July 8,2014 Regular Council
1.1 Introduction of Art at Council
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay File: 7705-01
The 2014 Tri-Cities Got Talent competition took place this past Canada Day long weekend during Golden Spike Days. Among the participants was newcomer Elizabeth Irving in her very first competition. There were a lot of amazing performances and the top prize went to Elizabeth. She is 10 years old and going into grade 6 in September. Elizabeth also attends Lindbjerg Academy of Performing Arts where she has studied voice, musical theatre and dance for the past 3 years. This year Elizabeth played the lead role in Lindbjerg's presentation of the Off Broadway musical Dear Edwina, and in June was awarded the Triple Threat Youth Student of the Year.
Elizabeth is the youngest of three children and the only girl. Perhaps this is why such a tiny young lady developed such a big voice! From a very young age, she'd always put a twist on speaking through song and gave a musical voice to her dolls. The Disney musical classics have inspired her immensely and after an IL Dive concert this spring, she gained an appreciation for some of the classics too.
Singing and acting are Elizabeth's passions!
2. Public Input
Chris Carter, Port Moody, spoke in opposition to having pay parking at Rocky Point Park, noting that enforcement would be difficult to manage and revenue will be insufficient to cover expenses for this program. Mr. Carter noted that he would like to see stricter enforcement of existing time limits.
Julia Cato, Port Moody, spoke in opposition to having pay parking, noting that free parking for Port Moody residents would be unfair to residents in surrounding municipalities who use the park with their Port Moody resident families.
Douglas Dunham, Coquitlam, spoke in opposition to having pay parking at Rocky Point Park, noting that if pay parking was instituted, he would take transit to Rocky Point Park rather than drive, and that many people may be dissuaded from driving to the park.
Geoff Scott, Port Moody, thanked Council and staff for their assistance with the Tri-Cities Community Television Society's business plan, and announced that he has received financial support from Port Coquitlam and Coquitlam for his proposed equipment upgrade. Mr. Scott noted that he is available to answer questions from Council.
3.1 Recognition of Recreation Staff
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay File: 0290-02
Mayor Clay gave the following verbal report:
On Friday, February 11th at approximately 1:15pm, a pickleball player went into cardiac arrest and collapsed in the gymnasium of the Recreation Complex. 911 was called and three recreation staff members (Karen Gray, Deanna Haddon and Joanne Roemer) immediately provided first aid, using an Automated External Defibrillator, artificial respirations, performing CPR and monitoring vital signs, until the firefighters arrived.
The patient's pulse and respiration were eventually restored and the patient was transported by ambulance to the Royal Columbian Hospital. BC Ambulance staff stated that the medical incident was "perfectly handled" by the recreation staff and firefighters.
Thanks to the quick actions of these staff members, the pickleball player has recovered and is back to regular activity. It is with great pride that I recognize Karen Gray, Deanna Haddon, and Joanne Roemer for their quick actions and skilled response to a medical emergency at the Recreation Complex.
Mayor Clay presented awards to Karen Gray, Deanna Haddon, and Joanne Roemer.
Mr. Edward Salvail, the patron who experienced the medical emergency, was in attendance and thanked the three staff members for saving his life, recognizing them as guardian angels, without whom he would not be alive today. Mr. Salvail also presented the City with funds to purchase an additional Automated External Defibrillator. Mr. Salvail's daughter, Michelle Salvail, also expressed her gratitude for staff's quick action.
Delegation Application: Robert Simons, Port Moody Foundation, dated June 24, 2014 / File: 0230-20-04
Robert Simons, President of the Port Moody Foundation, presented an update on the Foundation's recent activities. Mr. Simons began by providing an overview of the Foundation's mission and organization, and introduced its board members. Mr. Simons gave an overview of the various endowment funds, including the Arts Centre Society Endowment Fund, the Kwi Am Choi Scholarship Fund, the Library Endowment Fund, the Rhoda Judd Memorial Fund, the Charles Judd Fund, and the Port Moody Foundation Fund. Mr. Simons then spoke about the grants provided in 2013 and 2014, to organizations such as PoCoMo Meals on Wheels, Children of the Street Society, the Zajac Ranch, the Port Moody Farmers Market, the Mossom Creek Hatchery, Access Youth Outreach Services Society, Port Moody Arts Centre Society, Youth at Risk Paddling Program, and Port Moody Heritage Society.
Council thanked Mr. Simons for his presentation and congratulated the Foundation for its success.
