Sep 3,2013 Special Council Meeting
Sept 3 is a special meeting to accomodate an OCP Committee of the Whole on Sep 10
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay / File: 7705-01
Tonight we have two separate entries to review for Art at Council, both entries are from independent local art groups, and each group has created Centennial-themed exhibitions opening later this month.
The first piece is by Blackberry Artist Del Holbrook. The medium is wood intarsia, which is a technique that refers to sculpting various pieces of wood to assemble one final image. This piece is titled "Powerful" and it was directly inspired by train engine #1190, as described in the Port Moody Station Museum’s "Tracks in Time" book.
Del and ten other members of the Blackberry Artist’s Society have all created original art inspired by this popular Centennial themed book, and the works will be displayed along with their inspirational excerpts, in the galleria at the Civic Centre from Sunday, September 8 through Friday, September 20.
The two oil paintings are by award-winning Suite E Life Drawing Group artist Sue Cowan, and capture two very recognizable Centennial characters that we’ve seen around a few times this year: Colonel Richard Moody and his wife Mary Moody. These pieces, and many more that reflect upon past and present Port Moody residents, will be on display at the Port Moody Arts Centre, in an exhibition titled "Then & Now: Portrait of a Community" which opens Thursday, September 12 and runs until October 13
1.2 Historical Highlight - Centennial 2013
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay / File 1485-015
As students head back to school this week, it is interesting to reflect on some of the history of Port Moody schools. 2013 is the 40th anniversary of Port Moody Secondary school. The previous high school, Moody High, was destroyed by fire in 1969. Although the cause of the fire remains unknown, it resulted in $2 million worth of damage. A poem written by a student after the blaze laments the school’s destruction as "she reared her proud head, violently shuddered, and crashed beaten to the ground." The next morning’s light revealed "the ugly crippled ruins, baring her blackened bones to the sight of the grieving saddened students who came to pay their last respects."
After the destruction of their school, Port Moody high school students were bussed to Coquitlam schools in shifts until their school was rebuilt for September classes in 1970. The modern Port Moody Secondary school opened its doors 40 years ago in 1973.
On a more positive note, one year prior to the tragic fire, in 1968, Moody High was in the headlines for a successful rebellion. A group of girls, having had enough of the antiquated attitude that it was considered unladylike for girls to wear blue jeans to school, donned their jeans, came to school, staged a sit-in in the hallway and refused to move. A few days later an announcement rang through the school informing girls that blue jeans were now acceptable clothing.
You can read more about the history of Port Moody schools, and much more, in Port Moody Heritage Society’s history book "Tracks in Time: Port Moody’s First 100 Years" available at City Hall and at the Station Museum on Murray Street (not, incidentally, the original location of the museum – you’ll have to read the book to find out more).
2. Public Input
Maria Wall, Port Moody, noted that she and her partner worked for a great number of years for the City of Port Moody in the Parks Division. Referring to the Municipal Service Assessment for the parks division and the proposed reorganization, she questioned why, if this MSA has not yet been implemented, three positions in the parks division have not been filled. She noted that a number of years ago the same reorganization was proposed and was found to be unsuccessful as parks services deteriorated. She noted that the park inventory has doubled and the parks division should remain a separate division from operations to preserve and maintain the high level of service.
Ruth Foster, Belcarra, on behalf of the Mossom Creek Hatchery spoke regarding the proposed terminal for the Kinder Morgan pipeline and the potential impacts on aquatic life in the inlet. She requested that Council invite Kinder Morgan to host a town hall meeting in the City of Port Moody so the public would have an opportunity to raise questions and hear responses of their experts. She also noted that in past years, regular meetings were initiated by environmental staff with stewardship groups and requested that this practice be reinstated. She also noted that if there was an environmental incident the stewardship groups received a telephone call and this no longer occurs. For example, the groups did not hear about an August 7th fish kill from accidental leakage related to the Evergreen Line. She requested that the city consider practices that would put environmental groups back into the loop.
