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Mar 1,2016 Committee of the Whole

Committee of the Whole
Agenda             Minutes
3.1 Minutes
File: 0550-03-02
Moved and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting of Tuesday, February 16, 2016 be adopted.

4.1 City’s Bear Essentials Program Update
Report: Development Services Department – Sustainability Division, dated February 19, 2016
File: 13-6870-04/Vol 10
The Manager of Sustainability provided an update on the City’s Bear Essentials program, noting that permanent bear advisory signage has been installed, Bylaw Enforcement Officers are carrying out patrols based on bear sighting data, and this year’s annual seminar on bear awareness is scheduled for April 13, 2016. Staff also noted that Port Moody has the most stringent standards for waste collection in the region, and suggested that the City should require bear-resistant waste containers and enclosures for all properties in the City regardless of service provider.
It was noted that the introduction of the bear-resistant waste container requirement is a good opportunity to promote the City’s solid waste and green waste programs to potential industrial, commercial, and institutional clients.
Moved and CARRIED
THAT staff be directed to bring forward amendments to City of Port Moody Solid Waste Bylaw, 2009, No. 2816 to include provisions requiring bear-resistant containers and/or enclosures for all properties in the City as recommended in the report dated February 19, 2016 from Development Services Department – Sustainability Division regarding City’s Bear Essentials Program Update;
AND THAT staff be directed to bring forward proposed development guidelines for bear-resistant enclosures and containers.

4.2 Special Event Funding Request Process
Report: Community Services Department – Cultural Services Division, dated February 16, 2016
File: 7715-01

THAT the criteria for considering special event funding requests include a completed special events application from a registered non-profit organization as recommended in the report dated February 16, 2016 from Community Services Department – Cultural Services Division regarding Special Event Funding Request Process;
AND THAT funding be limited to a maximum of three years with a reduced percentage each year.
Staff provided an overview of the proposed Special Event Funding Request Process, and provided clarification on the application form, noting that the form is intended also for Special Events that are not seeking funding from the City.
THAT the criteria for considering special event funding requests include a completed Special Events Application from a registered non-profit organization as recommended in the report dated February 16, 2016 from Community Services Department – Cultural Services Division regarding Special Event Funding Request Process;
AND THAT funding be limited to a maximum of three years with a reduced percentage each year.
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by:
Removing “from a registered non-profit organization”;
and adding as an additional clause:
“AND THAT a requirement be set that requests be made either by a group registered as a notfor-profit organization, or a group that commits to registering as a not-for-profit organization prior to funds being given by the City.”
Moved and DEFEATED
That the amending motion be further amended by replacing the additional clause with the following clause:
“AND THAT a requirement be set that funds can only be awarded to either a group registered as a not-forprofit organization, or a group that commits to registering as a not-for-profit organization.”
(Voting Against: Councillors Junker, Royer, and Vagramov, and Mayor Clay)
Councillor Vagramov reworded motion (CW16/051) as follows:
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by:
Removing “from a registered non-profit organization”;
and adding as an additional clause:
“AND THAT requests be accepted either from groups registered as a not-for-profit organization, or groups that commit to registering as not-for-profit organizations prior to funds being given by the City.”
The question on the reworded motion (CW16/051) was put to a vote; the motion was DEFEATED.
(Voting Against: Councillors Junker and Royer, and Mayor Clay)
Moved and CARRIED
THAT the meeting be adjourned and reconvened immediately after the close of the Land Use Committee meeting commencing at 7:00pm.
The meeting was reconvened at 8:15pm with all attendees except the Manager of Sustainability.
Moved and CARRIED
THAT the previous question be called.
(Voting Against: Councillors Glumac and Vagramov)
The question on the main motion (CW16/50) was put to a vote;
the motion was CARRIED.
The following motion was made and withdrawn when it was noted that Delegation Response to the Inlet Music Festival is already an item on the agenda for the Regular Council Meeting to be held on March 8, 2016:
THAT the Inlet Music Festival Special Event Funding Request be referred to Council for one time consideration while a process for similar future event funding is determined.
It was noted that with the adoption of the new Council Procedure Bylaw, Council may receive delegations by going into Committee of the Whole at the Regular Council Meeting

4.3 Participatory Budgeting – Community Grants Allocation Policy
Report: Financial Services Department, dated February 18, 2016
File: 05-1850-001
THAT the Community Grants Allocation Policy for the allocation of annual community grants be approved as presented in the report dated February 18, 2016 from Financial Services Department regarding Participatory
Budgeting – Community Grants Allocation Policy
The General Manager of Financial Services provided an overview of the Proposed Participatory Budgeting Community Grants Allocation Policy.
THAT the Community Grants Allocation Policy for the allocation of annual community grants be approved as presented in the report dated February 18, 2016 from Financial Services Department regarding Participatory
Budgeting – Community Grants Allocation Policy.
Moved and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
“AND THAT the Community Grants Allocation Policy be amended on Page 3, Solid Bullet Point 7 by replacing:
“Council will vote to break the tie, or award proportionally”
“grants will be awarded proportionally”.”
Moved and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
“AND THAT the Community Grants Allocation Policy be amended on Page 3, by replacing Solid Bullet Point 6 with:
“Where there is excess funding in one of the categories, funding will be awarded to applicants in other categories, with any surplus funds set aside in a reserve for future allocation.””
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
“AND THAT the Community Grants Allocation Policy be amended on Page 3, by replacing Solid Bullet Point 8 with:
“Once the funding for each group has been allocated, all successful applicants will be notified and the results posted to the City website.”
Moved and DEFEATED
THAT the amending motion be further amended by replacing:
“Once the funding for each group has been allocated, all successful applicants will be notified and the results posted to the City website.” with:
“Once the funding for each group has been allocated, and confirmed by Council, all successful applicants
will be notified and the results posted to the City website.”
(Voting Against: Councillors Glumac and Royer, and Mayor Clay)
Moved and CARRIED
THAT the meeting be recessed for two minutes.
(Voting Against: Councillor Vagramov)
Moved and CARRIED
THAT the amending motion be further amended by replacing:
“Once the funding for each group has been allocated, all successful applicants will be notified and the results posted to the City website.”
“Once the funding for each group has been allocated and Council has authorized the release of funds, successful applicants will be announced by Council, and the results posted to the City website.”
(Voting Against: Councillor Vagramov)
The question on the amending motion (CW16/058) as amended (by CW16/061) was put to a vote; the amending motion was CARRIED.
The question on the main motion (CW16/055) as amended (by
CW16/056, CW16/057, CW16/058, and CW16/061) was put to a
the following motion was CARRIED:
THAT the Community Grants Allocation Policy for the allocation of annual community grants be approved as
presented in the report dated February 18, 2016 from Financial Services Department regarding Participatory
Budgeting – Community Grants Allocation Policy;
AND THAT the Community Grants Allocation Policy be amended on Page 3, Solid Bullet Point 7 by replacing:
“Council will vote to break the tie, or award proportionally”  with:
“grants will be awarded proportionally”;
AND THAT the Community Grants Allocation Policy be amended on Page 3, by replacing Solid Bullet Point 6 with:
“Where there is excess funding in one of the categories, funding will be awarded to applicants in other categories, with any surplus funds set aside in a reserve for future allocation.”;
AND THAT the Community Grants Allocation Policy be amended on Page 3, by replacing Solid Bullet Point 8 with:
“Once the funding for each group has been allocated and Council has authorized the release of funds,
successful applicants will be announced by Council, and the results posted to the City website.”

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