Jan 13,2015 Regular Council
Regular Council
1.1 Introduction of Art at Council Verbal Report: Mayor Clay / File: 7705-01
Not Just Round is the latest exhibition coming to the Port Moody Arts Centre. The process of woodturning usually implies that the finished piece is round. For this show, the Greater Vancouver Woodturners Guild asked its members to explore what else could be achieved. This didn't mean abandoning "round," but rather looking for interesting and innovative ways to combine it with something else; be that texture, colour, form or material.
Tonight, we have two pieces on display from woodturner Des Wilson. A natural edge jewellery box and a natural edge bowl. Des' interest in woodturning started about 15 years ago. After leaving the world of academe, he has been able to concentrate on his passion for working with wood through furniture making, wooden boat building, and especially turning various objects, mostly from wood found in his garden. Des thinks it's an extraordinary luxury to be able to spend much of his time turning what often is generally regarded as firewood into a variety of bowls, boxes and vases. Des Wilson spoke briefly about woodturning and thanked Council for inviting him to the meeting and for highlighting the Greater Vancouver Woodturners Guild. Mr. Wilson noted that the exhibit Not Just Round opens on Thursday, January 15, 2015 at 6:00pm at the Port Moody Arts Centre.
2. Public Input Peter Dasnieres, Port Moody, asked whether the Official Community Plan will be reopened for a Public Hearing, and whether the Murray-Clarke Connector Initiative will be reinstated. Jim Millar, Port Moody, thanked Council for their support of the Walk for Peace, during which the participants walked 100km to Victoria, BC to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the First World War. Mr. Millar noted that he was only able to walk 80km in 27 hours, but joined the others who completed the 100km at the BC Legislature, where they were welcomed and their efforts recognized. Ilse Leis, Port Moody, requested that an additional member be added to the Terms of Reference for the Advisory Design Panel to consider parks and recreation facility needs in the community, noting that with the addition of development, the need for parks and recreation facilities increases. Ms. Leis also spoke in opposition to any zoning changes to allow commercial production of medical marihuana in Port Moody.
J Peachy introduced himself and the Canadian South Therapy Arts Society to Council, and provided an overview of the events held by the society in 2014, including the Burrard Inlet Fish Fest, which was highly successful and will be held again in 2015. Mr. Peachy noted that he will be working with City staff to plan the festival in 2015, and looks forward to the City's support.
4.1 Adoption of Minutes File: 0550-05
RC15/001 Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT the minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held Thursday, December 4, 2014 be adopted.
RC15/002 Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held Tuesday, December 9, 2014 be adopted.
5. Consent Agenda At the request of Council, the following items were removed from the Consent Agenda for consideration under section 6; • 5.3 - Advisory Design Panel - Terms of Reference Amendment • 5.5 - City Facility Condition and Operation
RC15/003 Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT the recommendations contained in the following items presented in the January 13, 2015 Regular Council Consent Agenda be adopted:
• 5.1 - Tri-City Transitions Society Funding Application to the Department of Justice • 5.2 - Council Code of Conduct for Elected Officials • 5.4 - Local Government Leadership Academy - Elected Officials Seminar for Large Urban Communities
5.1 Tri-City Transitions Society Funding Application to the Department of Justice Letter: Tri-City Transitions, dated December 5, 2014 / File: 0230-01
Recommendation Adopted on Consent: THAT a letter be sent to the Department of Justice in support of Tri- City Transitions - Parallel Parenting Project.
5.2 Council Code of Conduct for Elected Officials Report: Corporate Services Department - Human Resources Division / File: 07-2510-02
Recommendation Adopted on Consent: THAT the Code of Conduct Policy for Elected Officials as recommended in the report dated January 6, 2015 from the Corporate Services Department, Human Resources Division be approved.
5.3 Advisory Design Panel - Terms of Reference Amendment Report: Development Services - Planning Division, dated January 5, 2015 File: 0360-20-51
RC15/004 Moved and seconded THAT The Terms of Reference for the Advisory Design Panel be updated as recommended in the report dated January 5, 2015 from Development Services - Planning Division regarding Advisory Design Panel - Terms of Reference Amendment.
