October 22,2013 Regular Council
Regular Council
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay/ File: 7705-01
Mayor Clay advised that Tuk Caldwell began his journey of studying and teaching art in Sydney, Australia. In 1966, he made the move to Canada and taught at Terry Fox high school for 24 years. During that time Tuk joined the Port Moody Art Association and the Federation of Canadian Artists, where upon he was granted signature status in 1992.
When Tuk moved to Canada and saw salmon for the first time he was struck by their colours and unique behavior. Tuk began to paint salmon in the ink and wash style he is known for.
In the past year Tuk has experimented with broken colour background which you will notice in tonight's painting The Resting Place.
Tuk is also well known for his mountain paintings and visitors to the 46th Annual Port Moody Art Association Show and Sale will see both styles there.
The show opens Friday November 1 at 7:30 pm at the Recreation Complex with refreshments and artists in attendance. Large and small works, classic minis, and new to this year, Art Cards, are available for viewing and purchase. The show continues Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 5pm.
1.2 Historical Highlight 2013 Centennial
Mayor Clay advised that, as the Historical Highlight this evening, Ann Kitching was to have been granted the Freedom of the City. Due to extenuating circumstances, Ms Kitching was unable to attend. As such, the award ceremony is to be rescheduled.
Mayor Clay then spoke briefly to the contributions Ms Kitching has made to the community and dedicated the evening's Historical Highlight to her.
2. Public Input
David Spence, Port Moody, noted his previous reminder to Staff and Council of two naming opportunities that are resting in abeyance for the City. The first to have a new ship commissioned by the Government of Canada named after the City of Port Moody. The second to have Bridgetown, Barbados named as a Sister City. He enquired as to the progress of the requests. Dr. Spence noted that he will be visiting Barbados at the end of November and offered to help facilitate the project on behalf of the City.
Ann Hulbert, Port Moody, queried why Mossom Creek Hatchery is not included in the Permissive Tax Exemption. Ms Hulbert also requested that the City ask PCT terminals whether they will be doing any landscaping surrounding their new extension and if so what kind.
Gil Biderman, Port Moody, expressed concerns regarding the Evergreen Line project in relation to the Klahanie neighbourhood, noting the recent information that the line would be elevated 13-15 metres above the entire stretch of Klahanie. Mr. Biderman advised that prior to October 2, 2013 the Evergreen Line website illustrated the line at grade then elevated after the Canoe Club and that many residents of Klahanie are in attendance to express their displeasure with the miscommunication. Mr. Biderman requested Council's help in dealing with this issue.
Jen Dolson, Port Moody, noted that several pages on the Evergreen Line website said that the line would be at grade as it passes Klahanie. She advised that the Strata Council for Klahanie had no idea it would now be elevated. Ms Dolson requested Council's support on this issue, suggesting that Klahanie residents form a committee to work with the City on this. Ms Dolson concluded that the issue is the change in plans, not the construction of the Evergreen Line itself.
Mike Price, Port Moody, commented on the noise the Evergreen Line will create and the resulting impact on Klahanie residents and enquired as to what steps are being taken to mitigate this impact.
Jennifer Huber, Port Moody, enquired as to when the community was advised of the change in elevation plans for the Evergreen Line.
It was communicated that the Line would elevate just east of Moray Street. Ms Huber inquired as to whether there was any legal recourse for the last minute change.
Kim Abercrombie, Port Moody, suggested that the Evergreen Line elevation issue is just the start of change in Moody Centre and enquired as to what the City would do to ensure the residents of Klahanie have a voice. She encouraged the City to work with residents in order to prevent future miscommunication of this nature.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
THAT the public input period continue beyond 15 minutes.
Michael Smith, Port Moody, commented that he had recently been in touch with an Evergreen Line representative who inferred that the line was being elevated in order to clear Koko's Activity Centre and enquired if the City had any information in this regard.
Paul Adamyk, Port Moody, commented on the noise that would be caused from the Evergreen Line and the impact this would have on Klahanie residents. He noted that the replanting of trees may help and enquired whether the City would be contributing to the funding of noise mitigation solutions.
Fredrico Dejuli, Port Moody, noted that tree removal is taking place in order to accommodate the Evergreen Line and requested that replanting be done immediately to allow time for the new trees to grow. Mr. Dejuli enquired as to whether there would be a City audit to ensure Evergreen Line replants a sufficient amount of trees. He requested clarification of a plan showing proposed tree removal areas.
Mayor Clay confirmed that members of Council and staff will be attending the meeting on November 13, 2013 being hosted by Evergreen to address the concerns being raised by Klahanie residents.
3.1 Presentation: Pacific Coast Terminals Expansion
Presentation: Pacific Coast Terminals, dated October 22, 2013 / File: 6750-05-01
Mayor Clay advised that the presentation from Pacific Coast Terminals has been postponed to a later date.
Delegation application, dated October 15, 2013 / File: 0550-01
Founders of the Ugly Christmas Sweater Party, Jordan Birch and Dave McCloskey spoke to their delegation application noting that the event started twelve years ago as a Coquitlam theme party and is now a national event and not-for-profit organization.
Mr. Birch advised that they have partnered with the Children's Make-A-Wish Foundation of Canada. Mr. Birch requested that December 20, 2013 be proclaimed as the Official Ugly Sweater Day within the City of Port Moody and asked City staff - through its Spirit Committee to embrace the day by purchasing a button with all proceeds going to the Make-A-Wish Foundation
4.1 Minutes
File: 0550-05
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the report of the Public Hearing held Tuesday, September 24, 2013 be received.