3,3 Mayor for a Minute Canada Day
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay File: 0290-02
Mayor Clay introduced the Mayor-For-A-Minute contest held in Rocky Point Park as part of the Canada Day Celebrations. Videos of contestants and winners were presented in each category. MayorClay presented prizes donated by Westwood Cycles, The Boat House, and the City of Port Moody to the following winners:
12 year old and under winner Sasha Connolly
13 to 18 year. old winner Katie Sewd
18 years + winner David Whitson.
Report: Corporate Services Department, Corporate Communications Division, dated June 27, 2014
File: 19-1490
Catherine Knaus, lpsos Reid, gave a presentation on the 2014 Citizen Survey Findings and answered questions from Council.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council direct staff to consider the results of the City of Port Moody 2014 Citizen Survey in financial planning as recommended in the report dated June 27, 2014 from the Corporate Communications Division, Corporate Services Department regarding the City of Port Moody 2014 Citizen Survey Results;
AND THAT Council direct staff to consider the results of the City of Port Moody 2014 Citizen Survey when planning communications/civic engagement activities as recommended in the report dated June 27, 2014 from the Corporate Communications Division, Corporate Services Department regarding the City of Port Moody 2014 Citizen Survey Results;
AND THAT Council direct staff to consider the results of the City of Port Moody 2014 Citizen Survey when planning tourism and economic development activities as recommended in the report dated June 27, 2014 from the Corporate Communications Division, Corporate Services Department regarding the City of Port Moody 2014 Citizen Survey Results.
4.1 Minutes
File: 0550-05
Moved, Seconded and CARRIED:
THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held Tuesday, June 24, 2014 be adopted with the following amendment:
• Under item 10.1, Councillor Small's appointment to the Preschool Program Task Force should be noted as an appointment made by the Mayor rather than by Council.
5. Consent Agenda
At the request of Council, the following items were removed from the Consent Agenda for consideration under section 6:
• 5.3 - loco/Jacobs Intersection
• 5.5 -New Child Recreation Program Registration Process
• 5.10 - New Building Canada Plan
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the recommendations contained in the following items presented in the July 8, 2014 Regular Council Consent Agenda be adopted:
• 5.1- Heritage Commission 2013 Budget Surplus
• 5.2 - Encroachment Agreement for 672 and 702 Alderside Road
• 5.4 - Water Distribution System Leak Detection Program Update
• 5.6 - Human Resources Municipal Services Assessment
• 5.7 - Development Services Municipal Services Assessment
• 5.8 - Proposed Locations for Election Awareness and Candidate Campaign Election Signs
• 5.9 - Federal Gas Tax Agreement, Community Works Fund (CWF)
Report: Development Services, Planning, dated June 26, 2014 File: 0360-20-09-03
Recommendation Adopted on Consent:
THAT the budget surplus of $6,038 from the 2013 Heritage Commission budget be reinstated into the 2014 Heritage Commission budget, as recommended in the report dated June 19, 2014 from Development Services.
Report: Financial Services - Corporate Purchasing & Risk Management / File: 06-2240-20-AG751/2
Recommendation Adopted on Consent:
THAT the encroachment agreements between the City of Port Moody and the property owners at 672 and 702 Alderside Road, as provided as Attachment 1 and Attachment 2 of the report from the Financial Services Department dated June 6, 2014, be executed.
Report: Engineering and Parks Services, dated June 27, 2014 / File: 11-5400-20-10-04
Council discussed the intersection and requested that plans be put into place to reroute cyclists off loco Road.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the report dated June 27, 2014 from Engineering and Parks Services regarding upgrades proposed for the loco/Jacobs Intersection be received for information.
Report: Engineering and Parks Services, dated June 27, 2014 / File: 11-5330-20-1-03/2014
Recommendation Adopted on Consent:
THAT the report dated June 27, 2014 from Engineering and Parks Services regarding the Water Distribution System Leak Detection Program Update be received for information.
Report: Community Services - Recreation Services, dated June 11, 2014 / File: 15-8160
Manager of Community Services provided an overview of the registration process.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the report dated June 11, 2014 from Community Services regarding the streamlined registration process for the Child Recreation Program be approved for implementation.
Municipal Service Assessment - Human Resources Department / File: 2737-03
Recommendation Adopted on Consent:
THAT the Municipal Service Assessment - Human Resources Department be received for information.
Municipal Service Assessment - Development Services Department / File: 2737-03
Recommendation Adopted on Consent:
THAT the Municipal Service Assessment - Development Services Department be received for information.
