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Jan 22,2013 Public Hearing

Public Hearing
Agenda                 Minutes

1.2 OCP Amendment to Include Special Study Area Designations

File: 6970-07 / BL2950

“City of Port Moody Official Community Plan, 2010, No. 2849, Amendment Bylaw No. 9, 2012, 2950” a bylaw to designate Special Study Areas in the Official Community Plan.


Email: Trevor Williams dated January 22, 2013

Email: H. Mason dated January 22, 2013

Trevor Williams, 10 Noble Court, Port Moody, sought clarification relative to Special Study Areas and the potential land use discussed at the Moody Centre Community Association meeting held January 17th. He questioned why this amendment was coming forward now with potential future changes to zoning around Moody Centre, why there is no direction given for heritage designation, and expressed concern that this area is being separated from the rest of the waterfront area. He spoke to his email proposal distributed on-table.

Wendy Swallwell, 2129 Clarke Street, Port Moody, thanked members of Council for attending the Moody Centre Community Association meeting on the 17th of January. Ms. Swallwell sought clarification relative to who decides when the properties would come out of the special study designation and what would happen if the lands remained out of the special study designation.

Marcel Campagne, 1657 Ioco Road, Port Moody, advised that his main concern is with roads and transportation in the Ioco area. He suggested that potential density at the Ioco Townsite would have to be low density. He asked whether traffic congestion was being addressed prior to or in conjunction with development of the Ioco Townsite.
David Driscoll, 856 Alderside Road, noted Port Moody’s natural amenities and commended Council for the decisions made to make Port Moody what it is. He commented on the procedural requirement of the Special Study Area designation before Council this evening, and questioned when the development plans for the Ioco Townsite would be revealed.

Ron Vitt, 664 Ioco Road, Port Moody, sought clarification as to whether the current owners of the Ioco Townsite have approached the City with plans to rezone the properties. He requested that the Suncor strategy for the Ioco Townsite be posted to the City website when and if available. He noted concern with increased traffic along Ioco Road from May-September each year and noted that the road cannot handle more congestion. He requested that a transportation plan be put in place, including the Murray-Clarke Connector, before Council approves any further densification.

Brent Hilpert, 1152 Alderside, Port Moody, sought clarification as to whether the inclusion of the Burrard Thermal/BC Hydro land included in the Public Hearing notice was correct.

Peter Ilakowski, 570 Ioco Road, spoke to the future rezoning of the special study area sites and the City’s plan to alleviate traffic congestion along Ioco Road. He sought clarification relative to information that he received in the mail that he assumed was from the City.

The Mayor clarified that a notice on this issue was distributed recently that was not an official City publication.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2950 be forwarded to the January 22, 2013 Regular Council meeting for further consideration.
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