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May 27,2014 Regular Council

Regular Council
Agenda              Minutes

1.1 Introduction of Art at Council
Verbal Report: Acting Mayor Nuttall / File: 7705-01

Out of the Swamp: Our Hope for the Future is the name of tonight's artwork. The sculpture was created by Tri-Cities-Potter Club member Kay Bonathan. The three figures represent mothers from different groups in our Canadian culture and human society. The words under the tinted plexiglass are taken from newspaper headlines describing both the horrors of the world and some of the unpleasant aspects of the human spirit. The mothers are rising out of the swamp of negativity with hope that their children will enjoy a more positive life condition in the world of the future. The three figures are made of high temperature stoneware and were fired in a wood-fire kiln.
Kay began to specialize in sculpture in 1970 and even went on to teach at several post secondary institutions. She was also a resident and active community artist on the Sunshine Coast for many years, and is a past host of the Coast Cable program Arts Update.
Kay would like to encourage anyone with an interest in ceramics to come to the Tri-Cities Potters Club meetings to learn from their expert guest speakers. More information can be found at

2. Public Input
Ann Kitching, Port Moody, requested that Council re-examine the bylaw concerning height of buildings along loco Road. Ms. Kitching noted that many newly constructed houses are excessively tall and therefore blocking the view of the houses behind and around them. Ms. Kitching urged Council to consider limiting the height and sizes of new homes.
John Grasty, Port Moody, noting that Port Moody land use and building bylaws are in need of a review. Mr. Grasty noted that monster homes have proliferated all over the City, and is an issue not only in Pleasantside but also in Moody Centre.

3.1 Presentation - Evergreen Line Line Rapid Transit Project Update
Presentation: Amanda Farrell, Executive Project Director, Evergreen / File: 8640-03

Amanda Farrell, Executive Project Director of the Evergreen Line Rapid Transit Project, gave a presentation on the progress of the construction of the Evergreen Line. Ms. Farrell noted that project deadlines are being met, and opening is expected in the summer of 2016. Ms. Farrell answered questions from Council on the West Coast Express parking lot configuration, station plaza designs, location of the guideways, and potential integration with plans for a pedestrian promenade on Spring Street.

Delegation Application: Pat Dennett, dated May 13, 2014 / File: 0230-20-36/2001

Pat Dennett, Construction Manager for the Mossom Creek Hatchery Reconstruction Project, and Ruth Foster, co-Founder of the Mossom Creek Hatchery, gave a presentation on the current progress of the hatchery reconstruction. Mr. Dennett presented the proposed plans for the building, noting that the project has been pared down to a first phase in which only the essential elements will be completed. The cost for the first phase is $880,000, of which $730,000 has been raised in cash and in-kind donations. It is hoped that construction can begin in late July. Ms. Foster presented the landscaping plan for the second phase of the reconstruction project, and invited people to attend a Salmon Barbecue Fundraising Gala on Sunday, July 13, 2014 in the Galleria,
4.1 Minutes
File: 0550-05
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held Tuesday, May 13, 2014 be adopted.

5. Consent Agenda

At the request of Council, the following items were removed from the
Consent Agenda for consideration under Section 6:
• 5.3 - Funding Request for the Restoration of Trial by Stone Public Art Piece
• 5.4 - Existing Fire Hall #1 - Consideration for Future Use

RC14/159 (ConsentJ
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the recommendations contained in the following items presented in the May 13, 2014 Regular Council Consent Agenda be adopted:
• 5.1 - Committee of the Whole Items for Ratification
• 5.2 - Port Moody Preschool Task Force

5.1 Committee of the Whole Items for Ratification
Recommendation Adopted on Consent:
THAT the following recommendations from Committee of the Whole meetings of May 20, 2014 be ratified:
THAT the report from Engineering and Parks Services dated May 13, 2014 regarding Harbour Management Strategy - Consultation Update and Next Steps be received for information;
AND THAT staff conduct further public consultation regarding the Designated Anchorage Area, noting that a complete Harbour Management Plan requires that Port Metro Vancouver provide details on timing and criteria for removing boats outside of the Designated Anchorage Area.

5.2 Port Moody Preschool Task Force
Recommendation Adopted on Consent:
Report: Community Services, dated May 16, 2014 / File: 01-0360-20-52/01

THAT the Port Moody Preschool Task Force be established as recommended in the report dated May 16, 2014 from Community Services regarding Port Moody Preschool Task Force.

Items Removed From The Consent Agenda

5.3 (6.5.3) Funding Request for the Restoration of Trial by Stone Public Art Piece
Report: Arts and Culture Committee, dated May 15, 2014 / File: 7940-01

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT $10,000 from the Artwork Reserve be allocated to the restoration of the public art piece: Trial by Stone as recommended in the report dated May 15, 2014 from the Arts and Culture Committee regarding Funding Request for the Restoration of Trial by Stone Public Art Piece.

