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April 8,2014 Regular Council

Regular Council Meeting
Agenda                 Minutes
1,.1 Introduction of Art at Council
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay / File: 7705-01

Tonight’s Art at Council is an artifact from the Port Moody Station Museum’s collection.

This First Nation basket was acquired by Robert Lennie, a Baptist Minister. He came to New Westminster in 1885 and travelled the area preaching. In his travels, he traded and collected a wide variety of First Nation baskets, this example being one of the largest. The skill of the First Nation basket weaver is evident in the intricate design and fine fit of the lid. The First Nations used baskets for a wide variety of uses, including cooking

On April 20th between 10am and 2pm the Port Moody Station Museum will be utilizing different baskets for their annual Easter Egg Hunt. This event offers lots of family things to see and do, including viewing the museum’s collection of First Nation baskets. Check out for more info.

2. Public Input
Jim Millar, Port Moody, noted that the Belcarra South Cabins in item 6.3 have heritage value, and that the draft Statement of Significance sets out their heritage significance, and can be amended to include more information if needed. Mr. Millar also urged Council to ensure that the 2014 Heritage Commission revises the Heritage Strategic Plan.

Andrea Ledingham, Port Moody, thanked the Heritage Commission for endorsing the Statement of Significance for the Belcarra South Cabins, and urged Council to support the preservation of the cabins despite the fact that it is not supported by their owner.

Nikki Bryce, Port Moody, thanked Council for supporting Kaboom – A Port Moody Art Explosion, and noted that the remaining compendium catalogue will be sold at the price of $10 each. Ms. Bryce also thanked staff for their support of the event.

Robert Simons, Port Moody, spoke on behalf of the Port Moody Heritage Society in support of preserving the Belcarra South Cabins. Mr. Simons also expressed thanks for the consideration of a recent letter from the Port Moody Heritage Society regarding the Official Community Plan.

Jo Ledingham, Belcarra, thanked Council for their support of the Belcarra South Preservation Society to date, and urged Council to accept the recommendations from the Heritage Commission. Ms. Ledingham answered questions from Council about the costs of required repairs to the cabins, potential improvements to public access, and funding of maintenance costs.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Public Input period be extended.

Mike Elsom, Port Moody, noted that heritage preservation need not be confined solely to the preservation of architectural heritage, but can include ideas. Mr. Elsom noted that the continued occupancy of the Belcarra South Cabins is of community heritage value, the continued existence of which should not be subject to the will of a few.

Jeff Chute, Port Moody, noted that living at the Belcarra South Cabins is conducive to artistic expression, and suggested that an artist residency program be developed to allow one artist to stay at one of the cabins for quiet inspiration.

Catherine Elson, Port Moody, requested that Council support the Heritage Commission’s recommendations for the Belcarra South Cabins, and noted that a parking lot is not a good use of the space

Delegation Application: Crossroads Hospice Society, dated January 9, 2014 / File: 01-0230-01
This delegation was cancelled at the request of the applicant.
Report: Port Moody Arts Centre Society, 2013
Presentation: Ann Kitching, President, PMAC Society / File: 18-7780-55
Ann Kitching, President of the Port Moody Arts Centre Society, thanked Council for their continuing support, and provided an overview of the Society’s activities in 2013. Ms. Kitching introduced upcoming fundraising events, including a Plate Dinner Fundraiser in September, at which dinner will be served on plates crafted by Tri-Cities Potters for diners to take home. Ms. Kitching also noted that the Port Moody Arts Centre Society Planning Committee is currently considering the development of an Arts Village, which is supported by the current draft of the Official Community Plan. Ms. Kitching provided information on upcoming events for 2014, including Art in the Garden, the Youth Arts Festival, and Wearable Arts.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Port Moody Arts Centre Society 2013 Report to City Council be received for information. 
4.1 Minutes
File: 0550-05
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held Tuesday, March 25, 2014 be adopted.
Report: Development Services ¡V Planning Division, dated April 2, 2014 / File: 6430-08/3900-02

City of Port Moody Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2014, 2955, being a bylaw to adopt an Official Community Plan for the City of Port Moody.

