Jan 28,2014 Regular Council
Regular Council Meeting
1.1 Presentation of Civic Awards
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay / File: 0290-02
The following 2013 Civic Awards were presented:
• Councillor Zoe Royer, Chair of the 2013 Arts and Culture Committee, presented the Arts Award to Ann Kitching;
• Councillor Rick Glumac, Chair of the 2013 Environmental Protection Committee, presented the Environmental Award to Saskia Vaisey;
• Councillor Diana Dilworth, Chair of the 2013 Heritage Commission, presented the Heritage Award to Jim Millar; and,
• Councillor Diana Dilworth, Chair of the 2013 Parks and Recreation Commission, presented the Sports Achievement Award to the Nothin' Dragon Boat Masters
Mayor Clay thanked the award recipients for their contributions to the City, and acknowledged and thanked other recipients of various recognitions awarded during 2013.
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay / File: 7705-01
Mayor Clay introduced local teen author Shirin Segran by presenting a short video on Aegis Rising. Shirin, an avid reader since early childhood, began writing stories in her teens before embarking on her first full length novel at the age of fifteen. Ms. Segran read an excerpt from her young adult sci-fi adventure novel Aegis Rising.
2. Public Input
Jeff McLellan, Port Moody, requested that the re-registration process for toddlers in the preschool recreation program at Rocky Point Park be changed so that children who attended a morning or afternoon session in the three year old group would be guaranteed a space in the same timeslot in the four year old group the following year. Mr. McLellan feels that the current system forces parents to camp out overnight unnecessarily.
Hazel Mason, Port Moody, expressed her concerns about remarks made during the public input period at the Regular Council meeting held on January 14, 2014. Ms. Mason noted that false and misleading statements about the Moody Centre Community Association—a 35 year old non-for-profit organization serving Moody Centre and its community—are not acceptable. Ms. Mason invited the public to visit the society's website and take part in the ongoing dialogue.
Wilhelmina Martin, Port Moody, expressed her disapproval of the 29% increase in Council Indemnity, and suggested that anyone running for office in the future make their stances on the expected hours of work and compensation known during their campaign. Ms. Martin thanks Mayor Clay and Councillor Glumac for voting against the increase.
David Spence, Port Moody, commended Council in recognizing Shirin Segran's achievements, and noted that he arranged for a Skype book launch for her in Bridgetown, Barbados.
Reiner Specht, Port Moody, noted that Council should apply for intervener status at the National Energy Board hearing for the Kinder Morgan Pipeline expansion as stated in the report. Mr. Specht also noted that he disagreed with the increase in Council indemnity, and suggested that Council indemnity be based on population. Mr. Specht spoke in support of Hazel Mason and the Moody Centre Community Association, noting that he would have liked the Mayor to stop the speaker rather than let him continue beyond his allotted two minutes.
PowerPoint Presentation: Maple Creek Middle School Students
Delegation Application: Maple Creek Middle School Students, dated December 19, 2013 / File: 0230-20-02
Students from Maple Creek Middle School spoke about Real Acts of Caring, noting that performing kind acts for others and not asking anything in return makes both the giver and receiver happy. Students provided examples of Real Acts of Caring and urged everyone to participate in Real Acts of Caring, and requested that February 9-15, 2014 be proclaimed as Real Acts of Caring Week.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the request be dealt with at this time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT February 9 to 15, 2014 be proclaimed as Real Acts of Caring Week.
Delegation Application: Dancing 4 a Change Society, dated January 9, 2014
E-mail: Manager of Cultural Services, dated January 13, 2014 / File: 0230-20-02
Sheila Alwell introduced Dancing 4 a Change Society, a not-for-profit society based in Port Moody devoted to raising awareness of the problem of human trafficking and fundraising for long-term rehabilitation of victims of human trafficking. Ms. Alwell provided an overview of the society's mission and of the fundraising event to be held on February 1, 2014 in the Inlet Theatre. Ms. Alwell requested that the Inlet Theatre Rental Costs of $1,219.03 for the Dancing 4 a Change Gala Fundraiser on February 1, 2014 be waived in order to maximise the contributions to the organization providing long term rehabilitation to victims of human trafficking.
Councillor Dllworth declared a conflict of interest as she is employed by Pacific Coast Terminals and left the meeting at 8:10pm.
