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May 13,2014 Regular Council

Agenda                Minutes
1.1 Introduction of Art at Council
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay / File: 7705-01

Tonight we pay special tribute to the life and artistic talents of Tuk Caldwell. His recent passing, on April 16th, has saddened many of us in the community. On behalf of the City I would like to offer our condolences to the Caldwell family.

Tuk was born in Fiji and moved to Australia when he was 16 years old. After high school he went to Sydney College of the Arts, and then went on to lecture at the University of Wollongong in Australia.

In 1966, Tuk and his wife Joan decided to start a world "working" tour, where they intended to live and work for 2 years in each place before moving onto the next country. Their first stop was Canada. Shortly after their arrival Tuk was offered an amazing teaching opportunity at Terry Fox Secondary School. He was given free reign to create an art program where he ended up teaching ship modeling and ship building. Twenty-four years later, Tuk retired.

Tuk was also involved with the arts community. He became an active member of the Port Moody Art Association and was part of all but one of the past 45 annual Art Show and Sales. Over the years the City purchased some of Tuk’s work. There are four Tuk Caldwell pieces in the City’s extensive private collection on display in the first and second floor of City Hall, as well as in the Library.

Tuk had a unique ink and wash style, and many of his pieces are of salmon and landscapes – he was fascinated by salmon and the Rockies. Tonight’s pieces are obviously not of salmon or a landscape. They are both untitled and some of the last pieces Tuk worked on. They have come directly from Tuk’s home. Recently, Tuk’s wife Joan persuaded him to paint flowers as she did not want salmon hanging in her living room. His reply was "real men don’t paint flowers". Well he obviously was a real man and more importantly a true gentleman. Tuk will be greatly missed.

2. Public Input

Gerry Moss, speaking on behalf of the Port Moody Arts Centre Society, presented Council with a cheque provided through the Building Communities though Arts and Heritage Program in the amount of $216,000. Mr. Moss thanked the City for its collaboration in expanding the Arts Centre by moving, renovating, and connecting the Centennial Appleyard House to the existing Arts Centre. The expected completion date of the project is September 2014.

Claire Cummings, Port Moody, expressed concerns about the exclusion of glass from the new recycling program, noting that residents may not go through the trouble of taking their glass to a recycling station. Ms. Cummings urged Council to reinstate curb-side pick-up for glass recyclables.

Jo Ledingham, Port Moody, thanked staff for meeting with her and for writing the comprehensive report on the Belcarra Cottages. Ms. Ledingham thanked Council for their continued support.

Peter Dasnieres, Port Moody, noted that the Andres Wines site is outside of the 400 metre radius of the future Evergreen Line Station, and that the map in attachment 5.9 shows a 400 metre radius around an area where it is not possible to have a future Evergreen Line Station due to the grade.

