July 12,2016 Regular Council
1.0 Change to the Agenda Item 9.1 was removed from the agenda after publication.
1.1 Introduction of Art at Council Verbal Report: Mayor Clay / File: 18-7705-01 Mayor Clay welcomed Janice Cotter, Gallery Manager of the Port Moody Arts Centre, to introduce the eveningˇ¦s Art at Council, a poem and painting titled Love is the Pain of Feverish Flowers. Ms. Cotter noted that the Port Moody Arts Centre will be holding a Korean literature and arts exhibition of the same name starting on July 14, 2016 featuring poems from poet Cheonhak Kwon's award winning poetry book, and paintings from painter Cheongcho Lee, inspired by Ms. Kwon's poems.
Ms. Cotter noted that over the 20 years that Ms. Kwon and Mr. Lee have known each other, Ms. Kwonˇ¦s poetry has been an inspiration for many of Mr. Leeˇ¦s paintings. Their collaboration on Love is the Pain of Feverish Flowers is their first combined literary and visual arts exhibition, in which they hope to communicate and share the cultural and artistic emotions of poetry and painting in harmony. Ms. Cotter invited everyone to attend the poetry reading and live painting performance to be held at the exhibition opening from 6pm to 8pm, at which Mr. Lee will be painting Ms. Kwon's traditional Korean dress.
Ms. Cotter welcomed Ms. Kwon and her daughter, Hana Kim, to the stage to read the poem, Love is the Pain of Feverish Flowers, in Korean and English. The artists, through an interpreter, responded to questions on motivation, inspiration, and layering of poetry with other art forms, such as music and dance.
2. Public Input
4.1 Minutes File: 01-0550-05
RC16/260 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the minutes of the Special Meeting (to Close Meeting) of Council held Tuesday, June 28, 2016 be adopted.
RC16/261 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held Tuesday, June 28, 2016 be adopted.
5. Consent Agenda
RC16/262 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the recommendations contained in the following item presented in the July 12, 2016 Regular Council Consent Agenda be adopted:
5.1 ˇV Finance Committee Resolutions for Ratification. The item and recommendations referred to above are as follows:
THAT the following recommendations from the Finance Committee Meeting of Tuesday, July 5, 2016 be ratified:
Financing of the IAFF 2012 to 2019 Memorandum of Agreement FC16/086 THAT the $130,000 of the estimated total $155,000 shortfall for the retroactive wage settlement, for years 2012 to 2015 of the eight-year Memorandum of Agreement encompassing years 2012 to 2019, be funded from the Contingency Account as set aside in the 2016 Financial Plan for retroactive IAFF wage settlements as recommended in the report dated June 17, 2016 from Financial Services Department and Fire-Rescue regarding Financing of the IAFF 2012 to 2019 Memorandum of Agreement; AND THAT the $25,000 balance of the estimated total $155,000 shortfall for the retroactive wage settlement, for years 2012 to 2015 of the eight-year Memorandum of Agreement encompassing years 2012 to 2019, be funded from the $97,000 remaining balance in the IAFF Arbitration Capital Project account; AND THAT up to $72,000 of the balance of the $97,000 IAFF Arbitration Capital Project account be redirected to the Fire Services Department to facilitate the training of firefighters required to implement the restructuring of the Training and Suppression Divisions identified in the Memorandum of Agreement.
2017 Financial Plan Guidelines for Staff FC16/087 THAT the 2017 Financial Plan Guidelines be approved.
Funding for Seniors Gathering Place FC16/088 THAT the budget of $63,330 for the one-time costs and operating costs for the first year of the Seniors Gathering Space be funded from Accumulated Surplus; AND THAT the ongoing annual costs be included in the Community Services budget for subsequent years.
9.1 Notice Against Title - 20 Mount Royal Drive Report: Development Services Department ˇV Building, Bylaw, and Licensing Division, dated July 4, 2016 / File: 09-3760-05
This item was removed from the agenda prior to commencement of the meeting.
9.2 Notice Against Title - 260 Guildford Drive Report: Development Services Department ˇV Building, Bylaw, and Licensing Division, dated July 4, 2016 / File: 09-3760-05
RC16/263 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT staff be directed to file a Notice against Title in the B.C. Land Title and Survey Authority Office, with respect to the property located at 260 Guildford Drive, stating: LT 1, BLK A, PL NWP13859, DL 233, NWD is in contravention of the City's Building and Plumbing Code Administration Bylaw No. 2577 Section 10.2, ˇ§No Person shall occupy or permit the occupancy or use of any building or part thereof in the absence of a permit required by this bylaw and contrary to the terms of any permit, notice or certificate given by the Building Official. City Council has passed a resolution relating to the subject property. Further information respecting it may be obtained at the offices of the City of Port Moody.