Presentation: Ken Catton, Vice-President and General Manager of Terminals Pacific Coast Terminals / File: 6750-05-01
Ken Catton, Vice-President and General Manager of Pacific Coast Terminals gave a presentation on the future of the company, noting the changes they will be undergoing to adapt to the changes in the commodities market. Mr. Catton noted that the Terminals will be adding canola oil loading facilities, and is in the midst of negotiations on adding potash loading facilities. The Terminal is currently in the process of applying for permits related to this expansion through Port Metro Vancouver and Metro Vancouver. The expansion project is a $35 million dollar investment, and will involve the construction of new storage tanks, dykes, above-ground pipelines, the addition of a waste water treatment plant, and the dredging of the navigational channel.
The expansion will result in spin-off jobs for vessel operators, as well as 300 construction jobs over one year. Additional municipal taxes are estimated at approximately $390,000 per year. Mr. Catton gave an overview of the environmental impact of the expansion, and the emergency preparedness measures to deal with any accidents. Mr. Catton noted that PCT is committed to informing and supporting its community, and is proud to support various local charities.
Mayor and Council thanked Mr. Catton for his presentation, congratulated him on his upcoming retirement, and thanked him for the many years of service to the community.
Councillor Dilworth returned to the meeting at 8:42pm.
4.1 Minutes
File: 0550-05
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held Tuesday, January 7, 2014 be adopted.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held Tuesday, January 14, 2014 be adopted with the following amendment:
Under item 6.7, replace the words "a representative" with the word "representation" in the motion regarding the City Beautification Subcommittee.
File: 6800-10/2011-01
City of Port Moody Heritage Revitalization Tax Exemption Bylaw, 2011, No. 2913, Amendment Bylaw No. 2, 2013, No. 2965, being a bylaw intended to address situations where, due to declining housing market conditions, the eligible tax exemption could be equal to zero if a property received a reduced assessed value of improvements following project completion.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Heritage Revitalization Tax Exemption Bylaw, 2011, No. 2913, Amendment Bylaw No. 2, 2013, No. 2965 be now adopted.
Report: Development Services - Planning, dated January 20, 2014 / File: 3060-20-103
The General Manager of Development Services provided an overview of the request from the Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society for waiving application and permit fees associated with the reconstruction of the Mossom Creek Hatchery, and answered questions from Council.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the request to waive the fees associated with the Development Variance Permit, Development Permit, and Building Permit applications to allow for the reconstruction of Mossom Creek Hatchery be approved;
AND THAT the uncommitted balance of the 2013 Council Contingency budget, of which the balance is $15,646.00, be carried forward and used to cover the application fees associated with the Development Variance Permit, Development Permit, and Building Permit applications;
AND THAT the Zoning Bylaw Text Amendment Application Fee be waived and not included as a cost.
Report: Arts and Culture Committee, dated November 25, 2013 / File: 0360-20-43
Mayor Clay noted that the companion report from staff has been withdrawn and is no longer in need of consideration.
Councillor Nuttall provided an overview of the process through which the principles document was developed, and noted that upon approval of the principles document, staff will develop the Public Art Policy and Procedures.
Councillor Glumac suggested removing the phrase "with city staff' from section 2 (A)(4)(i) for greater clarity.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Principles for Development of a Public Art Policy document be endorsed as presented;
AND THAT a Corporate Public Art Policy be developed based on the approved principles document;
AND THAT the Policy be brought back to Council for review.
Report: Arts and Culture Committee, dated January 17, 2014 / File: 0360-20-43
Councillor Nuttall provided an overview of the discussion that occurred at the Arts and Culture Committee meeting held on January 15, 2014, noting the consensus on the importance of having an unrestricted open call.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT public art be included as part of the Moody Street Overpass expansion project;
AND THAT $60,000 be allocated from the Artwork Reserve for public art on the Moody Street Overpass.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Public Art Procurement Process for the Moody Street Overpass Public Art be conducted under the newly adopted Public Art Principles Document.
6.4 Mayor's Community Member Appointment to 2014 Standing and Statutory Committees
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay / File: 0360-07
The Mayor rescinded the following appointments:
Land Use Committee (Standing):
• Jess Doyle
Heritage Commission (Statutory):
• Dave Zille
The Mayor announced the following appointments:
Land Use Committee (Standing):
• Chris Carter
Heritage Commission (Statutory):
• Cathy Cena
6.5 Council Community Member Appointments to 2014 Select and Statutory Committees
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay / File: 0360-07
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the fallowing community members be appointed to committees for a one year term:
Parks and Recreation Commission (Statutory):
• Nancy Scott
• Dave Zille
Transportation Committee (Select):
• Andrew Hartline, HUB
• Kathleen Nadalin, ICBC
Youth Focus Committee (Select):
• Zaria Alibhai
• Ryana Alkassoum
• Lakota Huffman
• Madison Martin
• Amanda Masse
Report: Arts and Culture Committee, dated January 19, 2014 / File: 0360-20-43
Moved and seconded
THAT Council approve the proposed budget of $29,757 for the parade in 2014, funded from the Council Strategic Reserve;
AND THAT the parade budget of $29,757 be pre-approved for the 2014 budget.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
AND THAT active partnership and sponsorship be sought by the Committee to alleviate the cost of $29,757.00.
