4.1 Civic Centre Building Condition Assessment
Report: Community Services – Facilities, dated April 10, 2015 / File: 02-0750-01
Discussion ensued with regard to the possibility of borrowing funds to pay for repairs of the Civic Centre building and whether it might be possible to use current asset reserve funds to pay for the repairs. It was noted that discussion about paying for these repairs is slightly different from the other items included in the broader major capital discussion items, as it relates to an existing asset, and whether or not it should be a separate conversation.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the report dated April 10, 2015 from Community Services – Facilities regarding Civic Centre Building Condition Assessment be received for information;
AND THAT the Civic Centre Building Condition Assessment be considered as part of the Broader Major Capital Discussion.
4.2 2014 Capital Projects Status Report
Presentation: Manager of Engineering
Report: Engineering and Parks Services, dated March 2015
Staff provided an overview of the capital project status report, noting the following key points:
- Past challenges included: undefined and decentralized processes, staff turnover, limited financial oversight, timing of budget approvals, and lack of current information for assets;
- Changes have included: organizational change, team development for new processes, staff training, templates and tools, and a project management task force; and
- Capital project management challenges: triple constraint – scope / budget / time, planning and executing project, and project timelines vs. approvals.
It was noted that there are a few limitations on the proposed reporting method, including that only one year of cost reporting is possible. Staff explained that they hope to have this limitation rectified prior to the next quarterly report.
Staff requested the committee’s input on the proposed quarterly reporting method. The committee agreed that this method is easy to understand and would be beneficial to receive on a quarterly basis. Staff will review the wording and style of the document to make it easier to distinguish projects that are completed on time from those that have been completed, but not on time. It was agreed the first quarterly report would be brought back to the committee in July 2015.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the report dated March 2015 from Engineering and Parks Services regarding 2014 Capital Projects Status be received for information.
The Manager of Engineering Services and the Senior Project Engineer left the meeting at this point.
4.3 Broader Major Capital Discussion
Report: Financial Services Department, dated April 10, 2015 / File: 05-1720
Staff provided an overview of the report from the Financial Services Department dated April 10, 2015 and responded to questions from the committee.
It was noted that repairs to the Recreation Complex should also be added to the list of major capital projects for consideration. Discussion ensued with regard to how to approach prioritization of the major capital projects that are being considered and it was suggested that there may be benefit in discussing the prioritization in a workshop format.
Moved, seconded CARRIED
THAT staff report back with a proposed financial plan based on increasing the asset management levy by 0.5% annually with the intention of paying for the cost of the Civic Centre improvements over a five-year period.
Staff were directed to plan a workshop for Council to discuss and prioritize major capital projects. The committee requested that staff provide as much background information as possible for each proposed project prior to the workshop.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the report dated April 10, 2015 from the Financial Services Department regarding Broader Major Capital Discussion be received for information.