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Jan 14,2014 Committee of the Whole

Committee of the Whole
Agenda              Minutes

3.1 Minutes

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting of Tuesday, November 26, 2013 be adopted.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting of Tuesday, December 3, 2013 be adopted with the amendment:

In item 5.1, replace: "AND THAT staff report back on the pros and cons of demolishing the old Fire Hall #1."


"AND THAT staff report back on the options for the demolition of the old Fire Hall #1."
Memorandum: Port Moody Police Board, dated November 29, 2013 / File: 7400-01

Mayor Clay provided background information on the Police Board request for the establishment of a Strategic Policing Reserve. In response to a request from Council, staff provided information on current procedures for requesting a carry forward of funds and on practices in other municipalities. Staff also noted that City departments can rebalance their budgets with the City surplus, but the Police cannot.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Memorandum from the Port Moody Police Board requesting a Strategic Policing Reserve be included in future budgets be received for information.
(Voting Against: Councillor Dilworth and Mayor Clay)
Report: Financial Services Department, dated January 3, 2014

The General Manager of Financial Services and the Project Manager of Civic Engagement gave a presentation on the public engagement initiatives planned for budget discussions. It was noted that videos have been and are being shot to explain the budget, Council Cafes have been scheduled for three locations over three days, and the Budget Town Hall meeting has been scheduled for Monday, January ]27, 2014 at 7:00pm in the Inlet Theatre, with overflow contingencies in meeting rooms.

The General Manager of Financial Services requested clarification on the tax increase Council would like to have presented to the public at the Budget Town Hall Meeting.

Councillor Nuttall proposed including a budget of $85,000 for the repeat of three Centennial Events in 2014: Parade, Community Picnic, and Fireworks.

Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT $85,000 be added to the 2014 budget for repeating three Centennial Events – Parade, Community Picnic, and Fireworks – with funding coming from the Council Strategic Reserve.
(Voting Against: Councillors Elliott, Royer, and Small, and Mayor Clay)
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the current status of the budget be presented with the understanding that the budget is still a work in progress, and that the tax increase will be deliberated and finalized by Council once the public’s input has been considered.
Council noted that staff has previously been directed to present 2.5% as the tax increase for each year from 2015 to 2018. Council reiterated the request to have these projections reflected in the 2014 to 2018 Financial Plan.
Presentation: John Weninger, Urban Systems / File: 05-1700-03

The General Manager of Financial Services introduced John Weninger of Urban Systems. Mr. Weninger provided an introduction to Long Term Strategic Financial Planning, noting that the completion of an Asset Management Plan is the first step in the process. Mr. Weninger will be holding two workshops with Council: the first in February 2014 to discuss vision and financial principles; the second in March 2014 to discuss long term strategic financial planning recommendations. He noted that discussions at these workshops will identify assumptions upon which projections can be based, and that discussions should be strategic rather than specific in order to facilitate the making of principle-based decisions on intended outcomes. A final review meeting will be held with City staff by mid April 2014.

The City Manager noted that long range strategic financial planning will be extremely useful in providing information to aid in making capital decisions and ensuring fiscal sustainability as well as the ability to maintain desired service levels in the future

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