The question on the main motion was put and CARRIED.
Report: Development Services - Planning Division, dated January 20, 2014 / File: 6430-08
Staff provided clarification on population estimate vs. growth targets.
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT staff be directed to prepare a table of estimated population increases in neighbourhood sub-areas that are used to derive the 50,000 population estimate for further consideration at a future Council meeting.
(Voting Against: Councillors Dilworth, Nuttall, and Small, and Mayor Clay)
Move, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be directed to consider the Metro Vancouver staff comments received in the letter dated January 16, 2014 and bring forward any changes to the DRAFT regional context statement for further Council review. (MSC)
Letter: Metro Vancouver, dated December 13, 2013
Draft Letter: Mayor M.E. Clay, dated January 28, 2014 / File: 0410-08
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the draft letter from Mayor Clay dated January 28, 2014 be endorsed for submission to the Minister of Lands and Energy.
Report: City Manager, dated January 20, 2014 / File: 01-0430-20
The City Manager provided a brief overview of the feasibility and process of participating in the National Energy Board Hearings for the Kinder Morgan Pipeline Expansion.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City of Port Moody formally apply to participate in the National Energy Board hearings regarding the Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC - Trans Mountain Expansion project as an Intervener on the following three issues:
• The potential environmental and socio-economic effects of marine shipping activities that would result from the proposed Project, including the potential effects of accidents or malfunctions that may occur;
• Contingency planning for spills, accidents or malfunctions, during construction and operation of the project; and
• Safety and security during construction of the proposed project and operation of the project, including emergency response planning and third-party damage prevention;
AND THAT all potential costs be reported back to Council as they become known.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the meeting continue past 10pm.
Memo: Councillor Rick Glumac, dated January 21, 2014 / File: 0550-00
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council attendance of the February 13, 2014 Financing Urban Growth course be endorsed to be paid for from the 2014 Council Conference Budget.
Report: Mayor Mike Clay, dated January 23, 2014 /File: 0470-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council approve funding of the Mayor's attendance at the April 24/25 Mayors' Caucus in Cranbrook from the Mayor and Council Conventions and Dues Account, of an amount not to exceed $900.
Report: Mayor Mike Clay, dated January 23, 2014 / File: 0500-30
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council approve a fee waiver for Eagle Ridge Hospital Foundation, Eat Your Heart Out Event, for the Galleria Rental Only (staff costs would still apply), in the amount of $ 468.85 (including GST).
The agenda was re-ordered to address item 9.3 at this point.
Memo: General Manager of Community Services, dated January 27, 2014/ File: 15-7715-06-003
Options for changing the registration process were discussed.
Moved and seconded
THAT the child recreation program registration process be changed to allow 4 year old re-registration to continue in the morning and afternoon according to their registration in the 3 year old group;
AND THAT staff report back with streamlined registration process for the future.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
AND THAT a taskforce for preschool expansion be established to evaluate preschool programming needs in the Community.
Separation of the motion was requested.
The question on the first two parts of the amended motion was put and CARRIED.
The question on the third part of the amended motion was put and CARRIED.
8.1 Council Verbal Reports
Mayor Clay invited the public to attend the opening of Inlet Centre Firehall.
Mayor Clay spoke of Tim Jones's contributions in Search and Rescue, thanked him and the North Shore Rescue for their service, and extended condolences to Tim Jones's family.
Councillor Royer extended condolences to Michael Price, a long time committee volunteer, for the passing of his wife.
8.2 Staff Verbal Reports
The General Manager of Corporate Services announced that Allan Dunn, retired member of the Port Moody Police Department of 28 years, passed away over the weekend after a battle with cancer.
Memorandum: Corporate Purchasing Supervisor, dated January 8, 2014 / File: 03-1220-019.
• Letter: District of North Vancouver re: Provincial Core Review and the Agricultural Land Commission, dated January 7, 2014
10 . Public Input
Jacquie Boyer, Port Moody, spoke in support of the request from Dancing 4 a Change Society, noting that human trafficking is a major problem.
The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 10:28pm.