Diane Jolly, Port Moody, expressed disappointment that there is no longer a specific manager of environmental services to deal with environmental issues to ensure they are front and centre but that now this is part of the sustainability division
Diane Jolly, Port Moody, expressed disappointment that there is no longer a specific manager of environmental services to deal with environmental issues to ensure they are front and centre but that now this is part of the sustainability division
Arnold McLaughlin spoke on behalf of Mr. Choi, the owner of the Heritage Mountain Shopping Centre. He suggested it would be fair play to consider allowing an increase in the height in the OCP on this site to be more consistent with other properties in the vicinity noting that Mr. Choi will not get the same privileges as other developments in the area. He noted that his taxes continue to rise because of the land value and that should be taken into consideration in the OCP. He advised that Mr. Choi has a new proposal for an OCP designation of 4-12 storeys. He outlined some of the proposed details of the proposal.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the public input period continue beyond 15 minutes.
Ann Hulbert, Port Moody, suggested a bistro in the Appleyard House so it would generate revenue. She also spoke to the cleanup of an oil spill and suggested the Environmental Protection Committee look into this to ensure spillers have a program in place to treat wildlife affected by spills. She expressed concern that it appears the environmental manager is not going to be replaced.
David Ritcey, Port Moody, spoke regarding the Arts Centre’s variance application that will affect parking at the Arts Centre. He noted it is a significant request that should be weighed carefully. He inquired about the traffic flow study on St. Johns Street and expressed concern that Port Moody could not change crosswalk times, etc. because it is a TransLink road. He suggested changes to St. Johns traffic flow require a comprehensive review as it is a complex issue
Verbal Presentation: General Manager, Corporate Services / File: 2737-03
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Municipal Service Assessment, Information Services Division report presented by the General Manager of Corporate Services on September 3, 2013 be received for information.
PowerPoint Presentation: Manager of Cultural Services, Community Services Department / File: 7940-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the proposed First Nations Public Art Design be accepted
4.1 Minutes
Minutes of the July 23, 2013 Regular Meeting of Council / File: 0550-05
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held July 23, 2013 be adopted.
Memo: City Clerk – Legislative Services dated August 28, 2013 / File: 1850-10
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Regular Council meeting scheduled for September 10, 2013 be cancelled and appropriate notices be posted to inform the public.
Memo: Financial Services dated August 7, 2013 / File: 1940-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT effective September 3, 2013, the signing officers resolution approved on January 8, 2013, be rescinded;
AND THAT the signing officers for all the city bank accounts be any two of the following: • Mayor Clay or, in the absence of the Mayor, the Acting Mayor or Second Acting Mayor
• Kevin Ramsay, City Manager
• Paul Rockwood, General Manager of Financial Services
• Laura Turner, Finance Supervisor
• Juli Kolby, Purchasing Supervisor
Report: Development Services – Planning dated August 26, 2013 / File: 3060-20-98 / 6800-08-02 / 3090-20-11
Mr. Anthony Boni, Architect, Boni Maddison Architects was in attendance and responded to questions.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Development Permit 2013-98 be issued subject to the finalization of plans and submission of all required fees and securities to the satisfaction of staff and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application;
the finalization of plans and submission of all required fees and securities to the satisfaction of staff and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application;
AND THAT Development Variance Permit 2013-111 be issued subject to submission of all required fees and securities to the satisfaction of staff and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application.
Report: Development Services – Planning dated August 21, 2013 / File: 6800-08-03
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Heritage Alteration Permit No. 2013-03 for new signage at 2425 St. Johns Street (Old City Hall), as referenced in the Development Services Report dated August 21, 2013, be approved.
5.1 Parkside Drive Traffic Calming Project
Report in response to delegation to be submitted to a subsequent meeting.
5.2 Adopt a Trail / Adopt a Street Program
Report in response to delegation to be submitted to a subsequent meeting.
Report: Engineering and Parks Services dated August 26, 2013 / File: 11-5450-01/Vol 1
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be directed to proceed with the ceremonial designation of the section of Kyle Street from St. Johns Street to Clarke Street as "Veterans Way" with the installation of three signs to be installed for Remembrance Day on November 11, 2013;
AND THAT a budget of $450 be approved, with funding from the Council Contingency Fund.