Moved , seconded and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2014, 2955, being a bylaw to adopt an Official Community Plan for the City of Port Moody be now read a first time with the following amendment included:
• Addition of the words "and 1993" to the end of the first sentence of Section 15.2.3 IOCO Area.
(Voting Against: Councillors Glumac and Royer)
Moved and seconded and DEFEATED
THAT mixed use and mixed employment in sections 4.1.3 to 4.1.8 be defined as having one quarter of total floor area dedicated to commercial and office space.
(Voting Against: Councillors Dilworth, Elliott, Glumac, Nuttall, and Small, and Mayor Clay)
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT a new policy be added to page 41 of Chapter 7 – Park, Recreation and Open Spaces stating that "The City will conduct an assessment of park usage in Rocky Point Park, Old Orchard Park, and Shoreline Park, and estimate future usage based on increased population and better access from Skytrain. The City will utilize this information and draft a Parks Plan in order to plan for future parks needs and potential expansion."
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT the following wording be added to section 15.5.5 (Oceanfront District) and 15.5.6 (Moody Centre TOD): "A neighbourhood plan will be developed to determine appropriate density and building forms prior to any redevelopment in this area."
(Voting Against: Councillors Dilworth, Elliott, Nuttall, and Small, and Mayor Clay)
Moved and seconded and DEFEATED
THAT staff prepare a report outlining site coverage, units per acre, and floor space ratio for adoption in the form of a text amendment to the zoning bylaw.
(Voting Against: Councillors Dilworth, Elliott, Glumac, Nuttall, and Small, and Mayor Clay)
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw 2955, including Schedule A, be considered in conjunction with the City’s 2013-2017 Financial Plan in accordance with Section 882 of the Local Government Act.
(Voting Against: Councillors Glumac and Royer)
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw 2955 be now read a second time as amended.
(Voting Against: Councillors Glumac and Royer)
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw 2955 be referred to a Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday, April 22, 2014 at City Hall, Council Chambers, 100 Newport Drive, Port Moody

4.3 San Remo Drive Land Use Contract AmendmentFile: 3220-09/BL2975

City of Port Moody Land Use Contract No. 2, Authorization Bylaw No. 1300, Amendment No. 4, 2014, No. 2975¡¨ a Bylaw to Amend Land Use Contract No. 2, Amendment Bylaw No. 1, 1989, No. 1984; and Land Use Contract No. 2, Authorization Bylaw, 1976, No. 1300.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2975, a bylaw to amend Land Use Contract No. 2, Amendment Bylaw No. 1, 1989, No. 1984; and Land Use Contract No. 2, Authorization Bylaw, 1976, No. 1300, be now read a third time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2975 be now adopted.
Report: Parks and Recreation Commission, dated March 14, 2014 / File: 15-7715-03-007
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the proposed updates to the Leisure Access card policy be approved as presented in the Parks and Recreation Commission report dated March 14, 2014.
Report: Transportation Committee, dated March 21, 2014 / File: 0360-20-06
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2014 Transportation Committee Work Plan be approved
Report: Heritage Commission, dated March 27, 2014
File: 01-0360-20-09-02
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the draft Belcarra South Cottages Statement of Significance and the Belcarra South Preservation Society efforts to add these properties to the heritage register be supported.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be directed to work with Metro Vancouver to explore the potential for heritage designation of the properties.
(Voting Against: Councillors Dilworth and Small)
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Statement of Significance be referred to a Heritage Consultant for review.
(Voting Against: Councillor Glumac)
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff report on the progress at the next Council meeting
Report: Legislative Services Division, dated March 30, 2014 / File: 08-3320-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the appointment of Tim Savoie as Approving Officer for the City of Port Moody be rescinded;
AND THAT Mary De Paoli, Manager of Planning, and Neal Carley, General Manager of Engineering and Parks, be appointed as the City of Port Moody Approving Officers;
AND THAT the City Clerk advise the Land Title and Survey Authority (LTSA) of the changes to the City’s Approving Officers
Letter: Metro Vancouver, dated March 28, 2014 / File: 01-0480-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the letter from Metro Vancouver dated March 28, 2014 regarding Notification of Proposed Amendment to Metro Vancouver 2040 be received for information.
(Voting Against: Councillor Royer)
Draft Letter: Councillor Rick Glumac, dated March 31, 2014 / File: 01-0500-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the letter to the Assistant Deputy Minister of Finance dated March 31, 2014 be endorsed as amended:
• In paragraph 1, change "receive input from Council" to "receive input from members of the advisory council"; and
• In paragraph 3, change "The hospital was originally built to serve" to "The emergency room was originally built to serve".
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the meeting continue beyond 10pm.
Letter: Vancouver Asian Heritage Month Society, dated February 10, 2014 / File: 0630-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the month of May, 2014 be proclaimed as Asian Heritage Month
Letter: Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, dated February 19, 2014 / File: 0630-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the month of May, 2014 be proclaimed as MS Awareness Month
Sample Proclamation: Jacqui Boyer, dated April 1, 2014 / File: 0630-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Wednesday, April 23, 2014 be proclaimed as St. George’s Day.
-Letter from the Minster of Community, Sport and Cultural Development re: Traffic Fine Revenue Sharing Program, dated February 28, 2014
-Letter from Metro Vancouver re: Conveying Metro Vancouver¡¦s Recent Board Report on the Regional Growth Strategy and the Agricultural Land Commission, dated March 11, 2014
-Letter from the District of West Vancouver re: Canada Post Proposal to Eliminate Home Mail Delivery Services, dated March 12, 2014
-Letter from BC Emergency Health Services re Resource Allocation Program, dated March 24, 2014
10. Public Input

George Assaf, Port Moody, noted his disappointment that the Official Community Plan is moving forward. Mr. Assaf suggested that many residents feel excluded from the process, and raised his concerns about an uncontrolled rise in population.

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