5.4 (6.5.4) Existing Fire Hall #1 - Consideration for Future Use
Report: Engineering Services, dated March 4, 2014 / File: 02-0760-20-26-13

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the existing Fire Hall #1 be demolished following the relocation of all staff and equipment to the new Inlet Centre Fire Hall as recommended in report dated March 4, 2014 from Engineering Services regarding Existing Fire Hall #1 - Consideration for future use.
AND THAT a detailed project budget is established with the completion of a pre-demolition survey by a HAZMAT consultant, with an initial budget established from the Land Sale Fund at $475,000.00 based on class D estimates.

7.1 Rezoning of 622 Foresthill Place from Development Acreage Reserve (A2) and (A3) to One-Family Residential (RSI)
File: 6700-20-103

City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw No. 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 221, 2014, No. 2976, being a bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw 1988, No. 1890.

It was noted that, contrary to the published agenda, consideration is being given only to third reading of the bylaw rather than to third reading and adoption. Staff provided clarification on the development process, and noted the additional reports and studies that will be required at the development permit stage. The applicant provided additional information on storm water management.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw No. 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 221, 2014, No. 2976, being a bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw 1988, No. 1890 be now read a third time.
(Voting against: Councillor Elliott)

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT, for any development applications related to 622 Foresthill Place, the notification area be expanded to 300m and the notification period be extended to 15 days.

9.1 Heritage Designation of Belcarra South Cottages
Report: Development Services - Planning Division, dated May 20, 2014 / File: 6800-06-01

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the report dated May 20, 2014 from Development Services Planning Division regarding the Heritage Designation of the Belcarra South Cottages be received for information;
AND THAT this item be brought back for Council consideration immediately after Metro Vancouver reconsiders or decides not to reconsider this item.

10.1 Proclamation Request - Day of the Honey Bee (May 29, 2014)
Letter: Clinton Shane Ekdahl, dated April 29, 2014 / File: 0630-01/2014

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT May 29, 2014 be proclaimed Day of the Honey Bee.

10.2 Proclamation Request - World Oceans Week (June 6-8, 2014)
Letter: World Oceans Day Canada, dated April 26, 2014 / File: 0630-01/2014

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT June 1 to June 8, 2014 be proclaimed World Oceans Week.

10.3 Proclamation Request - Access Awareness Day (June 7, 2014)
Letter: SPARC BC, dated May 5, 2014 / File: 0630-01/2014

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT June 7, 2014 be proclaimed Access Awareness Day.

11.1 Council Verbal Reports

Councillor Elliott noted that Public Works Day was highly successful and well attended despite some students not being able to attend due to labour issues.
Councillor Dilworth also noted the success of Public Works Day and thanked staff for volunteering their time to put on the event. Councillor Dilworth also noted that the parade will be happening on June 21, 2014, and encouraged participants and volunteers to sign up.
Councillor Small noted that a moderated town hall meeting on the Trans Mountain Pipeline will be held on June 25, 2014, and encouraged residents to attend to provide input.
Councillor Glumac noted that he attended the Mossom Creek Trivia night, and that the fundraiser was highly successful.

11.2 Staff Verbal Reports

The City Manager noted that the design for the Inlet Centre Fire Hall was profiled in the Award Architecture Magazine for its functionality and design. He also noted that since the launch of the Adopt-A-Street program at the City of Port Moody, several streets have been adopted throughout the city.

12. Information Items
12.1 • Youth Focus Committee Minutes - April 9, 2014
• Community Care Committee Minutes - April 14, 2014
• Centennial Steering Committee Minutes - April 23, 2014

12.2 Council Correspondence for Information

• Letter: Village of Belcarra, re: Process for Heritage Recognition/Protection of Mayo Point Lodge, dated May 12, 2014
• Letter: Metro Vancouver, re: Clean Wood Disposal Ban at Regional Disposal Facilities, dated May 12, 2014
• Letter: School District 43, re: Before and After School Busing of Students, dated May 14, 2014
• Letter: New Democrat Official Opposition, re: First Responder Financial Assistance, dated May 15, 2014

12.3 Release of Information from Closed Council Meeting

The following resolution from the Closed Council meeting held on Tuesday, May 6, 2014 has been released to the public:

THAT the plaque recognizing Augustus Wilberforce McKnight be received and installed at the old City Hall building now housing the Port Moody Arts Centre.

14. Public Input
John Grasty, Port Moody, noted that the season for block parties has arrived, and urged people to start planning their block parties.
Chris Carter, Port Moody, requested that Council lobby MMBC for the reinstatement of curb-side recycling for glass. Mr. Carter also commented that he appreciates the new meeting format and the consent agenda.

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