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Mar 3,2015 Land Use Committee

Agenda           Minutes
Report: Development Services - Planning, dated February 24, 2015 / File: 6700-20-123
The Chair opened the floor for public input on the application.
Wendy Swalwell, Chair of the Legion Property Development Committee, spoke in favour of the application on behalf of the Legion members and asked the committee to approve the application.
Cathy Cena, Port Moody, noted that she is in favour of this project, as it will give a positive facelift to the Moody Centre area and noted that the proposed housing is very affordable.
Helen Daniels, Port Moody, spoke in favour of this application, noting that it will be a good start to the revitalization of the Moody Centre area.
The Chair invited public comment for a second and third time. As there were no further comments from the public, the Chair opened the floor for comments and questions from members of the committee.
Councillor Glumac asked for clarification about what could be discussed at this meeting and the mandate of the committee with regard to consideration of the application. He asked whether a different entrance configuration had been considered and, if so, what the reasoning was behind the proposed design decision. The applicant explained that alternate access configurations had been considered, but the proposed design was the most efficient and effective use of the land.

Mary de Paoli explained that a balance is aimed for in trying to meet the objectives of the Official Community Plan, and noted that the proposed access was the most desirable alternative from an engineering perspective.
Councillor Lahti expressed an understanding of the access issues and spoke in favour of the project.
Micah Dew asked about the effect of the underground parkade construction on the area, about the approximate prices for the residential units, and ownership of the land. The applicant explained that the water table has created difficulties in the design, but noted that it shouldn’t create any long-term issues. The applicant also explained that unit prices have yet to be finalized and they are waiting for final approval from BC Housing. It was noted that the land will be held as an air space parcel, so the Legion retains ownership of the land.
Councillor Junker expressed support for the application.
The Chair called for questions and comments from the committee for a second and third time. No further comments were received.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the application for Rezoning, to allow for a mixed-use development at 2513-2519 Clarke Street, be supported as presented

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