Oct 15,2013 Committee of the Whole
Committee of the Whole
3.1 Minutes
File: 0550-03-02
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting of October 1, 2013 be adopted.
Report: City Manager’s Office, dated October 1, 2013 / File: 3010-01
The City Manager provided brief introductory remarks and identified Port Metro Vancouver (PMV) as a partner in the proposed strategy and introduced the representatives in attendance as follows:
• Peter Xotta, Vice President, Planning and Operations;
• Natalie Anderson, Marine Operations Specialist;
• Chris Wellstood, Deputy Harbour Master; and,
• Naomi Horsford, Municipal Executive Liaison.
Mr. Peter Xotta, with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, provided an overview of PMV as an organization. He noted the jurisdiction of the Port Authority and advised that they have direct relationships with sixteen waterfront municipalities and one Treaty First Nation. He then outlined the authority granted to Port Metro Vancouver under the Canadian Marine Act and explained the management and monitoring procedures within their jurisdiction.
Mr. Chris Wellstood then demonstrated the Collaborative Optimized Gateway System (COGS) software used by PMV to collect data and monitor the Port.
Mr. Xotta then advised that PMV has identified 40-50 Vessels of Interest (VOI) within the Port Moody Inlet over the last 24 months. He detailed the enforcement process and efforts by PMV to build an inventory of owner contact information through the posting of notices on the VOI’s.
The City Manager, with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, then outlined the Proposed Harbour Management Strategy noting that it is a pilot project to facilitate the fair and equitable use of the Port Moody arm of the Burrard Inlet. He outlined the program goals of environmental security, equitable use and harbour safety and identified Port Metro Vancouver as a partner in administering the strategy. He then detailed the framework of the strategy and noted the responsibilities of both the City of Port Moody and Port Metro Vancouver under the agreement.
The Communications Advisor then outlined the proposed Designated Anchorage Area Public Consultation Plan noting that PMV will contribute the anticipated $5000 cost.
At this point staff and PMV representatives addressed questions from Council.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be directed to proceed with a consultation plan togather feedback on the proposed Designated Anchorage Area;
AND THAT Port Metro Vancouver provide details on the timing and criteria for removing boats from the non-anchorage area.
At this point Peter Xotta, Natalie Anderson, Chris Wellstood, and Naomi Horsford, withdrew from the meeting.
Report: RDH Building Engineering Ltd., dated June 26, 2013
Presentation: Mr. Dave Stevens - Manager of Facilities / File: 5260-01
The Manager of Facilities, with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, detailed the purpose of the study, noting that it is important to have a detailed long range asset replacement plan in place for facilities, so as to manage City assets in a fiscally prudent manner. He advised that RDH Building Engineering Ltd. was retained to complete the study, and then introduced David Albrice, Senior Project Manager, and Warren Knowles, Principle, with RDH Building Engineering.
Mr. Albrice, with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, detailed the study methodology, findings and analysis and outlined the next steps in the process, following which he responded to questions from Council.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the draft Long Range Facilities Plan by RDH Building Engineering Ltd. dated June 26, 2013 be received for information and consideration as part of the 2014 budget process.
At this point David Albrice and Warren Knowles withdrew from the meeting.
Report: Community Services Department, dated October 7, 2013 / File: 3900-02
The General Manager of Community Services accompanied by Mr. Jim LaCroix, Manager of Recreation Services provided an overview of the proposed Community Services Fees to be included in the 2014Fees Bylaw and addressed questions from Council.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Community Services Fees as outlined in the Community Services Department report, dated October 7, 2013 be approvedfor inclusion in the Annual Fees and Charges Bylaw for 2014;
AND THAT the said fees be approved for publication prior to the adoption of the Bylaw.
Report: Engineering and Parks Services Department dated October 4, 2013. / File: 8330-20
The General Manager of Engineering and Parks Services accompanied by Mr. Mark Halpin, Transportation Engineering Technologist, provided an overview of the report and addressed questions from Council.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Master Transportation Plan Scoping Study and Master Transportation Plan be considered as part of the 2014- 2018 Financial Plan deliberations.