4.2 Minutes
File: 0550-05
Councillor Glumac referenced item 5.4 of the October 8, 2013 Regular Council Minutes and queried that the motion had passed unanimously. Councillor Dilworth confirmed she had voted against the motion.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held Tuesday, October 8, 2013 be adopted SUBJECT TO an amendment that Councillor Dilworth is recorded as voting against the motion in item 5.4.
File: 1960-10/BL2968
"City of Port Moody Tax Exemption Bylaw, 2013, No. 2968" being a bylaw to provide for exemption from taxation for 2014.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2968, being City of Port Moody Tax Exemption Bylaw, 2013, No. 2968 be now adopted.
Report: Library Services, dated October 10, 2013 /File: 9070-02
Ms Linda Martin, Chair of the City of Port Moody Library Board, and Ms Lynne Russell, Director of Library Services presented the Library Board 2014 Budget and responded to queries of Council.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the report from Library Services, dated October 10, 2013 be received for consideration during upcoming budget deliberations.
Report: Port Moody Police Board / File: 7400-01
Mr. Robert Simons, Member of the Port Moody Police Board, and Mr. Chris Rattenbury, Chief Constable presented the Police Board 2014 Budget and responded to queries of Council.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the report of the Port Moody Police Board, dated October 18, 2013 be received for consideration during upcoming budget deliberations.
Report: Financial Services Department, dated October 2, 2013 / File: 0670-06
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT as outlined in the Financial Services Department report dated October 2, 2013, staff be directed to transfer the MIABC dividend cheque funds to the Insurance Liability & Damage/Claims Reserve.
Report: Development Services Department - Planning Division, dated October 3, 2013 / File: 6430-08 / 6970-07
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Metro Vancouver be advised that the timeline for submission of a new Port Moody Regional Context Statement (RCS) is directly linked to the completion of an updated Port Moody OCP and that a new RCS is likely to be submitted by early 2014.
Report: Development Services Department, dated October 6, 2013 / File: 0360-20-03
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council support the Provincial Business Energy Advisory Program by increasing awareness of the initiative through City communication activities as outlined in the October 6, 2013 Development Services report.
6.1 Committee of the Whole Items for Ratification
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following recommendations of the Committee of the Whole meeting of October 15, 2013 be ratified.
6.1.1 Proposed Harbour Management Strategy
THAT staff be directed to proceed with a consultation plan to gather feedback on the proposed Designated Anchorage Area;
AND THAT Port Metro Vancouver provide details on the timing and criteria for removing boats from the non-anchorage area.
6.1.2 Facilities Study
THAT the draft Long Range Facilities Plan by RDH Building Engineering Ltd. dated June 26, 2013 be received for information and consideration as part of the 2014 budget process.
6.1.3 Draft 2014-2015 Community Services Fees
THAT Community Services Fees as outlined in the Community Services Department report, dated October 1, 2013 be approved for inclusion in the Annual Fees and Charges Bylaw for 2014;
AND THAT the said fees be approved for publication prior to the adoption of the Bylaw.
6.1.4 Development of a Master Transportation Plan
THAT the Master Transportation Plan Scoping Study and Master Transportation Plan be considered as part of the 2014- 2018 Financial Plan deliberations.
Email: Honourable Stephanie Cadieux, Ministry of Children and Family Development, dated September 30, 2013 / File: 0630-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the month of October 2013 be proclaimed "Foster Family Month" in the City of Port Moody.
Letter: Jordan Birch, Co-founder of the Ugly Christmas Sweater Party and Ugly Christmas Sweater Day, dated October 15, 2013 / File: 0630-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT December 20, 2013 be proclaimed "Ugly Christmas Sweater Day" in the City of Port Moody.
Mayor Clay referenced the late item added to the Agenda as 6.4.
Report: Development Services Department - Planning Division, dated October 21, 2013 / File: 6700-20-117
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be directed to proceed with the necessary Zoning Bylaw amendment to allow for the operation of a temporary overnight shelter at St. Andrews United Church (2318 St. Johns Street) for up to 62 days per season.
7.1 Council Verbal Reports
Notice Of Motion - Evergreen Line impacts on Klahanie
Councillor Glumac presented the following Notice of Motion:
WHEREAS residents of Klahanie were only made aware of the details of the elevated Skytrain recently;
THAT the City of Port Moody request that the Evergreen Line Project commit to visual and noise mitigation in the area where the Skytrain is elevated in Klahanie;
AND THAT the City work with the Evergreen Line Project Team to help ensure that mitigation measures are to the satisfaction of Klahanie residents.
Councillor Glumac then put a motion to consider the matter this evening that failed for want of a seconder.
8. Information Items
Report: Financial Services Department, dated October 1, 2013 . File: 1710-20
9. Public Input
John Grasty, Port Moody, noted that noise abatement along the Evergreen Line is an issue that impacts more than just the Klahanie neighbourhood. Mr. Grasdie requested that any noise mitigation initiatives include all of Port Moody affected by the line.
Ann Hulbert, Port Moody, suggested that City Council and Staff should be encouraged to participate in the Ugly Christmas Sweater Day and volunteered to judge the competition.