Jan 5,2016 Committee of the Whole
CW16/001 Moved and CARRIED THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting of Tuesday, December 1, 2015 be adopted as distributed ontable.
4.1 Community Events
Report: Community Services Department - Cultural Services Division, dated December 3, 2015 File: 18-7715-01
CW16/002 Moved and DEFEATED THAT a granting program for community events be created from the funds already identified for Community Events. (Voting against: Councillors Dilworth and Junker, and Mayor Clay)
CW16/003 Moved THAT for 2016, the community events fund be allocated as follows: • $40,000 for the Parade; and • $30,000 for the Community Picnic and/or Fireworks; AND THAT a new granting program for community-led events be discussed during the 2017 budget process.
CW16/004 Moved and DEFEATED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by removing the phrase "and/or Fireworks". (Voting against: Councillors Junker, Royer, and Vagramov, and Mayor Clay)
Separation was requested as follows:
(CW16/004a) THAT $40,000 of community grant funding for 2016 be allocated to the Parade.
(CW16/004b) THAT $30,000 of community grant funding for 2016 be allocated to the Community Picnic and/or Fireworks.
(CW16/004c) THAT a new granting program for community-led events be discussed during the 2017 budget process.
The following motion (CW16/004a) was discussed: THAT $40,000 of community grant funding for 2016 be allocated to the Parade.
CW16/005 Moved and CARRIED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by replacing $40,000 with $30,000. (Voting against: Councillor Dilworth)
CW16/006 Moved and CARRIED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding "AND THAT $10,000 of community grant funding for 2016 be allocated to Day of the Arts."
Separation was requested. The question on the first part of the main motion (CW16/004a) as amended (by CW16/005 and CW16/006) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED. (Voting against: Councillors Glumac and Vagramov)
The question on the second part of the main motion (CW16/004a) as amended (by CW16/005 and CW16/006) as amended was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED. (Voting against: Councillor Vagramov)
The following motion (CW16/004b) was then discussed: THAT $30,000 of community grant funding for 2016 be allocated to the Community Picnic and/or Fireworks.
The question on the motion (CW16/004b) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED.
The following motion (CW16/0046) was then discussed: THAT a new granting program for community-led events be discussed during the 2017 budget process. The question on the motion (CW16/004c) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED.
4.2 Solid Waste and Recycling Annual Report
Report: Engineering and Parks Services Department - Parks and Public Works Division, dated December 14, 2015 File: 11-5600-05-13 Staff responded to questions from Council regarding the Solid Waste App, recycling and solid waste tonnage reductions, replacement schedule for waste carts, and provision of waste amounts per household.
CW16/007 Moved and CARRIED THAT the report dated December 14, 2015 from Engineering and Parks Services - Parks and Public Works Division regarding 2014 Solid Waste and Recycling Annual Report be received for information.
4.3 Credit Card Payments for 2015 Property Taxes
Report: Financial Services Department, dated November 30, File: 05-1960-01
Staff provided an overview of the report and responded to questions from Council regarding the difference between the financial implications of allowing credit card payment of taxes and of utility and licensing fees, and provided information on potential fees for the third-party credit card service.
CW16/008 Moved THAT the report dated November 30, 2015 from Financial Services Department regarding Credit Card Payments for Property Taxes be received for information; AND THAT third-party credit card services be monitored for improved uptake and administrative experience in other municipalities prior to taking further action as described in the report dated November 30, 2015 from Financial Services Department regarding Credit Card Payments for Property Taxes.
Separation was requested. The question on the first part of the motion (CW16/008a) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED. The question on the second part of the motion (CW16/008b) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED. (Voting against: Councillor Vagramov)
4.4 Proposed Amendments to Fire Protection and Emergency Response Bylaw and Related Amendment to Fees Bylaw Report: Fire-Rescue, dated December 4, 2015 File: 14-7200-05
Staff provided an overview of the report and responded to questions from Council regarding permitted burning hours, potential health risks from burning wood, and the use of portable fire receptacles on wooden deck surfaces.
CW16/009 Moved THAT City of Port Moody Fire Protection and Emergency Response Bylaw, 2010, No. 2835, Amendment Bylaw No. 2, 2015, No. 3036 be forwarded to Council for consideration as recommended in the report dated December 4, 2015 from Fire-Rescue regarding Proposed Amendments to Fire Protection and Emergency Response Bylaw and Related Amendment to Fees Bylaw; AND THAT City of Port Moody Fees Bylaw, 2015, No. 3022, Amendment Bylaw No. 2, 2015, No. 3037 be forwarded to Council for consideration as recommended in the report dated December 4, 2015 from Fire-Rescue regarding Proposed Amendments to Fire Protection and Emergency Response Bylaw and Related Amendment to Fees Bylaw.
CW16/010 Moved and DEFEATED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding "AND THAT the end of burning hours be changed to 11pm." (Voting against: Councillors Dilworth, Junker, and Royer, and Mayor Clay)
The question on the main motion (CW16/009) was put to a vote; the motion was DEFEATED. (Voting against: Councillors Dilworth, Junker, and Royer, and Mayor Clay)
CW16/011 Moved WHEREAS the City of Port Moody Council has not researched nor published any factual information for any Port Moody residents with regard to the widely documented health and safety effects of burning wood debris and carcinogenic wood smoke emissions; AND WHEREAS in light of the fact that every other municipality in the Lower Mainland has banned wood as an outdoor residential burning fuel for health and safety reasons, and has substituted the sanctioning of six alternate safe fuels other than wood; BE IT RESOLVED THAT that any further deliberation by Port Moody Council on amending the Fire Protection and Emergency Response Bylaw be held in abeyance until such time as public input and/or research information from health and environmental agencies can be sought related to safety and health concerns as a result of the outdoor burning of wood; AND THAT public input and/or research be specifically sought from, but not limited to, the following agencies: • Environment Canada; • Metro Vancouver; • The BC College of Physicians and Surgeons; • The BC Cancer Agency; • And other Metro Vancouver Municipalities; • The Senior Citizens Association of BC; • The University of British Columbia; and • The David Suzuki Foundation. CW16/012
Moved and DEFEATED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding "AND THAT a comparison between maximum allowable campfire and common air polluting sources (including cars, trucks, commercial aircraft, and trains) be included in the report. (Voting against: Councillors Dilworth, Junker, and Royer, and Mayor Clay)
The question on the main motion (CW16/011) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED.
4.5 Tree Management on City Property Policy
Report: Environmental Protection Committee, dated December 18, 2015 File: 6410-04/2014
CW16/013 Moved and CARRIED THAT the comments on City of Port Moody Corporate Policy 12-6300-03 Tree Management on City Property (Tree Management Policy) from the Environmental Protection Committee be received and incorporated into the Policy as recommended in the report dated December 18, 2015 from the Environmental Protection Committee; AND THAT the Tree Management Policy provided as Attachment 1 be approved; AND THAT further updates to the City's Tree Management Policy pertaining to a process for addressing community requests and use of an urban forest reserve fund be added to the 2016 work plan for the Environmental Protection Committee. (Voting against: Mayor Clay)
Report: Development Services Department - Sustainability Management Division, dated December 18, 2015 File: 13-6870-01/2015-01
Staff gave a presentation on the 2015 Invasive Plant Management Program and responded to questions from Council regarding outreach work with property managers and strata councils to target invasive plants on private property, collaborative work with stewardship groups, and timing for the work in 2016.
CW16/014 Moved and CARRIED THAT the report dated December 18, 2015 from Development Services Department - Sustainability Division regarding 2015 Invasive Plant Management Program Review be received for information.