June 25,2013 Regular Council
Regular Council
1.1 Introduction of Art at Council
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay / File: 7705-01
This summer, guests of the Port Moody Station Museum will travel back in time as they view a zoomed-in model of Port Moody’s main street in the 1930s, complete with a working train. Jim Buckley is the man behind the model. Jim is a Port Moody resident and has been an avid modeller since the age of 12. Now as a retiree, he’s had even more time to hone his craft.
Tonight’s Art at Council is a sample of Jim’s work, a model depicting the Melrose Apartments which were built along the Barnet Highway in 1916 and torn down 78 years later in 1994. Jim’s creations are made from basswood and plastic, and many of his models are “scratch built” meaning all the pieces are custom made.
To see more of Jim’s amazing modeling talents stop by the Station Museum over the Canada Day weekend starting on June 29th at 10am
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay / File 1485-015
Fire Chief Remo Faedo made a powerpoint presentation on the 100 year history of the Fire-Rescue in Port Moody
The Port Moody Fire Department was established in 1913 as a volunteer organization. The Fire Hall was located below city hall on the west side of the building.
709 Ioco Road was the location of the old No. 2 Fire Hall which was in operation until 1974. It is currently being used by the City Parks Department and can be identified by the mural of our antique fire truck on the front truck bay door. Our antique fire truck is a1950 Mercury and was the first factory ordered fire truck by the City of Port Moody. It was in service from 1950 to 1980.
At one time Port Moody was a 3 Fire Hall town. No. 3 Fire Hall was at the corner of Glenayre Drive and Glencoe Drive on the property where our current #2 Hall sits. This Fire Hall was operational in the 1940’s.
In 1961 the Port Moody Fire Department moved to the #1 Fire Hall at 2718 St. Johns. The Fire Department shared the building with the Police Department. This is the current location of the new soon to be occupied “The Station” development.
In 1968 the first staff member (Art Townsend, Fire Chief) was hired into an administrative position. In 1973, the new #1 Fire Hall at 200 Ioco Road was completed and in 1974 a platoon system that provided on-duty staff 24/7 was implemented.
The new Glenayre Fire Hall #2 at 955 Glenayre Drive was officially opened in 1977 and although an engine was assigned to the hall for call-back duty it was not staffed with career firefighters but was leased to the BC Ambulance Service.
The Port Moody Fire Department operated ambulance services until 1981 at which time that service was taken over by BC Ambulance Services. This was also when the First Responder program was initiated.
In 1981 a new position of Deputy Fire Chief was filled. In 1982, four new Firefighters were hired to achieve a minimum apparatus manning standard. And in 1983, a formal Fire Prevention Officer was hired and in 1993 a formal Training Officer.
In 1992 Port Moody joined the Vancouver Ports Fireboat Consortium and shared fireboat operations with Burnaby Fire Department until February 15, 2013. Port Moody Fire Rescue is now the sole operator of the Fireboat which is currently located at the Suncor Terminal on the Burnaby/Port Moody boundary.
In April of 2005 the expansion and renovation of the Glenayre Fire Hall #2 was completed and by the fall of 2010 the hall was operating 24/7.
Construction of a replacement #1 Fire Hall began in late 2012 with a completion target date toward the end of 2013.
Chief Faedo then introduced Council to the Port Moody Fire Rescue Centennial Coin. It is the Fire Department’s way to recognize and celebrate the 100th year anniversary of the department and the City of Port Moody.
He then thanked those involved in developing the coin, Kevin Butt from Port Moody Fire Rescue for leading the project and Leslyn Johnson for her guidance on graphic development. He also thanked the Centennial Committee for supporting this centennial initiative
2. Public Input
David Spence, Port Moody, inquired of the Fire Chief how many of the Fire Department Commemorative Coins were cast. The Fire Chief replied 100. Mr. Spence then spoke regarding the Admiralty Point lands noting that the lands around the Point were originally leased to the City of Vancouver in 1913 for the purpose of establishing an isolation hospital. He enquired what that hospital might have been. The Mayor responded that an isolation hospital was intended to take people with contagious diseases away from the general population.
Ann Hulbert, Port Moody, thanked everyone for participating in the parade and congratulated Councillor Dilworth for her organizing efforts and all Council and staff for their work to make the parade a success.