RC15/005 Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT the Terms of Reference referred to in the above be amended as follows: • In section 2.1(e), remove the word "development"; and, • In section 2.1, add "i) One representative with mobility challenges."
The question on the motion as amended was put and CARRIED.
5.4 Local Government Leadership Academy - Elected Officials Seminar for Large Urban Communities Report: Corporate Services Department - Legislative Services Division, dated January 5, 2015 / File: 01-0390-01
Recommendations Adopted on Consent: THAT Councillors Barbara Junker and Robert Vagramov be authorized to attend the Local Government Leadership Academy - Elected Officials Seminar for Large Urban Communities from January 14 -16, 2015 in Richmond, BC at an approximate cost of $1,000.00 as recommended in the report dated January 5, 2015 from Corporate Services Department - Legislative Services Division regarding Local Government Leadership Academy - Elected Seminar for Large Urban Communities; AND THAT funding for the Elected Officials Seminar be taken from Council Contingency.
5.5 City Facility Condition and Operation Report: Community Services, dated December 22, 2014 / File:02-0720-01
Council discussed the reports, noting their importance, and requested that the consultants attend a future meeting of Council to answer questions.
RC15/006 Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT the report dated December 22, 2014 from Community Services regarding City Facility Condition and Operation be received for information.
9.1 Council Community Member Appointments to 2015 Select and Statutory Committees Verbal Report: Mayor Clay / File: 0360-07
RC15/007 Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT the appointment of Neil Doyle to the 2015 Library Board be rescinded; AND THAT Neil Doyle be appointed as a community member to the 2015 Transportation Committee, notwithstanding the membership limitation in the Transportation Committee Terms of Reference.
RC15/008 Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT Amanda Masse, Amy Seo, and Tiffany Yep be appointed to the 2015 Youth Focus Committee.
9.2 Zoning Bylaw Text - Commercial Medical Marhuana Production Report: Development Services - Planning Division, dated December 22, Amendments- 2014 / File: 6700-20-122
RC15/009 Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT Bylaw 2994, cited as Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) Zoning Bylaw No. 511, Amendment Bylaw No. 2, 2015, No. 2994, be read a first time as recommended in report dated December 22, 2014 from Development Services regarding Zoning Bylaw Text Amendments - Commercial Medical Marihuana Production.
RC15/010 Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT Bylaw No. 2994 be read a second time; AND THAT Bylaw No. 2994 be referred to a Public Hearing on Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at City Hall, 100 Newport Drive, Port Moody.
RC15/011 Moved, seconded and DEFEATED THAT Bylaw 2980, cited as City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 222, 2015, No. 2980, be read a first time as recommended in report dated December 22, 2014 from Development Services regarding Zoning Bylaw Text Amendments - Commercial Medical Marihuana Production. (Voting Against: Councillors Dilworth, Junker, Lahti, and Royer)
RC15/012 Moved, seconded and DEFEATED THAT a Zoning Bylaw Amendment be prepared to allow medical marihuana production in the C8 zone. (Voting Against: Councillors Dilworth, Glumac, Junker, Royer, and Vagramov)
RC15/013 Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT a Zoning Text Amendment be brought forward to prohibit commercial medical marihuana production and testing in Port Moody. (Voting Against: Councillors Glumac and Vagramov)
9.3 Finance Committee Terms of Reference Report: Corporate Services Department - Legislative Services Division, dated December 12, 2014 / File: 0360-20-05 1
RC15/014 Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT the Finance Committee Terms of Reference attached as Attachment 2 to the report from Corporate Services Department - Legislative Services Division, dated December 12, 2014, regarding Finance Committee Terms of Reference be adopted.
Mayor Clay appointed Councillor Lahti as Chair of the 2015 Finance Committee, and Councillor Dilworth as Vice-Chair.
