Feb 18,2014 Committee of the Whole
Committee of the Whole
Memo: Community Services, dated February 11, 2014 / File 12-6240-20-08
The General Manager of Community Services provided a brief overview of the process to update the Parks and Recreation Master Plan and introduced Catherine Berris, a consultant from Urban Systems.
Ms. Berris provided an overview of the 2003 Parks and Recreation Master Plan, and led Council through a workshop to gather feedback on their vision for Parks and Recreation in the next ten years.
Ms. Berris left the meeting at 7:24pm.
Report: Engineering and Parks Services, dated February 11, 2014 / File 11-5400-10
The General Manager of Engineering and Parks noted that paved roads are a significant asset owned by the City and that an optimized maintenance program would ensure the best value for each dollar spent on maintenance and repair.
David Fairbank and Gary Ruck, EBA Engineering Consulting Ltd., gave a presentation on current pavement conditions and the cost of maintenance and rehabilitation, and presented information on a pavement management plan to optimize maintenance and rehabilitation costs. Messrs. Fairbank and Ruck then answered questions from Council on funding the plan, current pavement conditions, and rationale for spending money on roads that are not the most in need of repair.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council receive for information the Engineering and Parks Services report dated February 11, 2014 with respect to the Pavement Management Plan.
Messrs. Fairbank and Ruck left the meeting at 7:55pm
Report: Engineering and Parks Services, dated February 11, 2014 / File 11-5360-03/2001
The General Manager of Engineering and Parks noted that the Barnet Landfill Closure plan should be included in the Five-Year Financial Plan. The Senior Project Engineer noted that a Landfill Closure Plan should be developed to gain access to Provincial funding for the eventual closure. Council was asked to consider potential uses of the site, as different uses would require different remediation costs. It was noted that it is not possible to include grant opportunities in the Five-Year Financial Plan as they are not known figures.
Moved and seconded
THAT the Engineering and Parks Services report dated February 11, 2014 with respect to the Landfill Closure Plan be forwarded to Council for consideration;
AND THAT Council direct staff to include provisions in the City 5 year financial plan, including grant opportunities, to finance the closure of the landfill;
AND THAT Council direct staff to assess land use options, including public works facilities, light industrial, commercial and other uses, for the former Barnet Highway Landfill and report back to Council.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT second part of the foregoing motion be amended by removing the phrase "including grant opportunities".
The question on the main motion was put and CARRIED
Report: Financial Services, dated February 7, 2014 / File 05-1700-03-05/2014
The General Manager of Financial Services provided an overview of the Public Consultation Results for the 2014 Financial Plan, noting that significantly more public input was received this year than in previous years. It was noted that a table in the report contained errors and will be corrected. The validity and usefulness of the results were discussed. It was noted that an annual survey by Ipsos Reid would provide statistically valid results.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the report from the Financial Services Department dated February 7th, 2014 outlining the public consultation results be received for information
Report: Financial Services, dated February 11, 2014 / File 05-1960-41
The Manager of Financial Planning provided information on the potential discontinuance of the Generating Capacity Grant for Burrard Thermal and suggested that clarification be sought.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the report from Financial Services dated February 11th, 2014 outlining the Burrard Thermal potential loss of revenues be received for information;
AND THAT the Mayor send a letter to Port Moody’s MLA, the Minister of Finance, and the Minister of Energy and Mines to state the City’s position and seek clarification on the Burrard Thermal Generating Capacity Grant, and to request a meeting with Provincial Government Representatives