Claire Cummings, Port Moody, congratulated council and staff and everyone who helped make Saturday’s parade such a wonderful event.
3.1 Presentation – Natasha Fraser
Natasha Fraser, Port Moody resident and winner of Sun Run 10k and Vancouver half marathon appeared as a delegation and received congratulations and commendation from Mayor and Council.
Mayor Clay outlined Natasha’s many accomplishments including the setting of a Canadian record. He presented her with a centennial T-shirt and a one-year recreation centre fitness pass.
Ms. Fraser indicated she is honoured to be here and Port Moody is a beautiful city to run in and a great community to be a part of.
Delegation Application dated June 5, 2013
Power Point Presentation / File: 0230-01
A representative of the Blackberry Artists Society provided a presentation on the history of the Society and what the Society does. He noted that they operate the Blackberry Gift Shop in the Arts Centre and illustrated some of the unique, handcrafted local art available at the gift shop. He also noted some of the community events they assist with and participate in. He concluded by noting that November 14th they will be holding their yearly Christmas market.
3.3 Evergreen SkyTrain Project Update
Presentation by Evergreen Project Officer Amanda Farrell / File: 8640-03
Amanda Farrell together with the City’s General Manager of Engineering & Parks and Senior Project Manager made a presentation on progress with the Evergreen Line construction.
Ms. Farrell expressed appreciation for the close working relationship with City staff. She advised the project office is continuing their community liaison activities, they are 6 months into the construction contract and there is a lot of activity along the line. She advised that the construction will start in earnest in July, the tunnel boring will start early in the new year and take about a year to complete then the tracks will go in. She confirmed that the project is on schedule to open the line in the summer of 2016. Referencing maps, she outlined aspects and activities along the line through Port Moody.
James Chandler, Port Moody Senior Project Manager, outlined elements of the construction methodology of the Inlet Station which includes a tunnel under the road. He advised that access across the bridge will be closed for the Thanksgiving weekend. He added that emergency services are being consulted to ensure appropriate access and there will be one lane available to emergency responders.
Neal Carley, General Manager of Engineering & Parks spoke to the complaints that have been received and how they are handled. He advised they are logged and tracked, passed along to the Evergreen Project Office then the resolution of the concerns is logged.
Ms. Farrell outlined how complaints are handled advising that they look into what can be done, the complainant is contacted, sometimes in person. She noted that quite often it is questions about the work and in some cases it’s about mitigation. She assured Council that the resolution of complaints is reported back to City staff. She outlined how she keeps the public informed and how they engage community groups about their interests.
In response to a question, Ms. Farrell indicated she would provide drawings showing elevations on the different segments of the line and more detailed information on how the tunnel spoils will be trucked out once that information is determined.
4.1 Minutes
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held June 11, 2013 be adopted.
4.2 Solid Waste Bylaw AmendmentAn amendment to the Solid Waste Bylaw in relation to recycling services for multi-family properties.
File: 11-5360-16
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2963 be now adopted.
Report: Financial Services dated June 5, 2013 / File: 0350-03
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT references to carpooling in section 2.1c be removed.
Voting against: Mayor Clay, Councillors Dilworth, Elliott, Glumac, Nuttall, Royer, Small
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Corporate Policy 5-1800-1 – Travel and Expense Policy proposed in the June 5, 2013 Financial Services Department report be adopted.
AND THAT Corporate Policy 5-1800-2 - Council Member Expenses be rescinded.
Response to Delegation Request
THAT the administration fee be waived and the owners not be held responsible for the encroachments.
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT based on the June 17, 2013 Financial Services Department report, encroachments continue to be dealt with in accordance with the current program;
AND THAT the request for waiver of the encroachment agreement administrative fee for 14 and 15 McNair Bay for the use and occupation of City land be declined.
Voting against: Councillors Elliott, Glumac, Nuttall, Royer, Small
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff report back on some alternatives for acceptable encroachments with regards to existing retaining walls.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the owners of 14 and 15 McNair Bay be required to enter into an encroachment agreement at no charge.
