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Apr 1, 2015 EDC Meeting

Economic Development Committee

Agenda           Minutes

2.1 Minutes

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Economic Development Committee meeting held Wednesday, March 4, 2015 be adopted as circulated.

3.1 Council Update

Councillor Dilworth reported that Council received a presentation on the City of Port Moody 2015 Economic Profile, noting that the document has been very well received. Staff will provide copies to the Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce.

3.2 Mayor’s Report
Mayor Clay distributed draft Terms of Reference for a request for proposals that will be going out to event planners for ideas about potential business events in the city. Discussion ensued with regard to ideas for events that could possibly take place on Canada Day, since Golden Spike Days celebrations will not be taking place over the Canada Day holiday this year. Mayor Clay asked committee members to send event / activity ideas to his office.

3.3 Wayfinding Initiatives

Neal Carley, General Manager of Engineering and Parks Services, provided an overview of the City’s wayfinding initiatives, noting that the Master Transportation Plan will be updated over the next year and it will include a wayfinding section. Mr. Carley noted that the following initiatives are currently under way:
. Street name signs are being standardized and replaced
. Trans Canada Trail sign posts are located throughout the city – these will be updated and replaced in the near future
. Bike route markings – located on roadways and sign posts
. Area directional signage needs to be updated – important to consider ways to help local businesses
. Trail system – these are well marked, but could be updated and standardized
. Commemorative signs – Terry Fox Training Run route signage will be unveiled on April 4, 2015

Councillor Dilworth reviewed the wayfinding discussion at the last meeting of this committee, as summarized in the minutes. It was noted that there are no signs in the City to help people find Rocky Point Park, which is often difficult for visitors to find, and that there are no signs around the City directing visitors to other points of interest such as Suter Brook, Newport Village, Moody Centre and the City Hall/Library.
It was agreed that it would be nice to incorporate the City of the Arts theme in the signage. The importance of standardized signage, rather than many different types of signs that don’t necessarily work together, was noted. It was agreed that route details such as distances, walkability scores, route accessibility information, etc. should be included as well.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council consider the installation of centralized wayfinding signs in specific locations throughout the City, highlighting civic amenities, private businesses, and points of interest, with a tie-in to the Arts.

4.1 Tourism Subcommittee Report

Councillor Diana Dilworth provided an overview of the work done by the Tourism Subcommittee over the past year and reviewed the subcommittee’s report to Council, including the following key points:
. Port Moody has unique factors that pose great opportunity for promotion of the City as a tourism destination
. The City’s Tourism Strategic Plan was developed in February 2004 and last updated in October 2005
. Community residents and businesses would benefit from implementation of a new, comprehensive Tourism Strategy

. There is not one specific organization or entity championing or coordinating tourism opportunities in Port Moody
. The City’s current marketing and promotional materials are disconnected and don’t adequately highlight opportunities
. There is little information available on the City’s website regarding local business or tourism opportunities

. Promotion of Port Moody’s unique features to attract nonresidents to our community
. Identification of tourism attractions, based on five key theme areas – Arts and Culture, Natural Environment, Recreation, Heritage and History, Culinary Delights
. Integration and Collaboration between existing plans and strategies – OCP, City of the Arts Branding, Wayfinding signage and kiosks, Arts and Culture Master Plan, Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Master Cycling Plan
. Attraction of Port Moody residents and their families, visiting family members and friends, day-trippers within Metro Vancouver, special interest groups (ie: foodies, recreationalists, history buffs)
. Offer opportunities for 2/4/6-hour events for visitors, diversity of experiences and events (something for everyone), specific aspects for special interest groups, support for local small business economy, support for arts  and culture community

Distinct Neighbourhoods:
. Westport
. Spring Street Promenade
. Heritage Commercial District
. Murray Street Boulevard
. Oceanfront District
. Moody Centre
. Inlet Centre (Newport, Suter Brook, Klahanie)

Next Steps:
. Council commitment to develop a new Tourism Strategic Plan incorporating inventories, opportunities and recommendations
. Establish a multi-stakeholder Tourism Committee to monitor development and implementation of Tourism Strategic Plan, make further recommendations on implementation and identify additional opportunities to enhance the Plan
. Identify funds to retain a consultant to assist in development of new Tourism Strategic Plan with staff and Tourism Committee
. Identify budget in five-year financial plan for tourism purposes

. Identify partner organizations to work with (ie: Chamber of Commerce, BC Tourism/Hello BC) and ensure they have up-to-date information on Port Moody and its opportunities
. Consolidate publications where appropriate (ie: Heritage Guide with Stone Markers)
. Develop on-line directory of local businesses and artists with locations and contact information
. Strategic use of website to market tourism opportunities based on areas of interest
. Review inventories and opportunities on annual basis for updating as required
. Further identify low-medium-high priorities and where easy-wins may be achieved
. Designate/delegate the inventory or specific inventory items to staff or civic committees for inclusion on annual work plans
. Identify key stakeholders in the community to participate in the implementation of specific actions.
. Review existing City plans to identify related and relevant recommendations and strategies
. Identify duplication amongst plans and develop collaborative actions between staff and/or civic committees
. Look for opportunities to work together with local businesses and community organizations to maximize resources and create synergies in the implementation of recommendations
. Develop a coordinated approach to promoting Port Moody and its offerings
. Create a complete street map for Port Moody for physical distribution and review through the City’s website
. Create a series of Maps and Apps and brochures focused on specific theme areas that are simple to read and use and include specific activities, events or opportunities
. Coordinate and integrate branding throughout  publications, maps and apps, wayfinding signage, City’s website and social media for consistency
. Create an on-line, annual list or calendar of events/activities within the community and promote throughout the year
. Create a line of Port Moody postcards highlighting our unique features
. Market opportunities to special-interest groups throughout the lower mainland (ie: foodies, history buffs, nature lovers, geo-caching participants)

Additional suggestions for inventory lists were made as follows:
. Arts & Culture – Port Moody Arts Centre, Port Moody Film Society monthly screenings
. Natural Environment – Belcarra Regional Park, Trans Canada Trail, White Pine Beach
. Recreation – Soccer turf fields, water parks
. Heritage and History – Takaya Tours
. Culinary Delights – Independent restaurants
. Other – Unique independent business community

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Economic Development Committee support the recommendations contained in the Tourism Subcommittee Report, including the additional suggestions offered by this committee.

4.2 Business Roundtable Planning
No report.

4.3 High Tech / Marine Research Centre – Update
Councillor Dilworth provided an overview of the subcommittee that had been looking at this issue, noting that the subcommittee had been chaired by former Councillor Nuttall, with former Councillor Small acting as the vice chair. It was noted that questions remain as to who should chair the subcommittee moving forward. It was suggested that former Councillors Nuttall and Small be asked if they would be interested in continuing with the subcommittee.
Mayor Clay explained that a concrete business plan, including significant funding partners, needs to be presented before the provincial or federal government will step in and provide assistance as a partner. It was agreed that specific parameters and criteria should be outlined prior to trying to get the subcommittee going again.
Councillor Dilworth suggested that former Councillors Nuttall and Small be invited to discuss the subcommittee’s work with this committee at the May meeting as a follow-up.

5.1 Updated Monthly Work Plan
Attachment: Economic Development Committee 2015 Work Plan
Upcoming work plan items were reviewed.

5.2 Economic Development in BC Newsletter – March 2015

This item was provided for information only.

5.3 Roundtable
Committee members reported on their various events and activities.
Adam Bird suggested that the committee look into conducting an online business retention survey, similar to a survey that was done in the City of Victoria. A link to the example survey will be sent out to the committee for information prior to discussion at the next meeting

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