Nov 3,2015 Committee of the Whole
Committee of the Whole
3.1 Minutes File: 0550-03-02
CW15/079 Moved and CARRIED THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting of Tuesday, October 6, 2015 be adopted.
Margaret Eberle, Senior Housing Planner, Metro Vancouver, gave a presentation about Metro Vancouverˇ¦s draft Affordable Housing Strategy, including the following key points: Metro Vancouver housing roles; regional growth projections; annual housing demand; an overview of and accomplishments since the Regional Affordable Housing Strategy 2007; an overview of the Regional Affordable Housing Strategy (RAHS) update process; and the framework of the draft RAHS, including the vision and goals. Ms. Eberle responded to questions from Council regarding the goals of the draft strategy, funding to address homelessness, subsidized housing, and collaboration with local advocate groups.
PresentationReport: Development Services Department ˇV Planning Division, dated October 26, 2015 / File: 5080-10-02
Staff gave a presentation on the report dated October 26, 2015 from Development Services Department ˇV Planning Division regarding Affordable Housing ˇV Policy Options, and responded to questions from Council regarding timelines.
CW15/080 Moved THAT staff be directed to bring forward Affordable Housing Policies/Guidelines that protect existing market rental housing units and tenants, and a formalized process to require affordable housing units or cash-in-lieu contributions for new multi-family developments for Councilˇ¦s consideration as recommended in the report dated October 26, 2015 from Development Services Department ˇV Planning Division regarding Affordable Housing ˇV Policy Options. Specific policies/guidelines include: „h An Inclusionary Zoning Policy or Density Bonusing/Community Amenity Contribution Program; „h Affordable Housing Reserve Fund Guidelines; „h Strata Conversion Policy; CoW - Agenda - 2015 11 17 6 Item 3.1 „h Rental Replacement Policy; and „h Tenant Relocation Policy.
CW15/081 Moved and CARRIED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding the following bulleted point: ˇ§AND THAT any strata conversion policy consider a moratorium.ˇ¨ (Voting against: Councillor Lahti and Mayor Clay)
Report: Financial Services Department, dated October 22, 2015 / File: 05-1850-01
Staff provided an overview of the report dated October 22, 2015 from Financial Services Department regarding Options for Re-establishment of a Community Grant Program and responded to questions from Council regarding previous motions passed by Council, the proposed budget amount, and tax impacts.
CW15/082 Moved THAT the report dated October 22, 2015 from Financial Services Department regarding Options for Re-establishment of a Community Grant Program be received for information; AND THAT a budget amount of $19,000 be established and included in the 2016 Financial Plan.
CW15/083 Moved and DEFEATED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by changing $19,000 to $35,000. (Voting against: Councillors Junker, Lahti, and Vagramov, and Mayor Clay)
CW15/084 Moved and CARRIED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding ˇ§AND THAT staff be directed to finalize arrangements with Mayor Josie Osborne of Tofino to attend the December 1, 2015 Committee of the Whole meeting to give a presentation on Participatory Budgeting as an option to allocate the annual grant budget at an estimated cost of $750 funded from Council Contingency.ˇ¨
CW15/085 Moved and CARRIED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding ˇ§AND THAT the policy discussion be held on December 1, 2015.ˇ¨ CoW - Agenda - 2015 11 17 7 Item 3.1
Separation of the motion was requested. The question on the first, third, and fourth clauses of the main motion as amended was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED.
The question on the second clause of the main motion as amended was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED. (Voting against: Mayor Clay