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Oct 1,2013 Committee of the Whole

Agenda                  Minutes
Report: Financial Services Department, dated September 12, 2013 / File: 08-3010-03

Staff provided an overview of the proposed decision criteria for retaining walls encroaching onto City lands. The acceptable distance by which a wall may encroach upon City land was discussed as an additional criterion to be considered.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Financial Services Department report dated September 12, 2013 with respect to Criteria for Acceptable Retaining Wall Encroachment onto City Land be referred back to staff for clarification on the acceptable distance for an encroachment onto City land.
Verbal Presentation: City Manager
Team Action Plan Dashboard, last updated September 26, 2013 / File: 1485-11

The City Manager presented the latest data from the Team Action Plan Dashboard and provided an overview of the significance of the data. He then responded to questions from Council and confirmed that the file will be made available to Council in a searchable, but secure, MS Excel format.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City Manager’s presentation on Staff Progress Update – Team Action Plan be received for information.
Report: Engineering and Parks Services Department, dated September 23, 2013 / File: 11-5240-01/Vol 01

The City Manager prefaced the presentation from the Senior Project Engineer by noting that a comprehensive asset management plan will be available in the future to guide infrastructure maintenance and replacement. Brian Barnett, Senior Project Engineer, provided an update on the 2013 Capital Program with the aid of a PowerPoint Presentation, and explained that approximately $3.3 million could be transferred back to the reserve from projects that cannot be completed during 2014 for various reasons including undefined scope, resource limitations, and redundancy. Council requested clarification on the categories of projects that cannot be completed, noting that some projects appear to be miscategorised as ‘redundant’ when the issue is ‘undefined scope’.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Engineering and Parks Services report dated September 23, 2013 with respect to the 2013 Capital Projects Update be amended to include proper categorization for each project and then be forwarded to Council for consideration.

6. Adjournment

The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 7:04pm.
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