Report: Corporate Services Department, Legislative Services Division, dated June 30, 2014 / File: 4200-00
Recommendation Adopted on Consent:
THAT the City of Port Moody General Local Government Election Bylaw, 2011, No. 2897, Amendment No. 1, 2013, No. 2953 be endorsed and forwarded for first three readings as recommended in the report dated June 30, 2014 from the Corporate Services Department.
Report: Mayor Mike Clay, dated July 2, 2014 / File: 0430-01
Recommendations Adopted on Consent:
THAT Council endorse the 2014-2024 UBCM Community Works Fund Agreement with UBCM as recommended in the report dated July 2, 2014 from Mayor Mike Clay regarding Federal Gas Tax Agreement, Community Works Fund (CWF);
AND THAT staff report back to Council with options for allocation of funding to capital projects.
Report: Mayor Mike Clay, dated July 2, 2014 / File: 0430-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the draft letter to Minister James Moore outlining concerns with the New Building Canada Plan requirements for P3 screening and allocation of funding to small communities be endorsed as recommended in the report dated July 2, 2104 from Mayor Mike Clay regarding New Building Canada Plan.
(Voting Against: Councillor Nuttall)
File: 3900-69
City of Port Moody General Local Government Election Bylaw, 2011, No. 2897, Amendment No. 1, 2014, No. 2953, being a bylaw to amend the City of Port Moody General Local Government Election Bylaw, 2011, No.2897.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody General Local Government Election Bylaw, 2011, No. 2897, Amendment No. 1, 2014, No. 2953, being a bylaw to amend the City of Port Moody General Local Government Election Bylaw, 2011, No. 2897 be now read a first time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2953 be now read a second time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2953 be now read a third time.
File: 6700-20-120 and 3900-02
City of Port Moody Land Use Contract No. 4, 1978, Authorization Bylaw No. 1409, Amendment Bylaw No. 9, 2014, 2979.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the meeting continue past 10 pm.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Land Use Contract No. 4, 1978, Authorization Bylaw No. 1409, Amendment Bylaw No. 9, 2014, 2979, being a bylaw to amend Land Use Contract No. 4, 1978, Authorization Bylaw No. 1409 not be given third reading.
(Voting against: Councillor Royer and Mayor Clay)
Report: Development Services - Planning Division, dated May 20,2014 é File: 6800-06-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the report from Development Services - Planning Division, dated May 20, 2014 be received for information.
Report: Financial Services Department and Engineering and Parks Services, dated July 8, 2014
File: 11-5480-02
Moved and seconded
THAT the City proceed with a "pay by licence plate" trial pay parking program at Rocky Point Park at parking lots A, B and E that includes resident parking fee exemptions for a maximum of two vehicles per household, a $1 per hour non-resident parking rate and a four-hour parking maximum as recommended in the report dated July 8, 2014 from Financial Services Department and Engineering and Parks Services regarding Rocky Point Park - Pay Parking Trial Implementation Details; ·
AND THAT the one-time costs be funded from Accumulated Surplus.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
AND THAT surplus revenues be dedicated to community beautification and Rocky Point Park Improvements;
AND THAT signage will be added to the parking lots to communicate this intention
The question on the main motion was put and CARRIED.
(Voting against: Councillor Royer and Mayor Clay)
Report: Development Services - Planning, dated June 30, 2014 / File: 3090-20-116
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Development Variance Permit application fee waiver request from the Community Ventures Society be approved and that the application fee of $2, 722 be covered from the 2014 Council Contingency budget.
11.1 Council Verbal Reports
Councillor Nuttall noted that the Community Picnic and Fireworks will be held on July 26, 2014 from 2pm to 10:40pm in Rocky Point Park. Councillor Elliott noted that the Firemen's Pancake Breakfast raised $22,000 for an excellent cause, and that two grand openings will be held on July 12, 2014; the first is Benny's Trail at 10am, and the second is the Westhill Lacross Box at 11am. Councillor Elliott also noted that the Summer Concert Series have begun and will continue every Sunday through to September. Mayor Clay noted that the tickets to the Mossom Creek Hatchery Fundraiser are still available at $45 each, and that the Canada Day celebrations at Rocky Point Park were well attended. Mayor Clay thanked the Fire Chief and his crew for the Fire Department Pancake Breakfast, and also thanked the Police for supporting the Torch Run in support of the Special Olympics. Mayor Clay noted that there will be a town hall meeting on July 15 to gather input from residents about height, size, and siting of new homes.
12.2 Council COrrespo9ndence and information
• Letter: Selena Robinson, MLA re: UBCM, dated June 23, 2014