9.3 Rezoning and Development Permit - 2824-2830 St. George Street Report: Development Services Department ˇV Planning Division, dated July 4, 2016 / Files: 6700-20-131 and 3060-20-111
RC16/264 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT Bylaw 3028 be now adopted as recommended in the report dated July 4, 2016 from Development Services Department ˇV Planning Division regarding Rezoning and Development Permit ˇV 2824-2830 St. George Street; AND THAT Development Permit 2014-111 be issued; AND THAT the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application.
9.4 Federation of Canadian Municipalities 2016 Summary Report: Mayor Mike Clay, dated July 4, 2016 / File: 01-0230-25/01
RC16/265 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the report dated July 4, 2016 from Mayor Mike Clay regarding Federation of Canadian Municipalities 2016 Summary be received for information.
10.1 Port Moody Legion Fee Waiver for Kyle Centre Memo: Mayor Mike Clay, dated July 4, 2016 / File: 01-0230-01
RC16/266 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the Facility Rental Fees of $1,577.53 for Legion Branch #119ˇ¦s Remembrance Day Service at Kyle Centre on November 11, 2016 be waived; AND THAT the funding be referred to the Finance Committee to identify a funding source.
10.2 Delegation Response - Right to Dry Memo: James Stiver, General Manager of Development Services, dated July 4, 2016 Delegation Request: Dr. Marion Eals File: 01-0230-01/Vol 01
RC16/267 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the following resolution be endorsed and submitted for consideration at the annual LMLGA Conference in 2017: WHEREAS there are significant energy savings and benefits to drying clothes outdoors; AND WHEREAS ˇ§right to dryˇ¨ legislation has been enacted in Ontario and Nova Scotia; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of BC enact legislation to prohibit strata councils from restricting the use of outdoor clotheslines and drying racks.
10.3 Delegation Response - Natalie Gehm Memo: James Stiver, General Manager of Development Services, dated July 4, 2016 Delegation Request: Natalie Gehm File: 01-0230-01/Vol 01
RC16/268 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT Ms. Natalie Gehm be thanked for her delegation and notified that her suggestions regarding the location of heat pump and air conditioning units will be considered in the upcoming zoning bylaw update.
10.4 Delegation Response - Kicking Horse Way Request for Resident Only Parking Memo: Engineering and Parks Services Department, dated July 5, 2016 Delegation Request: Rock Milino Files: 01-0230-01 and 11-5400-20/200
RC16/269 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT staff review the request for resident only parking on Kicking Horse Way after the public consultation and decisions have been made for parking around the Evergreen Line Skytrain stations as recommended in the memorandum dated July 5, 2016 from Engineering and Parks Services Department regarding Delegation Response ˇV Kicking Horse Way Request for Resident Only Parking. (Voting against: Councillor Lahti)
10.5 Delegation Response - Tri-City Minor Ball Hockey Association Fee Waiver Request Memo: Community Services Department, dated June 23, 2016 Delegation Request: Shayne Apostoliuk Files: 01-0230-01 and 15-7715-03-005
RC16/270 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the memo dated June 23, 2016 from Community Services Department regarding Tri-City Minor Ball Hockey Association Fee Waiver Request be received for information.
11.1 Council Verbal Reports
Councillor Dilworth expressed concerns about the number of Canada Geese at Rocky Point Park this year, and inquired how staff are dealing with their pest nature and significant droppings throughout the park. Councillor Dilworth requested that staff consider implementing a proactive approach to mitigate the challenges next year and in future. Councillor Royer reported on her attendance at the Northeast Sector Joint Council Roundtable on July 8, 2016, which focused on housing issues for residents of Port Moody, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Pitt Meadows, Maple Ridge, Anmore, and Belcarra. Councillor Royer thanked staff for their hard work in hosting the meeting that took place at the Old Mill Boathouse. Mayor Clay, on behalf of Council, expressed condolences for those affected by the tragic fire that occurred on the weekend in Port Moody. Mayor Clay expressed appreciation to those who have offered assistance, and noted that Victims Services will reach out to the public should the need arise.
12.1 Information Items Committees, Commissions, and Boards ˇV Minutes
- City/CP Rail Community Advisory Panel March 29, 2016 - Tourism Committee May 25, 2016 - Finance Committee June 21, 2016