Voting against: Councillor Royer
Report: Community Services – Cultural Services dated August 21, 2013 / File: 7950-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City provide in-kind theatre access and staff support for the Maple Leaf Singers in partnership with the Legion;
AND THAT proceeds from the event be transferred to a newly created musical arts reserve that can be used to support the musical arts in Port Moody if it is agreed by Mr. Van Alstyne and Maple Leaf Singers that their fundraising money will go to the musical arts.
Voting against: Mayor Clay, Councillors Dilworth, Small
Memo: City Clerk, dated August 26, 2013 / Delegation Application: Robert Simons, President, Port Moody Foundation and Hazel Postma, Douglas College Foundation, dated August 1, 2013 / File: 1850-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the request to appear as a delegation be approved
Report: Development Services – Planning dated August 13, 2013 / File: 6970-07
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Metro Vancouver be advised that the City of Port Moody has no objection to the Hendricks amendment.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Metro Vancouver be advised that the City of Port Moody does not support the removal of North Murrayville from the Agricultural Land Reserve.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Metro Vancouver be advised that the City of Port Moody does not support the changes to the current RGS for the site at 200 Street and Highway #1 from Mixed Employment to General Urban and supports that site remaining in its current designation.
Voting against: Councillors Nuttall, Small
Report: Corporate Services Department, Legislative Services Division, dated August 28, 2013 / File: 0360-20-29
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT a consultant be engaged to review and make recommendations on Council indemnities.
Voting against: Councillor Dilworth, Elliott
Staff were requested to report back with a proposed budget.
Memorandum: City Clerk dated September 3, 2013 / File: 2770-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Margaret Warwick be appointed Acting City Clerk and be delegated the authority of the City Clerk effective September 6th, 2013, until the recruitment of a new City Clerk is completed.
E-mail: Eric Huffey, dated August 22, 2013 / File: 0630-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT September be proclaimed Prostate Cancer Awareness Week in the City of Port Moody.
7.2 Release of In-Camera Meeting Decisions – Painting Project
THAT the painting project funding be reallocated from the projects listed in Attachment "A" to the July 9, 2013 Community Services - Facilities Division report to those projects detailed in Attachment "B" of the report
The recommendation from the September 3rd, 2013, Committee of the Whole meeting on the following item was forwarded to this evening’s meeting for consideration.
7.3 Recommended Next Steps for Advancing Community Energy and Green House Gas Emission Reduction Action – Leveraging BC Hydro Funding Opportunities
Report: Development Services, Sustainability Division dated August 26, 2013 / File: 5280-50
Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT:
1. The City pursue BC Hydro’s funding offer for the Community Energy and Emissions Plan: Action and Implementation.
2. The City pursue BC Hydro’s funding offer for the development of Moody Centre New Development Energy and Carbon Performance Plan; and that
3. The City pursue BC Hydro’s funding offer for the Sustainability and Energy Specialist.
8.1 Council Reports
Notice of Motion – Community Grants
Council Glumac proposed the following Notice of Motion:
THAT staff report back on amounts of community grants allocated within similar sized communities.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Notice of Motion regarding community grants be considered this evening.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff report back on amounts of community grants allocated within similar sized communities.
Voting against: Councillor Dilworth
Notice of Motion – Kinder Morgan Pipeline
Councillor Glumac submitted the following Notice of Motion:
THAT the city coordinate with representatives from Kinder Morgan in order to arrange a town hall meeting in Inlet Theatre in the fall
8.2 Staff Reports (none)
• Letter: Trans Mountain Expansion Project, dated July 25, 2013 Re: Emergency Preparedness Study
• Letter: City of Coquitlam, dated July 30, 2013 Re: Regional Transportation Strategy
• Letter: MetroVancouver, dated August 1, 2013 Re: Regional Growth Strategy Special Study Areas
• Letter: MetroVancouver, dated August 7, 2013 Re: Air Emission Permit for PCT
• Letter: Selina Robinson, MLA, dated August 7, 2013 Re: Introduction
9.3 Mobile Device Policy
10 Public Input
11 Adjournment
The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 10:01pm.