Jan 5,2016 Finance
Agenda Minutes
2.1 Minutes
FC16/001 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held Tuesday, December 8, 2015 be adopted.
4.1 Inlet Park Fields Capital Plan Inclusion Report: Financial Services Department, dated December 16, 2015 File: 05-1705-30
Staff provided an overview of the report from Financial Services Department dated December 16, 2015 and responded to questions from Council regarding estimated costs for the potential project, annual maintenance budgets, timing for moving ahead with upgrades to the fields, and potential funding sources.
FC16/002 Moved THAT staff report back with potential long-term funding mechanisms for a project to upgrade Inlet Park Fields.
FC16/003 Moved and CARRIED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding the following clause: AND THAT staff recommend current projects that can potentially be pushed back to make room for the Inlet Park Fields project.
The question on the main motion (FC16/002) as amended (by FC16/003) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED.
FC16/004 Moved and CARRIED THAT the report dated December 16, 2015 from Financial Services Department regarding Inlet Park Fields Capital Plan Inclusion be received for information.
FC16/005 Moved THAT $200,000 of the $291,000 currently allocated from the federal gas tax funds, $75,000 of the $151,000 2016 Federal Gas Tax Transfer, and $100,000 of the 2015 Operating Budget Surplus be placed into a new capital reserve, Inlet Park Field Redevelopment Capital Reserve; AND THAT staff and the Port Moody Soccer Club work together to develop a program to seek corporate sponsorship and donation opportunities for the Inlet Field project.
Separation was requested. The question on the first clause of the motion (FC16/005a) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED.
The question on the second clause of the motion (FC16/005b) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED. (Voting against: Councillors Glumac and Vagramov)
4.2 Additional Funding for 2015-2018 Strategic Plan Initiatives Report: Financial Services Department, dated December 14, 2015 File: 05-1720
FC16/006 Moved WHEREAS Council has identified projects and initiatives in its 2015-2018 Strategic Plan that require funding for planning, consultation, and other related works; AND WHEREAS staff have incurred and projected costs related to those Strategic Plan initiatives that are estimated to be in excess of the $100,000 set aside in the 2015-2019 Capital Budget; BE IT RESOLVED THAT an additional $100,000 be approved for 2016 in the Council Strategic Priorities Reserve in the 2016-2020 Capital Budget to fund Strategic Plan initiatives, including the Moody Centre Neighbourhood Plan and the Coronation Park Neighbourhood Plan, as recommended in the report dated December 14, 2015 from Financial Services Department regarding Additional Funding for 2015-2018 Strategic Plan Initiatives.
FC16/007 Moved and DEFEATED THAT this item be deferred. (Voting against: Councillors Dilworth and Junker, and Mayor Clay)
The question on the main motion (FC16/006) was put to a vote; the motion was DEFEATED. (Voting against: Councillors Glumac, Royer, and Vagramov)
FC16/008 Moved and CARRIED THAT staff report back with an overview of cost estimates for the projects discussed in the report dated December 14, 2015 from Financial Services Department regarding Additional Funding for 2015-2018 Strategic Plan Initiatives.
4.3 Funding for Food Truck Signage Memo: Financial Services Department, dated December 15, 2015 Report: Development Services Department Building, Bylaw, and Licensing Division, dated November 5, 2015 File: 0360-20-05 and 09-4300-01
FC16/009 Moved and CARRIED THAT the $750 for signage for Food Truck Parking, as outlined in the report dated November 5, 2015 from Development Services Department Building, Bylaw, and Licensing Division regarding Amendments to the Food Truck Licensing Regulations, be funded from Council Contingency.
4.4 Increased Food Budget for Seniors Focus Committee Meetings Memo: Financial Services Department, dated December 15, 2015 Report: Seniors Focus Committee, dated November 27, 2015 File: 0360-20-05 and 0360-20-53
FC16/010 Moved and CARRIED THAT the revised Seniors Focus Committee food budget of $1,518, as recommended in the report dated November 27, 2015 from the Seniors Focus Committee regarding Increased Membership of Seniors Focus Committee, be funded from Council Contingency.
4.5 Capital Project Status Update Period Ending November 2015 Spreadsheet: Capital Project Status Period Ending November 2015, dated December 14, 2015
FC16/011 Moved and CARRIED THAT the Capital Project Status Update Period Ending November 2015 be deferred to the January 19, 2016 Finance Committee meeting.
4.6 Budget Deliberations
Report: Financial Services Department, dated December 10, 2015 2016-2020 Operating Financial Plan Draft Report: Financial Services Department, dated December 10, 2015 2016-2020 Capital Financial Plan Draft Presentation (ontable)
File: 05-1700-01
FC16/012 Moved and CARRIED THAT the $145,900 previously allocated for undetermined staff resources be reduced to $53,000.
FC16/013 Moved and CARRIED THAT a 2016 tax increase of 5.88%, less the utilities shift of 0.75%, for a total tax increase of 5.13%, be presented at the Budget Public Consultation Workshop to be held on January 28, 2016; AND THAT the Budget Public Consultation Workshop presentation show a combined City and Police proposed increase of 2.0% for 2017 to 2020.
5.1 Green Fleet Policy Policy: Administrative Policy 01-0620-01 Green Fleet Policy, dated October 9, 2012 File: 01-0350-02/2010-01
5.2 Council Contingency Balance Memo: Financial Services Department, dated December 18, 2015 File: 05-1880-01