Nov 17,20115 Committee of the Whole
3.1 Minutes
File: 0550-03-02
CW15/086 Moved and CARRIED THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting of Tuesday, November 3, 2015 be adopted.
The Senior Project Engineer gave a presentation on the final draft of the Chines Integrated Stormwater Management Plan dated November 2015, noting key findings, key recommendations, and next steps. Staff responded to questions from Council regarding recommendations for daylighting of creeks and streams, assessment of future impacts, and potential financial implications of key recommendations.
CW15/087 Moved and CARRIED THAT Council endorse the final draft of the Chines Integrated Stormwater Management Plan, dated November 2015, as recommended in the report dated November 2, 2015 from Engineering and Parks Services Department regarding Chines Integrated Stormwater Management Plan.
The following staff left the meeting at this point and did not return: • Brian Barnett - Senior Project Engineer; • James Chandler - Manager of Engineering; and • Margot Davis - Manager of Sustainability.
Report: Corporate Services Department - Legislative Services Division, dated October 29, 2015 File: 4200-00
The Corporate Officer responded to questions regarding mail ballot voting timelines, responsibility for requiring proof of citizenship to be able to vote, signage requirements, advance voting opportunities, potential establishment of an Elections Task Force, and signage locations.
CW15/088 Moved THAT City of Port Moody Local Government Election Bylaw,2011, No. 2897, Amendment Bylaw No. 2, 2015, No. 3021 be referred to the Regular Council meeting of November 24, 2015 for consideration as recommended in the report dated October 29, 2015 from Corporate Services Department - Legislative Services Division regarding General Local Government Election Bylaw Amendment; AND THAT staff be directed to report back with comprehensive analyses of the following election related issues: • Advance Voting Opportunities; • Mail Ballot Voting Opportunities; • Voting Locations; and • Election and Candidate Awareness Initiatives.
CW15/089 Moved and CARRIED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding: "AND THAT staff report back with the Terms of Reference for the previous Elections Task Force." The question on the main motion (CW15/088) as amended (by CW15/089) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED.
Report: Corporate Services Department - Legislative Services Division, dated November 8, 2015 / File: 0550-00
The Corporate Officer provided an overview of the report dated November 8, 2015 from Corporate Services Department - Legislative Services Division regarding Council Procedure Update.
CW15/090 Moved THAT an Administrative Policy be drafted to clearly indicate the Report to Council submission deadline for staff and members of Council.
CW15/091 Moved and CARRIED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding: "AND THAT the Administrative Policy be brought back to Council for consideration."
The question on the main motion (CW15/090) as amended (by CW15/091) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED. (Voting against: Councillor Junker and Mayor Clay)
CW15/092 Moved THAT the differentiation between delegations and presentations be included in the Council Procedure Bylaw; AND THAT the maximum number of delegations be set at two per Regular Council Meeting; AND THAT the maximum number of presentations be set at one per Regular Council Meeting.
CW15/093 Moved and CARRIED . THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding "and Committee of the Whole" after "Regular Council Meeting" in the second and third clauses. (Voting against: Councillor Lahti and Mayor Clay)
CW15/094 Moved and DEFEATED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding: "AND THAT delegations be given the choice of appearing before a Regular Council Meeting or a Committee of the Whole Meeting." (Voting against: Councillors Dilworth, Junker, Lahti, and Mayor Clay)
The question on the main motion (CW15/092) as amended (by CW15/093) was put to a vote; the motion was DEFEATED. (Voting against: Councillors Dilworth, Junker, Lahti, Vagramov, and Mayor Clay)
CW15/095 Moved and CARRIED THAT the differentiation between delegations and presentations be included in the Council Procedure Bylaw; AND THAT delegations and presentations be scheduled for Committee of the Whole meetings.
CW15/096 Moved and DEFEATED THAT the maximum number of delegations be set at two per Committee of the Whole Meeting; AND THAT the maximum number of presentations be set at one per Committee of the Whole Meeting. (Voting against: Councillors Dilworth, Glumac, Junker, Lahti, Royer, Vagramov, and Mayor Clay)
CW15/097 Moved THAT a clause be added stating that Council shall not interact with the speakers during the Public Input Period, but may call speakers up for questions at the end of the Public Input Period; AND THAT public input periods be extended by 15-minute increments by a majority vote of Council.
Separation of the two clauses of the motion was requested.
The question on the first clause of the motion (CW15/097a) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED. (Voting against: Councillors Glumac, Royer, and Vagramov)
The question on the second clause of the motion (CW15/097b) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED.
CW15/098 Moved THAT motions to submit resolutions for UBCM and FCM consideration not be treated as non-jurisdictional; AND THAT consideration of non-jurisdictional items require a 2/3 vote of Council.
