April 7,2015 Finance Committee
2.1 Minutes
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held Tuesday, February 17, 2015 be adopted.
Randy Owen, Mercury Associates, presented an overview of the Strategic Fleet Review conducted by his company for the City. He provided an overview of the project background and the key points included in the written report.
Juli Kolby, Manager of Corporate Purchasing and Risk Management, provided an overview of the recommendations in the fleet review report, noting that three of the recommendations would have budget implications – administrative assistance, additional mechanic, replacement provision, upgrades to shop or utilization of Inlet Centre Fire Hall bay. Ms. Kolby also noted that a review of sustainability practices was not within the report scope, and staff recommend such a review be done in conjunction with a fleet utilization review.
Mr. Owen and Ms. Kolby responded to questions from Council with regard to achieving the vehicle equivalent unit benchmark and potential savings therein, use of the Maintenance Connection tool, and the specific recommendations that would have a budget impact. It was noted that the following recommendations would impact the 2016 budget:
#17. Plan for the replacement of the existing garage to provide adequate work space for mechanics.
#19. Make the following changes to garage staffing:
o Provide administrative assistance to the shop for activities such as parts procurement, data entry, and general office help.
o Fill the Supervisor position and establish the expectation that this position will work in the shop 50% of the time.
o Fill the current temporary mechanic position on a permanent basis.
#26. Calculate a ten-year replacement plan based on the optimal replacement cycles taking into account the need to smooth annual replacement to limit the year-to-year volatility in funding requirements.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Strategic Fleet Review Draft Report dated March 2015 from Mercury Associates be received for information.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff report back on a preliminary action plan for achieving the vehicle equivalent unit benchmark to achieve maximum savings.
Juli Kolby and Randy Owens left the meeting at this point.
Report: Financial Services Department, dated March 24, 2015 / File: 05-1705-01
Staff provided an overview of the 2015-2019 Capital Financial Plan, noting changes in the various reserve funds since Council was last presented with the funding in each reserve.
It was noted that a TransLink grant has been applied for and is earmarked for the Murray Street Bike Path Extension project, providing funding from TransLink in an amount equal to that provided by the City.
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT the Murray Street Bike Path Extension Project, for a total of $214,000, be added under 2015 in the Council Strategic Priorities Reserve.
(Voting against: Councillors Dilworth and Lahti, and Mayor Clay)
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Murray Street Bike Path Extension Project, for a total of $214,000, be added under 2016 in the Council Strategic Priorities Reserve.
(Voting against: Mayor Clay)
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT $35,000 for the Clarke Street Bike Path Scoping Study be added to 2016 in the Council Strategic Priorities Reserve.
(Voting against: Councillors Dilworth, Junker, and Lahti, and Mayor Clay)
Staff were directed to bring back information on funding for an amphitheatre roof at the back of the Civic Centre (project #15).
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Cultural Services – New Community Events (Parade, Picnic and Fireworks) item in the Council Strategic Priorities Reserve be reduced to $45,000 for 2015.
(Voting against: Councillor Junker and Mayor Clay)
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
WHEREAS an equipment capital program has been established in the Asset Reserve to fund annual non-fleet equipment projects;
AND WHEREAS the Police Board has submitted capital projects to be funded from the equipment capital program;
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Police Board be allocated a portion of the equipment capital program funding envelope equivalent to the same annual percentage as the target tax increase.
(Voting against: Mayor Clay)
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff come back with a report with options for a suitable funding source for the unfunded portion of the Equipment Capital Program – Police in the amount of $97,216 for 2015, and a plan for long term funding of these items.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
WHEREAS it is not unreasonable to anticipate that the specific projects that have been identified to be undertaken within the capital program funding envelopes may have overages and underages from time to time;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed to be expedient to have some funding flexibility within the established capital programs funding envelopes to advance the annual capital plan;
BE IT RESOLVED THAT project funding flexibility be granted within the capital program funding envelopes that have been established as long as total spending within the allocated capital program funding envelope is not exceeded without the approval of Council.
(Voting against: Mayor Clay)
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the gas tax funding be set aside in a reserve and be considered annually during budget deliberations to address specific community identified needs as they arise.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
WHEREAS Council Contingency holds $18,922 in funding at this time;
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the funding request of $875 from the POCOMO Meals on Wheels Society, as identified in the report dated March 11, 2015 from the Financial Services Department, be funded from Council Contingency.
(Voting against: Councillor Dilworth and Mayor Clay)
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
WHEREAS Council Contingency holds $18,922 in funding at this time;
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the funding request of $7,500 from the Heritage Commission, as identified in the report dated February 27, 2015 from the Heritage Commission, be funded from Council Contingency.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT $100,000 be funded from the Rocky Point Ramp Reserve for the bathymetric study (ocean depth measurements), ocean floor sampling and boat channel dredging to complete the Replacement of Float on East Pier at Rocky Point Park Project as recommended by Port Metro Vancouver and the report from Engineering and Parks Services dated March 16, 2015 regarding Replacement of Float on East Pier at Rocky Point Park.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the School Tax Audit Report dated March 5, 2015 be received for information
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Monthly Expenditure Report for March 2015 be received for information.