Delegation Application: Port Metro Vancouver, dated February 24, 2014  / File: 0430-45-2014
Peter Xotta, Vice President, Planning and Operations, Port Metro Vancouver, gave a presentation on Port Metro Vancouver and its role in the community.
Mr. Xotta provided an overview of Port Metro Vancouver’s capacity, and introduced current initiatives led by the Port, including environmental initiatives such as air quality monitoring, cruise ship shore power, EcoAction Program, Northwest Ports Clean Air Strategy, etc., as well as tenant-led initiatives such as Pacific Coast Terminal’s new operations in canola and potash shipping.
Mr. Xotta introduced some of the Port’s community initiatives, including the Designated Anchorage Area, Fraser River Improvement Project, habitat enhancement, and various education, training, and community enrichment projects. At the request of Council, Mr. Xotta provided further information on shore power initiatives, the designated anchorage area, and the port’s land use plans.
4.1 Minutes
File: 0550-05
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held Tuesday, April 22, 2014 be adopted.
5. Consent Agenda
At the request of Council, the following items were removed from the Consent Agenda for consideration under section 6:
• 5.7 – Statement of Significance for the Belcarra Cottages
• 5.8 – Proposed Regional Growth Strategy Amendments – Mill and Timber Site
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the recommendations contained in the following items presented in the May 13, 2014 Regular Council Consent Agenda be adopted:  Item 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.9, 5.10, 5.11
5.1 – Reports of the Public Hearings
File: 0550-05
Recommendations Adopted on Consent:
THAT the report of the Public Hearing held Tuesday, April 8, 2014 be received.
THAT the report of the Public Hearing held Tuesday, April 22, 2014 be received.
5.2 Committee of the Whole Items for Ratification
Recommendation Adopted on Consent:
THAT the following recommendations from Committee of the Whole meetings be ratified:
Tri-City Regional Transportation Task Force (Jan 28, 2014)
THAT the draft terms of reference for the Tri-City Regional Transportation Task Force as referenced in the January 13, 2014 Engineering and Parks Services report titled Tri-City Regional Transportation Task Force be endorsed;
AND THAT one member of Council be appointed to represent the City of Port Moody Council on the Tri-City Regional Transportation Task Force and a second member of Council be appointed to serve as an alternate for the Task Force;
AND THAT Councillor Rick Glumac be appointed as the Council representative;
AND THAT Councillor Rosemary Small be appointed to serve as an alternate.
West Moody Centre Commercial Parking Study(Feb 4, 2014)
THAT staff be directed to proceed with the eight recommendations outlined in the Engineering and Parks Services report dated Monday, January 27, 2014 titled West Moody Centre Commercial Parking Study;
AND THAT staff be directed to consult with the businesses in West Moody Centre prior to any proposed parking changes;
AND THAT staff be directed to consult with the Community Care Committee on the recommendation of creating dedicated on-street parking spots for persons with disabilities.
Request to Restore Parking on the Queens Street Plaza (Feb 4, 2014)
THAT the City negotiate with the Burrard Public House for use of their parking spaces to replace on street parking taken up by Evergreen Line construction, and transfer the cost to the Evergreen Line Project.
Emergency Management Program Update (Feb 4, 2014)
THAT the training room in the Inlet Centre Fire Hall be designated as the City’s Primary EOC and that the Parkview Room at City Hall remain as the Secondary EOC.
Report: Development Services – Planning, dated May 5, 2014 / File: 3090-20-115
Recommendations Adopted on Consent
THAT Development Variance Permit 2014-115 to allow for a utility box wrap at Rocky Point Park be issued;
AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application.
Report: Corporate Communications, Corporate Services Department, dated May 1, 2014 / File: 1485-153
Recommendations Adopted on Consent:
THAT Council direct staff to proceed with upgrades to the City’s web streaming technology as outlined in the Corporate Communications report dated May 1, 2014;
AND THAT Council re-allocate $39,781 in existing funding from related projects to finance upgrades to the City’s web streaming technology;
AND THAT Council allocate $15,000 from the water, sewer and solid waste utilities reserves to finance upgrades to the City’s web streaming technology.
Report: Land Use Committee, dated April 28, 2014 / File: 0360-20-01
Recommendation Adopted on Consent:
THAT the Land Use Committee 2013 Annual Report dated April 28, 2014 be received.
Report: Centennial Steering Committee, dated April 24, 2014 / File: 01-0360-48
Recommendations Adopted on Consent:
THAT the report Centennial Final Report, dated April 24, 2014, be received;
AND THAT the Centennial Steering Committee be disbanded and the members thanked for their work.
Report: Development Services – Planning Division, dated May 7, 2014  / File: 6430-08
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Belcarra South Cottages be added to the Port Moody Heritage Register;
AND THAT a letter be sent to Metro Vancouver with the following:
• A request for information on the process for the City of Port Moody or other community organization to approach Metro Vancouver regarding the purchase of the Belcarra Cottages;
• A statement that the City of Port Moody is not supportive of the expansion of Belcarra Regional Park as it relates to potential increases in traffic along Ioco Road as well the increased cost of policing for the City; and,
• A request to revisit the motions previously passed by Metro Vancouver as it relates to future expansion/development plans within Belcarra Regional Park; AND THAT staff report back on potential financial implications for the City and for the Residents of seeking heritage designation for the Belcarra Cottages.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff report back on the amendment process for having an industrial property with an oceanfront vision rather than an oceanfront land use designation, and on special study area implications.
Report: Development Services – Planning Division, dated May 4, 2014 / File: 6430-08
Recommendation Adopted on Consent:
THAT the Metro Vancouver Board be requested to amend the Regional Growth Strategy by changing the regional land use designation of the Andres Wines site from Industrial to General Urban and that this report be forwarded to Metro Vancouver as part of this request.
Report: Development Services – Planning Division, dated May 4, 2014 / File: 6430-08
Recommendation Adopted on Consent:
THAT the Metro Vancouver Board be requested to amend the Regional Growth Strategy by changing the regional land use designations for Areas A and B identified in the Murray Street Boulevard in Attachment 1 of this report from Industrial to General Urban and Mixed Employment to General Urban, respectively, and that this report be forwarded to the Metro Vancouver Board as part of this request.
Report: Development Services – Planning Division, dated May 4, 2014 / File: 6430-08
Recommendation Adopted on Consent:
THAT the Metro Vancouver Board be requested to amend the Regional Growth Strategy by changing the regional land use designation of the Spring Street properties identified in Attachment 1 of this report from Mixed Employment to General Urban and that this report be forwarded to the Metro Vancouver Board as part of this request.
File: 1700-03-08/2014 and 3900-02
City of Port Moody 2014-2018 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw, 2014, 2977, being a bylaw to adopt a Five Year Financial Plan for the City of Port Moody.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody 2014-2018 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw, 2014, 2977, being a bylaw to adopt a Five Year Financial Plan for the City of Port Moody be now adopted.
File: 05-1700-03-08/2014 and 3900-02
City of Port Moody 2014 Property Tax Rates Bylaw, 2014, 2978, being a bylaw to adopt a 2014 Property Tax Rates for the City of Port Moody.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody 2014 Property Tax Rates Bylaw, 2014, 2978, being a bylaw to adopt 2014 Property Tax Rates for the City of Port Moody be now adopted.
Report: Development Services – Planning, dated May 5, 2014 / File: 3040-02-2014-01