Voting against: Councillor Dilworth
Report: Development Services dated June 18, 2013 / File: 0480-20-07
Response to Belcarra South Preservation Society Delegation Request
THAT Council write a letter to the Environment /Parks Division of Metro Vancouver in support of the Society’s request to continue to occupy the cottages.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody request Metro Vancouver to continue to work with the Belcarra South Preservation Society to identify potential solutions to allow the cabins to remain as rental cabins.
Report: Engineering and Parks Services Department, dated June 17, 2013 / File: 6290-20-01
Response to Trails BC Delegation Request
THAT Council provide a cycling pathway along the north side of Clarke Street that would parallel the Evergreen Line from Moody Street to Queen Street.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Engineering & Parks Services Department report dated June 17, 2013 regarding the Trans Canada Trail be received for information.
AND THAT staff continue to explore and pursue options for a dedicated bike path along the north side of Clarke Street.
Report: Engineering & Parks Services dated June 17, 2013 / File: 6290-01
Response to Barnet Lions Delegation Request
THAT Council consider establishing an Adopt-a-Street/Parks program where community members can volunteer to clean city streets/parks.
Moved, seconded and
THAT the Adopt a Trail/Street/Park program outlined in the June 17, 2013 Engineering and Parks Services report be implemented;
AND THAT a budget of $2000 for 2013 costs of the Adopt a Trail/Street/Park program be approved, with funding from the Council Contingency Fund.
Moves, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Development of an Adopt a Trail/Adopt a Street Program item be deferred pending discussion with the CUPE Union.
Report: Financial Services and Engineering & Parks Departments dated June 14, 2013 / File: 5480-02
Moved, seconded and
THAT staff proceed with the public consultation plan outlined in the June 14, 2013 Financial Services and Engineering and Parks Departments report as the next step in gathering information on the potential implementation of pay parking in Rocky Point Park;
AND THAT $4,860 be allocated from the Council contingency to fund the process.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Rocky Point Park Pay Parking Consultation Plan and Information Requests item be referred to Committee of the Whole to work out the consultation proposal to refer to the public.
Presentation: General Manager of Community Services
Municipal Service Assessment, Facilities Division Report / File: 2737-03
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Municipal Service Assessment, Facilities Division report presented by the General Manager of Community Services on June 25, 2013 be received for information.
6.2 Cross Connection ControlReport: Engineering & Parks Services Department dated June 17, 2013
File: 5700-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council support in principle the proposed Cross Connection Control Program as outline in the June 17, 2013 Engineering and Parks Services report;
THAT Council direct staff to develop an implementation plan, a stakeholder engagement plan, a hazard assessment of City facilities, inspection and testing protocol for backflow assemblies, a data management system, and proposed bylaw amendments and report back to Council;
THAT Council support in principle the draft Cross Connection Control Policy, dated May 28, 2013; and
THAT Council support an application to the Infrastructure Planning Grant Program for a $10,000 grant for the City of Port Moody’s Cross Connection Control program.
Joint Family Court and Youth Justice Committee, May 24, 2013 / File: 0360-20-08
· Approved Minutes – Regular and Closed – April 25, 2013
· Current Terms of Reference
Moved, seconded and
THAT Council endorses the proposed revisions to the terms of reference of the Joint Family Court and Youth Justice Committee.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT this item be deferred until the Joint Family Court and Youth Justice Committee can attend Council to explain the terms of reference
6.4 Council Committee Appointments
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay
File: 0360-20-02/0360-20-03
· Community Care Committee vacancy
· Economic Development Committee vacancy
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Steven Dragicevich be appointed to the Economic Development Committee and Mary Gerges be appointed to the Community Care Committee.
9.2 Resolution and Response and other Letters
· Letter dated June 4, 2013 from Coquitlam Mayor to Minister Shirley Bond re Regional Policing Resolution.
· Letter dated June 5, 2013 from Metro Vancouver Board Chair to Federal Minister of Environment re Request for Secure Tenure for Admiralty Point Lands in Belcarra Regional Park.
· Letter dated June 5, 2013 from School District 43 (Coquitlam) Board Chair re naming of new middle school.
9.3 Release of In Camera Information
Release of In-Camera item from June 18, 2013 In-Camera Council meeting approved for public release.
THAT a loan of $87,500 to the Arts Centre Society for the construction of an Atrium between the Arts Centre and the Centennial/Appleyard House be authorized and funded from accumulated surplus.
10 Public Input