9.4 Chafer Beetle Remidiation Report: Mayor Clay, dated January 7, 2015 / File: 6130-04
RC15/015 Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT staff report back to Council with options for minimizing the damage caused by Chafer Beetles, and information on the implications of allowing treatment of lawns and landscape for remediation of the Chafer Beetle through exemptions for specific products in the pesticide bylaw as recommended in the report dated January 7, 2015 from Mayor Mike Clay regarding Chafer Beetle Remediation. ,
RC15/016 Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by deleting: "and information on the implications of allowing treatment of lawns and landscape for remediation of the Chafer Beetle through exemptions for specific products in the pesticide bylaw as recommended in the report dated January 7, 2015 from Mayor Mike Clay regarding Chafer Beetle Remediation."
RC15/017 Moved, seconded and CARRIED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding: "AND THAT staff provide information on natural alternatives to combat Chafer Beetles including nematodes; AND that staff provide an educational program to instruct residents on combatting Chafer Beetles without the use of pesticides." (Voting Against: Councillor Dilworth)
The question on the motion as amended was put and CARRIED. (Voting Against: Councillor Dilworth)
11.1 Council Verbal Reports
Councillor Dilworth acknowledged the Port Moody Fire Fighters' Tree Chipping Fundraiser, which raised over $9,000 for charity.
Councillor Lahti expressed her concerns with the impact that the Evergreen Line Project work has had on the College Park/Glenayre Neighbourhood and submitted the following notice of motion:
WHEREAS work associated with the Evergreen Line Project has had significant impact on the whole of the College Park/Glenayre Neighbourhood; AND WHEREAS travelling to the Evergreen Line Project Office to attend information sessions poses challenges for residents in the College Park/Glenayre Neighbourhood; BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council formally request that the Evergreen Line Project Team hold a meeting for concerned area residents in College Park in the near future; AND THAT Evergreen Line Project Team communications to any College Park/Glenayre/Seaview Area residents regarding traffic and safety concerns be expanded to all residents in the College Park/Glenayre/Seaview Area.
RC15/018 Moved , seconded and CARRIED THAT Councillor Lahti's Notice of Motion be dealt with immediately.
RC15/019 Moved , seconded and CARRIED THAT Council formally request that the Evergreen Line Project Team hold a meeting for concerned area residents in College Park in the near future; AND THAT Evergreen Line Project Team communications to any College Park/Glenayre/Seaview Area residents regarding traffic and safety concerns be expanded to all residents in the College Park/Glenayre/Seaview Area.
Councillor Glumac commended staff for the letter sent by the City to Port Metro Vancouver included for information under item 12.2.
Councillor Dilworth declared a conflict of interest as the letter deals with her employer and left the meeting at 8:40pm.
Councillor Glumac thanked staff for their work in preparing the letter and requested that any response received be forwarded to Council for information.
Councillor Glumac also announced his appointment to the BC Provincial Committee on Rail Safety as the UBCM representative.
Councillor Royer requested that references to agenda items be made clear for those viewing the Council Meeting through the live stream on the City website. Staff provided background information on the previous letter referenced by Councillor Glumac as well as information on online viewership for Port Moody Council Meetings.
Councillor Dilworth returned to the meeting at 8:48pm.
Mayor Clay urged concerned residents to attend the information session being held by the Evergreen Line Project Team at their office on Lougheed Highway on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at 7:00pm. Mayor Clay noted that he received a verbal update on the work related to tunnel boring and found the information quite helpful. Mayor Clay noted that he will work with the School District and the Evergreen Line Project Team to organize an information session at Seaview Elementary School.
Information Items
Council Correspondence for Information
• Letter from BC Hydro re: Metro North Transmission Study, dated December 10, 2014 • Letter to Port Metro Vancouver re: Pacific Coast Terminals - Potash Handling Facility (PP 2014-096), dated December 15, 2014
Release of Resolutions from Closed Council Meetings
12.3 List of Resolutions from Closed Council Meetings re: Appleyard Centennial House Notes Regarding the Official Community Plan Update Process as presented at the December 4, 2014 Closed Council Meeting