issue Development Authorization No. 2006-51 subject to the required plans, documentation, engineering proposal, storm water management plan, traffic study, fees and securities having been submitted to the satisfaction of staff;
THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application.
Voting Against: Councillors Clay, Dilworth and Watkins
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council authorize staff to consult with representatives of the boating community and establish a working group to obtain direct feedback with respect to reconfiguring the boat parking area as shown on the site plan.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the BERC correspondence dated March 16, 2006 be included as part of the conditions of the development permit.
5.1 Youth Matters Society
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the memorandum of the Director of Community Services dated July 4, 2006 regarding Youth Matters! Society of BC be received for information.
5.2 Development Variance Permit - 3250 St Johns Street
Moved, seconded
THAT staff be authorized to issue Development Authorization No. 2006-53 subject to the required documentation having been submitted to the satisfaction of staff;
AND THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding the following after the word, “staff”, “and confirmed support of all owners”.
The motion, as amended, was then put and DEFEATED
Voting Against: Mayor Trasolini, Councillors Clay, Dilworth, Elliott and Lahti
Council was fairly united in our concerns that this developer was trying to make substantial changes to the design and character of the building after having received approval from previous council and pre-selling the units based on the earlier design.
6.1 Cultural Strategic Plan Update
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council appoints a member of Council to chair the Cultural Strategic Plan Task Force and work with staff to present a recommendation for Task Force membership and Terms of Reference.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council endorse the direction of future work as outlined in the Energy and GHG Management Corporate Action Plan ;
THAT Council direct staff to update the Energy and GHG Management Corporate Action Plan with the landfill methane gas emissions and continue its participation in the FCM Partners for Climate Protection by developing the community action plan in coordination with the Official Community Plan update in 2006-2007.
THAT Council direct staff to proceed with an application to the Green Municipal Enabling Fund (GMEF) for part of the funds for the Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) Turbine Feasibility Study and other priority projects as funding opportunities arise provincially and federally.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Port Moody Tsunami Awareness Plan be adopted.
Report - City Manager
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
WHEREAS Council may adopt a previous recommendation to create a Working Group tasked with developing a plan to reconfigure the Rocky Point park boat trailer parking and working with staff to address other boat trailer parking needs;
THAT the city develop a plan to improve signage to, from and at the WCE lot;
THAT staff be made available at the WCE parking lot as part of routine operations to support special events taking place in the weekend during the active boating season to control boat trailer parking;
AND THAT a proposal be referred to the Working Group and to the Finance Committee to:
a) add boat trailer directional and parking signage;
b) build a pedestrian access ramp at the west end of the West Coast Express parking lot;
c) re-configure street parking on Esplanade and Columbia streets; and
d) add additional dock space at the Rocky Point Boat launch.
7.1 Recommendations from Committee of the Whole
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of July 11, 2006 be endorsed as follows:
THAT the Planning and Development Services Department be authorized to send a letter to owners, managers and strata councils of high-rises and four storey buildings in the city requesting that a fire department lock box be installed at the front exterior of their building with a regularly updated
manifest of disabled residents.
THAT the proposed traffic calming plan for Highview Place as outlined in the report dated July 4, 2006 be implemented.
THAT a roundabout be endorsed as the improvement at the intersection of Noons Creek Drive and Falcon Drive.
7.2 Ratification of Finance Committee Decisions
MOVED, SECONDED and carried:
THAT the following resolutions of the Finance Committee meeting of July 4, 2006 be endorsed as follows:
Port Moody Scholoarships -THAT this item be forwarded to Committee of the Whole for further discussion.
 THAT staff respond back to the Port Moody Garden Club outlining the procedure for applying for a grant and encouraging the them to apply in 2007.

AND THAT the City provide $1,000 in-kind services as a donation based on availability and provided that there is no negative impact to City operations. 

8.1 Coalition of Child Care Advocates - resolution in support of child care funding.
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