Dec 3,2013 Committee of the Whole
File: 8640-03
James Chandler, Senior Project Manager, provided a brief update on the progress on the Evergreen Line Project, and introduced Amanda Farrell, Executive Project Director at the Evergreen Line Rapid Transit Project. Ms. Farrell provided an overview of the hydraulic box jacking at Inlet Centre, noting that this innovative process allowed the project team to avoid a 64 night closure of the overpass. Ms. Farrell then gave a presentation on the tunnel boring machine that is currently being transported to Port Moody and assembled in place. Tunnel boring will begin in February, and continue to the end of 2014 at the pace of eight to ten metres per day. Road closures during the transportation of the tunnel boring machine are expected to be minimal, lasting only between ten and fifteen minutes.
3.1 Adoption of Minutes
File: 0550-03-02
A correction was noted in item 6 of the November 19, 2013 Committee of the Whole Minutes; the meeting was adjourned by Councillor Small.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting of Tuesday, November 12, 2013 be adopted;
AND THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting of Tuesday, November 19, 2013 be adopted as amended.
File: 1700-03-10
2014 Capital Project Pre-Approval Submissions, dated November 25, 2013
The General Manager of Financial Services provided an overview of the project pre-approval submissions .
Council requested and received further information on the Process Review Consultant.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT #17 - Demolition of Old Fire Hall #1 be removed from the 2014 project pre-approval submissions;
AND THAT staff report back on the pros and cons of demolishing the old Fire Hali #1.
Moved, seconded and CARIRED
THAT #22 - Watermain Upgrades: Moody Street be removed from the 2014 project pre-approval submissions;
AND THAT staff report back on the relocation of the watermain at Moody Street.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Project Pre-Approval Submissions for Budget Year 2014 be approved as submitted by Financial Services on November 25, 2013 with the exception of items #17 and #22.
The General Manager of Financial Services provided information on the growth allocation method.
Report: Financial Services Department, dated November 20, 2013 / File: 5-2020-16
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Financial Services Department report dated November 20, 2013 with respect to Asset Management Plan and Long Term Strategic Financial Plan - Update be received for information.
Report: Engineering Services, dated November 28, 2013 / File: 0760-20-27-07
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT as per the Engineering Services "Appleyard Centennial House - additional funding" report dated November 28, 2013, a total amount of $230,515.00 be allocated to the Appleyard Centennial House project from the Heritage Reserve Fund.
Report: Community Services Department, dated November 28, 2013 / File: 6240-20-07
Staff noted that a report will be brought forward in 2014 to examine the methodology with which projects are reviewed.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Westhill Sports Box project budget be increased by $150,000 with funding from accumulated surplus as detailed in the Community Services report dated November 28, 2013.