CW15/099 Moved and CARRIED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding "and advocating or lobbying for the change of a law or bylaw that Council has no legal authority to amend" between "UBCM and FCM consideration" and "not be treated as nonjurisdictional" in the first clause.
Separation of the two clauses of the motion was requested. The question on the first clause of the main motion (CW15/098a) as amended (by CW15/099) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED. The question on the second clause of the motion (CW15/098b) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED. (Voting against: Councillor Royer)
CW15/100 Moved and CARRIED THAT the meeting be recessed for five minutes. The meeting was recessed at 9:07pm.
Councillor Royer left the meeting at this point and did not return. The meeting reconvened at 9:13pm.
CW15/101 Moved and CARRIED THAT items 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, and 4.7 of the Committee of the Whole agenda of November 17, 2015 be deferred to the next Committee of the Whole meeting. (Voting against: Mayor Clay)
The following staff left the meeting at this point and did not return: • Mary De Paoli - Manager of Planning; • Remo Faedo - Fire Chief; • Devin Jain - Acting General Manager of Community Services; • Robyn MacLeod - Manager of Building, Bylaw, and Licensing; • Paul Rockwood - General Manager of Financial Services; and • James Stiver - General Manager of Development Services.
CW15/102 Moved and CARRIED THAT late items be placed on the agenda with a unanimous vote of Council.
CW15/103 Moved and CARRIED THAT items to be included in the Consent Agenda be specified as follows: • Recommendations from Committees; • Reports for Information; and • Items for which debate is not expected.
CW15/104 Moved THAT the maximum time for which a member may speak on an item be limited to five minutes.
CW15/105 Moved and DEFEATED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by changing five minutes to ten minutes. (Voting against: Councillors Junker, Lahti, and Mayor Clay)
The question on the main motion (CW15/104) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED. (Voting against; Councillors Glumac and Vagramov)
CW15/106 Moved and DEFEATED THAT the Chair be authorized to advance debate by calling only for speakers of the opposing side if a majority of members have spoken for the same side. (Voting against: Councillors Dilworth, Glumac, Lahti, and Vagramov) Councillor Dilworth left the meeting at this point and did not return.
CW15/107 Moved THAT, if a Bylaw under consideration is amended before third reading, third reading of the Bylaw be delayed to a subsequent meeting.
CW15/108 Moved and CARRIED THAT the foregoing motion be amended to add: "AND THAT each reading of a Bylaw be moved separately."
The question on the main motion (CW15/107) as amended (by CW15/108) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED.
CW15/109 Moved and CARRIED THAT a unanimous vote be required to extend the meeting for an additional hour after 10:00pm, as well as every hour thereafter.
CW15/110 Moved and CARRIED THAT Closed Meetings be automatically adjourned at 6:55pm unless extended by a unanimous resolution of Council.
CW15/111 Moved THAT Committee of the Whole meetings be automatically adjourned after three hours.
CW15/112 Moved and CARRIED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding "unless extended by a unanimous resolution of Council."
The question on the main motion (CW15/111) as amended (by CW15/112) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED. (Voting against: Councillors Glumac and Vagramov)
CW15/113 Moved and DEFEATED THAT there be no maximum placed on the number of Council members permitted to participate electronically at a meeting; AND THAT the maximum number of times a member of Council may participate electronically at a meeting be limited to four times per calendar year. (Voting against: Councillors Junker, Lahti, and Mayor Clay)
CW15/114 Moved and CARRIED THAT the previous question be called.
CW15/115 Moved and CARRIED THAT there be a maximum of two members of Council permitted to participate electronically at a meeting; AND THAT the maximum number of times a member of Council may participate electronically at a meeting be limited to four times per calendar year. (Voting against: Councillor Lahti and Mayor Clay)
CW15/116 Moved and CARRIED THAT staff report back with options regarding electronic participation at Council meetings.
CW15/117 Moved and CARRIED THAT electronic meetings only be held in the event of an emergency; AND THAT staff report back on parameters of what would constitute an emergency.
CW15/118 Moved and CARRIED THAT a draft Bylaw be brought back to a Committee of the Whole meeting for Council consideration.
Report: Community Services Department, dated October 26,2015 / File: 12-6240-20-08/01
This item was deferred to the next Committee of the Whole meeting.
Report: Community Services Department, dated October 27,2015 / File: 15-8160-01
This item was deferred to the next Committee of the Whole meeting.
Report: Development Services Department - Planning Division, dated November 9, 2015 / File: 6530-20-07
This item was deferred to the next Committee of the Whole meeting.
Report: Development Services Department - Building, Bylaw,and Licensing Division, dated November 10, 2015 File: 09-3710-01 /Vol 01
This item was deferred to the next Committee of the Whole meeting