July 21,2015 Committee of the Whole
3,1 Minutes File: 0550-03-02
CW15/058 Moved and CARRIED THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting of Tuesday, July 7, 2015 be adopted.
4.1 Master Transportation Plan Update 2: Discussion Paper 1 Presentation: Transportation Planner Report: Engineering and Parks Services - Transportation, dated July 9, 2015 File: 16-8330-22
Staff provided a brief review of the Master Transportation Plan process to date, and introduced Mr. John Steiner from Urban Systems Consultants. John Steiner, Urban Systems, gave a presentation on the Master Transportation Plan Update, including information on the planning process, participants, and engagement initiatives. Mr. Steiner highlighted points included in Discussion Paper 1 - Setting the Context, and noted that public engagement has been encouraging, with approximately 360 responses to a TransPort Moody survey on transportation issues, opportunities, and priorities in Port Moody. Mr. Steiner also provided a brief update on the next steps in the process, noting that Phase 3: Visioning will take place in the fall of 2015, and Phase 4: Planning & Possibilities will occur in the winter. The Transportation Planner and Mr. Steiner responded to questions from Council regarding the engagement process, service on bus route 160, survey questions, cycling corridors, the incorporation of feedback previously received during the Murray-Clarke Visioning Study into Phase 3, potential enhancements to the TransPort Moody web page, provision of information and data to the public, intersections with the highest collision rates, accessibility of bus stops throughout the City, and potential bus service in areas that currently do not currently have service.
Councillor Lahti left the meeting at this point and did not return.
CW15/059 Moved and CARRIED THAT the report dated July 9, 2015 from Engineering and Parks Services-Transportation regarding Master Transportation Plan Update 2: Discussion Paper 1 be received for information.
4.2 Zoning Bylaw Update - Key Changes & Consultation Plan Presentation: Manager of Planning Report: Development Services - Planning Division, dated July 9, 2015 File: 3900-05
Staff provided an overview of the Zoning Bylaw update process to date and gave a presentation on key changes and the proposed consultation plan moving forward. Staff provided information on the project team, scope and goals, the process undertaken to date, and the next phases of the process, which include identification of funding for a consultation budget and preparation for public consultation in the fall of 2015. Staff responded to questions from Council regarding lot sizes, feasibility for subdivisions, parking stall size standards, public education, density, consolidation/standardization of Comprehensive Development zones, accessibility requirements and standards, reduced parking requirements around public transit stations, the approach to mega homes, mixed employment zones, the addition of a Town Hall meeting to the consultation plan, and whether the proposed updates would result in a rezoning process for current property zoning and the rights of landowners to oppose those changes.
CW15/060 Moved and CARRIED THAT the report dated July 9, 2015 from Development Services - Planning Division regarding Zoning Bylaw Update - Key Changes & Consultation Plan be received for information; AND THAT staff proceed with the process and content for the Zoning Bylaw Update as outlined in the report; AND THAT the proposed consultation plan outlined in the report be endorsed; AND THAT the costs associated with the consultation plan as outlined in the report be referred to the Finance Committee to determine an appropriate funding source.
4.3 Coronation Park Neighbourhood - Community Consultation June/July 2015 Presentation: General Manager of Development Services Report: Development Services - Planning Division, dated July 9, 2015 File: 6530-92
Staff provided an overview of the Coronation Park Community Dialogue session held on June 18, 2015 and the Visioning Session hosted by the Land Use Committee on July 7, 2015, noting the key themes, visions, and goals that emerged from the discussions. It was noted that next steps will include the development of a Terms of Reference, scope, timeline, and costs of preparing a neighbourhood plan for Coronation Park. Staff responded to questions from Council regarding the timely provision of information to the public, types of development desired by people in the neighbourhood, public engagement options, planning options for the School District #43 property, further engagement opportunities for consensus building, and the provision of data to the residents about density options.
CW15/061 Moved and CARRIED THAT the report dated July 9, 2015 from Development Services-Planning Division regarding Coronation Park Neighbourhood-Community Consultation June/July 2015 be received for information.
4.4 Moody Centre Project Scope Verbal Report: General Manager of Development Services File: 6530-20
Staff provided a verbal report on the Moody Centre planning process, noting that staff expect to come back to Council in the fall with a report including information on the development of a Terms of Reference, project scope, timeline, and costs of preparing a neighbourhood plan for Moody Centre