Mar 26,2013 Regular Council
Regular Council
1.1 Art at Council
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay / File: 7705-01
Tonight we are venturing a little off the artistic path in search of Easter eggs. The Port Moody Station Museum would like to invite everyone to participate in their 13th annual Easter Extravaganza. This very popular event is being held this Sunday, March 31st from 10am to 2pm.
Highlights include a traditional Easter egg hunt with participants receiving chocolate eggs, and photos with the Easter bunny. Visitors will enjoy performances by juggler Yuki Ueda, magician Dennis Hewson, and dog dancing from Paws 2 Dance. Other activities include face painting, an Easter basket craft, and a carnival prize game.
Admission is $5 per person with proceeds supporting the Port Moody Heritage Society and Station Museum.
The event is held outside and will run rain or shine. Hidden eggs and marbles are replenished throughout the day, so there is no need to rush.
For more information visit
1.2 Historical Highlight - Centennial 2013
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay /File 1485-015
In April 1946 Council passed a Bylaw to provide for daylight savings. Bylaws 481 (part1) and 483 (part 2) stipulated the City of Port Moody shall be seven hours behind Greenwich Time. The City of Vancouver and the District of Burnaby had already passed a similar bylaw and it was believed the City of Port Moody would be seriously prejudiced and exposed to loss, damage, danger and extreme inconvenience if the time differed from Vancouver and Burnaby. Daylight Savings began at 2:00pm on April 28th, 1946 and ended at 2:00pm on September 29, 1946.
· April 25, 1946 Minutes of a Special Meeting of Council
2. Public Input
Mandara Lebovitz, Coquitlam, Event Coordinator for ArtsConnect, appeared to promote the ArtsConnect’s Art Walk event to be held in Port Moody on April 13th and 14th at the Queens Street Plaza.
Stan Laniuk, Port Moody, requested clarification as to whether back yard fires are permitted and if so why they are permitted.
3.1 McNair Bay Property Owners
- delegation was not present
4.1 Minutes
File: 0550-05
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held Tuesday, March 12, 2013 be adopted.
File: BL2944/BL2954
“City of Port Moody Fees Bylaw, 2012, No. 2944, Amendment No. 1, 2013, No. 2954” a bylaw to amend the 2013 Fees Bylaw to make adjustments for conversion from HST to GST and PST, and to lower the cost of banner sign permits.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2954 be now adopted.
Report: Corporate Services Department, Legislative Services Division, dated March 8, 2013 /
File: BL2897/BL2953
“City of Port Moody General Local Government Election Bylaw, 2011, No. 2897, Amendment No. 1, 2013, No. 2953” a bylaw to amend General Local Government Election Bylaw, 2011, No. 2897 to change mail ballot procedures and candidate signage provisions.
THAT the bylaw include provision for Elections BC and Elections Canada election awareness signs and that the specifications of the awareness signage be included in the bylaw.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the draft Local Government Election Bylaw amendment bylaw include provisions for both provincial and federal election agencies to install election awareness signage on the same parameters as the city election awareness signage.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the draft Local Government Election Bylaw amendment bylaw include detailed parameters for what election awareness signage may look like that could be installed by provincial, federal and municipal election agencies.
Voting against: Councillor Royer
Report: Development Services, Planning Division, dated March 26, 2013 / File: 5880-03-2012
Moved, seconded and
THAT Council direct staff to proceed with the identified action items and associated timelines as identified within the March 26, 2013 Development Services report to allow for select, temporary food vendors to operate at Rocky Point Park during July and August on the Sundays on which the Sunday concerts take place;
AND THAT staff report back to Council with the results of the Request for Proposal and that two vendors are selected for the 2013 season.
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
“AND THAT council support the locations for vendors outlined on Attachment B”.
Voting against: Mayor Clay, Councillors Dilworth, Royer
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
“AND THAT staff report back on alternate locations for vendors and get feedback from existing food businesses in the park.”
Voting against: Councillors Elliott, Glumac
The question on the motion was put and CARRIED
Report: Mayor Clay dated March 26, 2013 / File: 1700-02-01
Pursuant to his authority under Section 131 of the Community Charter, Mayor Clay has called for reconsideration of the following motion made and subsequently publicly released at the March 12, 2013 reconvened In-Camera Council meeting:
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Police Department reduce their budget by $200,000.
The following motion was therefore considered and it was:
Moved, seconded
THAT the Police Department reduce their budget by $200,000.
Moved, seconded
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by deleting the figures $200,000 and substituting the figures $103,000.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the March 26, 2013 Mayor’s report be referred to the next meeting of Committee of the Whole to be discussed further.
Voting against: Councillors Dilworth, Elliott
Report: Community Services dated March 15, 2013 /File: 7780-20
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Arts Assistance Agreement be secured for a 2 year period at the previously identified amounts for 2013 and 2014
Report: Arts and Culture Committee dated March 20, 2013 / File: 0360-20-43
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Arts and Culture Committee receive an annual budget of $7,500 for innovative initiatives and minor art projects as opportunities arise throughout the year
6.1 Civic Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay
File: 0360-20-03/0360-20-51
Economic Development Committee and Advisory Design Panel
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Joanne Gauci be appointed to the Economic Development Committee.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the appointment of the following people to serve on the Advisory Design Panel for a term of 2 years be ratified:
· Graham Fligg (architect)
· Stanley Paulus (architect)
· Jason Wegman (landscape architect)
· Jeff Moi (engineer)
· Jan Voss (representative from the business community)
· Steve Kurrein (representative from the construction industry)
· Eric Robertson (representative with a background in arts and culture)
· Damian Regan (representative with an environmental background)
· Luke Van Winkel (representative from Port Moody Police Department)
Report: Engineering and Parks dated March 18, 2013 / File: 1220-10
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Single Stream Recycling Material Processing contract be awarded to Urban Impact Recycling Ltd
Letter: Mayor Ralph Drew, Village of Belcarra dated March 12, 2013 / File: 3010-01
Moved, seconded and
WHEREAS the 99-year lease for the Admiralty Point Federal Lands expired in 2011, and these lands are surplus to the needs of Parks Canada;
AND WHEREAS the Admiralty Point Federal Lands comprise a key component of Belcarra Regional Park which is the “Stanley Park” of Metro Vancouver’s Northeast Sector;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Federal Government be requested to transfer the Admiralty Point Federal Lands in fee simple to Metro Vancouver, or lease the lands in perpetuity, to ensure the preservation of these lands for park-use by future generations of Metro Vancouver’s citizens.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
AND THAT this motion be forwarded to Metro Vancouver member municipalities.
The question on the motion as amended was put and CARRIED
Report: Mayor Clay dated March 19, 2013 / File: 0530-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council approves funding of the Mayors attendance at the April 29/30, 2013 Mayors Caucus in Prince George from the Mayor and Council Conventions and Dues Account, of an amount not to exceed $ 900
Letter, British Columbia Society for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse dated March 4, 2013
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT April be proclaimed Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse month
9.2 Release of In-Camera Resolution
Centennial - THAT the art walk put on by ArtsConnect be approved as a formal centennial event,
and THAT the foregoing motion be publicly released
2013 Police Budget - THAT the Police Department reduce their budget by $200,000.
and THAT the foregoing motion be publicly released
10. Public Input
Dianna Brown, Port Moody, spoke regarding election awareness signs suggesting the text be brief for ease of viewing by motorists and for traffic safety. She also noted that there is a pile of railroad ties along the tracks north of Clarke Street which appear to be covered by creosote which she did not believe was allowable