Staff introduced the Heritage Revitalization Tax Exemption Application for 2710 Henry Street. The applicant answered questions from Council on the application process.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City enter into a Heritage Revitalization Tax Exemption Agreement for the property located at 2710 Henry Street as recommended in the report dated May 5, 2014 from Development Services.
Report: Development Services – Planning, dated April 30, 2014
Presentation / File: 6700-20-103

Staff introduced the rezoning application for 622 Foresthill Place and provided a brief history of the multiple iterations of the proposal. The General Manager of Engineering and Parks Services provided brief update of the traffic improvement plans for IOCO Road at Jacobs Road.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw No. 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 221, 2014, No. 2976, being a bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw 1988, No. 1890 be now read a first time;
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2976 be now read a second time;
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2976 be referred to a Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday, May 27, 2014, at City Hall, 100 Newport Drive, Port Moody.
Report: Fire-Rescue, dated April 23, 2014 / File: 14-7140-04
The Fire Chief provided an overview of the changes to Emergency Health Services response and their effects on City resources.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Port Moody Fire Rescue continue to respond to the downgraded calls as emergencies until a full review of the Resource Allocation Plan has been completed and results are known.
Report: Mayor Clay, dated May 5, 2014 / File: 0410-08
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT this non-jurisdictional item be considered.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the draft letter to the Provincial Minister of Energy, Mines and Minister Responsible for Core Review, encouraging continuation of the CEV Incentive Program and Residential Charging Point Rebate Program be endorsed.
(Voting against: Councillor Nuttall)
Report: Mayor Clay, dated May 5, 2014 / File: 01-0360-20-06
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Transportation Committee look into safety improvements at the crosswalks at Newport Village (Newport Drive between Browns Social House and the Royal Bank of Canada) and the 2800 Block of Murray Street (Skate Park crosswalk and crosswalk near Moody Street overpass).
Letter: Public Works Association of British Columbia, dated March 10, 2014 / File: 0630-01/2014

The General Manager of Engineering and Parks Services noted that the City will be hosting a full day Public Works Day event for children on Friday, May 23, 2014, and a Public Works Yard Open House on Saturday, May 24, 2014 from 11am to 2pm.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT May 18 to 24, 2014 be proclaimed National Public Works Week.
Email: Ken Herar, dated March 4, 2014 / File: 0630-01/2014
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT May 18 to 24, 2014 be proclaimed Cycling4Diversity Week.
Letter: Child Find British Columbia, dated April 16, 2014 / File: 0630-01/2014
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT May, 2014 be proclaimed Missing Children’s Month;
AND THAT May 25, 2014 be proclaimed Missing Children’s Day.

11. 1 Council verbal reports

Councillor Elliott noted that a very successful Fingerling Festival was held on May 3, 2014 with upwards of 5,000 attendees. Councillor Elliott congratulated the Port Moody Ecological Society on their successful education and outreach program.

Councillor Nuttall noted that there will be a Trivia Night fundraiser for the Mossom Creek Hatchery on May 23, 2014 and urged people to attend. Councillor Nuttall also suggested that residents should be given priority in speaking at the Kinder Morgan Public Meeting to be held on June 25, 2014.

Councillor Glumac reported that he recently attended the LMLGA conference, that discussions were highly productive. Councillor Glumac also noted that data recently released by ICBC indicates that there has been a significant decline in the percentage of the population that hold driver’s licenses, which indicates that as communities become more urbanized, residents are less reliant upon cars.

Mayor Clay noted that he recently participated in Wheel to Heal, an event that raised $76,000 for health care facilities in the community. Mayor Clay also noted that the Hike for Hospice is well on their way to meeting their $60,000 fundraising target. Mayor Clay thanked all the community organizations mentioned for the great work they continue to do.

12. 2 Council Correspondence for Information

• Letter from Metro Vancouver re: Report on "Future of the Region Sustainability Dialogues: Great City-Making Demands Innovation" dated April 17, 2014
• Letter from Metro Vancouver re: Industrial Land Redevelopment and Intensification – Constraints and Solutions, dated April 29, 2014
• Letter from PrimeCorp dated April 30, 2014
• Letter from Metro Vancouver re: Metro Vancouver Board Strategic Plan, dated May 1, 2014

13. Public Input

John Grasty, Port Moody, noted that downloading of responsibilities from senior levels of government is having adverse effects on local governments, and urged Council to hold senior levels of government accountable.

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