July 29,2014 Special Council Meeting
2.1 Canadian Sound Therapy Arts Society - Request for Support J. Peachy Delegation Request from July 22, 2014 / File: 0230-01
Request: Funding of up to $1,500 for the Green, Bicycle, Wind Solar Powered Sound Stage. Council direction is requested.
2.2 Building Height Discussion Brought forward for ratification from the July 22, 2014 Regular Meeting of Council and the July 29, 2014 Special Council Committee of the Whole Meeting:
SC14/006 Moved, seconded and CARRIED WHEREAS the issue of "mega" home size and situation on lots has resulted in a decreased enjoyment by neighbouring residents; AND WHEREAS Council has agreed that this issue be dealt with in an expeditious manner; BE IT RESOLVED THAT Staff be directed to report back at the first meeting in September with a plan for creating area-specific zones for loco, Moody Centre, and Glenayre; AND THAT, subsequently, area-specific zones for other neighbourhoods, including Coronation Park, Noons Creek, Westport and College Park, also be developed; AND THAT Staff immediately commence an expedited process based on community input and expectations on the issue of height, lot coverage, grade, view corridors and setbacks for the "loco single family residential area."
SC14/007 Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT the following potential changes to RS1 or area-specific zoning be considered as part of the expedited process involving community input: 1. That basements, finished and unfinished, be included in FAR calculations; 2. That all garages and carports be included in FAR calculations; 3. That regardless of slope, no podium shall extend higher than 0.5 metres (20 inches) above grade and that a new definition for "Podium" be inserted as follows: A podium is any structure such as exposed foundation walls, columns, stilts, retaining walls, fill or other means of elevating a building above grade; 4. That retaining walls required for house construction be limited in height to a maximum of 8 feet and not exceed a 1:1 slope from the side-yard property line (e.g. a 4-foot tall retaining wall shall be 4 feet from the property line); 5. That the 24-month timeline reference be removed from the definition of natural grade; 6. That the full height of a building with a peaked roof be measured to the top of the peak and capped at a maximum of 34.5 feet; 7. That double-height space (lofted entrance) be counted as twice the floor area in FAR calculations; 8. That staff review the potential to increase rear yard and front yard setbacks and provide Council with options to address the problem of impacted view corridors; 9. That eave height be limited to that of the existing or the previous house on the lot as measured by geodetic elevations; and 10. That the definition of grade adopted in 2012 be rescinded and a new calculation be adopted using the average grade based on the lowest elevation of the front and rear of the property.
SC14/008 Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT the issue of limiting the amount of a lot that can be paved over with impervious material be deferred to the Environmental Protection Committee for comment.
SC14/009 Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT up to $10,000 be allocated from Council Contingency to assist in the facilitation of this community consultation process.
3.1 Committee of the Whole Resolutions for Ratification
SC14/010 Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT the following recommendations from the Committee of the Whole meeting of July 22, 2014 be ratified:
2015-2019 Budget Guidelines THAT the following amendments be made to the draft 2015 Financial Plan Guidelines for Staff: On page 13, change ¡§would it be¡¨ to ¡§which is¡¨ in point 5 of section 2; -In section 3, change ¡§an operating budget¡¨ to ¡§a maximum operating budget¡¨; and -In section 3, change ¡§at 1.5%¡¨ to ¡§of 1.5%¡¨.
THAT the 2015-2019 budget guidelines, including the addition of the 2019 proposed tax increase, as outlined in the July 14, 2014 Financial Services report be approved. AND THAT the Procedures for Council Consideration of Port Moody Police Board Budget Corporate Policy as amended and outlined in the July 14, 2014 Financial Services report be approved. AND THAT the Tangible Capital Asset Corporate Policy as amended and outlined in the July 14, 2014 Financial Services report be approved.
Mobile Food Vendor THAT staff be directed to establish a Mobile Food Vendors Program for Port Moody based on Council direction provided at the Committee of the Whole meeting held on July 22, 2014.
SC14/011 Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT the following recommendations from the Committee of the Whole meeting of July 29, 2014 be ratified: THAT discussion of the draft Tree Bylaw be deferred until September 2014.
3.2 High Technology Park Leadership Synergy Session Report: Economic Development Committee Chair, dated July 22, 2014 File: 0360-20-03
SC14/012 Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT $2,000.00 from Council Contingency be allocated to fund the High Technology Park Leadership Synergy Session as recommended in the report dated July 22, 2014 from the Economic Development Committee Chair regarding High Technology Park Leadership Synergy Session.
3.3 Communications and Civic Engagement Workshop Feedback Report: Corporate Services, Communications & Civic Engagement Division, dated July 23, 2014 File: 19-1360-01
SC14/013 Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT Council confirm the feedback received from workshops held February 25, 2014 and May 13, 2014 for staff implementation.
4.1 Release of Information from Closed Council Meeting
The following resolutions from the Closed Council meeting held on Tuesday, April 22, 2014 has been released to the public:
THAT Council approve, in principle, the concept of a Marine Research Science Centre; AND THAT Council authorize a civic/business Leadership Synergy session with players who bring insights including program, community support, finance, and marketing of this initiative.