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Dec 1,2015 Committee of the Whole

Committee of the Whole Meeting

Agenda             Minutes

3.1 Minutes 
File: 0550-03-02

Moved and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting of Tuesday, November 17, 2015 be adopted.

4.1 Participatory Budgeting Presentation
File: 1700-01

Presentation: Mayor Josie Osborne, Tofino

Mayor Josie Osborne of the District of Tofino gave a presentation on participatory budgeting, which included information on how the concept of participatory budgeting was introduced and received by Council, the process that was later used, and how participatory budgeting was received by Council and the community in Tofino. Mayor Osborne noted the following benefits of participatory budgeting: increased citizen engagement; dialogue between local government and citizens; transparency and accountability; awareness about municipal resources, their limits, and their origins; and public trust.
Mayor Osborne responded to questions from Council regarding the voting and evaluation processes, concerns raised by the public about the process, total grant funding available, future plans, voting age restrictions, and diversity of participants in the process.

Moved and CARRIED
THAT staff report back with a Terms of Reference for a participatory budgeting process for community grants.

4.2 Pacific Coast Terminals Expansion Plans
Presentation: Pacific Coast Terminals
Letter: Pacific Coast Terminals Co. Ltd., dated November 23, 2015
Letter: City of Port Moody, dated November 20, 2015
File: 13-6870-01/01

Councillor Dilworth declared a conflict of interest and left the meeting at this point.

Wade Leslie, Vice President and General Manager, Pacific Coast Terminals (PCT), gave a presentation on PCT Expansion Plans, including status updates on Potash handling, Canola Oil handling, Secondary Pond Remediation, and Channel Dredging.
Mr. Leslie noted that the Potash Project is slightly behind schedule with completion expected in early 2017 and that, upon
completion of consultation with local stewardship groups, the footprint of the island was reduced.
Mr. Leslie provided an overview of community engagement that has taken place since 2010, as well as an update on project concerns previously raised by the City with regard to sediment quality, impact of existing conditions, environmental benefit and durability, evaluation of soil disposal at sea (Point Grey), uncertainty regarding the quality and adequacy of the proposed habitat restoration plans, concern about potential socio-economic impacts, and the proposed monitoring plan.
Mr. Leslie responded to questions from Council regarding consultation with Council about the dredging project, timing of sediment quality testing, toxicity in the water, cadmium in the sediment, consultation with local environmental stewardship groups, approvals received from Environment Canada, and PCT's response to Council's concerns about the Channel Dredging Project.

The meeting was recessed at 7:16pm.
The meeting reconvened at 7:53pm.

Councillor Dilworth returned to the meeting at this point.

4.3 Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Report: Community Services Department, dated October 26,
File: 12-6240-20-08/01

Staff provided a brief overview of the report and responded to questions from Council regarding recommendations contained in the report, and the implementation of safety measures in parks and along trails.

THAT the Parks and Recreation Master Plan be approved for implementation as recommended in the report dated October 26, 2015 from Community Services Department regarding Parks and Recreation Master Plan;
AND THAT staff incorporate the recommendations contained in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan into their annual work plan;
AND THAT staff provide quarterly progress updates on the implementation of the Master Plan recommendations to the Parks and Recreation Commission on an ongoing basis.

Moved and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding: "AND THAT staff report back on the incorporation of the following direction into the Parks and Recreation Master Plan:
'New developments consider park space as a desirable amenity such that new park spaces grow in proportion to new population in order to maintain or exceed current levels of park space per capita.'"

Moved and CARRIED
THAT the first bullet of 4.2.12 be amended by replacing
"Acquire" with "Rocky Point Park, including acquiring".
(Voting against: Councillors Dilworth, Junker, and Royer)

Moved and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding: "AND THAT staff report back on the inclusion of expanding  seniors' facilities and programming into the Parks and Recreation Master Plan."

Moved and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding: "AND
THAT the Parks and Recreation Commission report back on re-evaluating outdoor court facilities for highest and best use."

The question on the main motion (CW15/121) as amended (by CW15/122. CW15/123, CW15/124. and CW15/125) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED.

4.4 Age Friendly Community Planning Project Report
Report: Community Services Department, dated October 27, 2015
File: 15-8160-01

Moved and CARRIED
THAT the Age Friendly Community Planning Project Report be approved for implementation as recommended in the report dated October 27, 2015 from Community Services Department regarding Age Friendly Community Planning Project Report;
AND THAT staff be directed to incorporate the recommendations contained in the Age Friendly Community Planning Project Report into their annual work plans;
AND THAT staff provide quarterly progress updates on the Age Friendly Community Planning Project Report to the Seniors Focus Committee and the Community Care Committee.

4.5 Rocky Point Park Enhanced Parking Trial
Report: Development Services Department - Building, Bylaw, and Licensing Division, dated November 10, 2015
File: 09-3710-01/Vol 01

Staff provided an overview of the report and responded to questions from Council regarding parking of staff vehicles in and around the park, and safety issues with regard to transportation of cash by employees.

THAT the Parking Strategy Trial with Enhanced Enforcement recommended in the report dated April 23, 2015 from Financial Services Department regarding Pay Parking in Rocky Point Park - Project Prioritization be extended for another season;
AND THAT two parking stalls in Lot A and two parking stalls in Lot B, be designated as short-term parking;
AND THAT Hugh Street right-of-way north of Murray Street be designated as City of Port Moody Staff Parking only.

THAT the foregoing motion be amended by replacing the second and third clauses with the following:
"AND THAT staff report back with options to implement a 'multi-zone' parking system at Rocky Point Park where lots are divided into 6-hour, 3-hour, 1-hour, and 30-minute stalls;
AND THAT staff report back with options for 'staff permits' where stickers may permit staff members identified in the report to park indefinitely in any lot."

Separation was requested.
The question on the first clause of the amending motion
(CW15/128a) was put to a vote; the motion was DEFEATED.
(Voting against: Councillors Dilworth, Glumac, Junker, Lahti, Royer, and Mayor Clay)

The question on the second clause of the amending motion (CW15/128b) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED.
(Voting against: Councillors Dilworth, Junker, and Lahti)

The question on the main motion (CW15/127) as amended (by CW15/128b) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED.

4.6 Provincial Application for Pesticide use to Support Spartina Action Plan
Report: Development Services Department - Sustainability Division, dated November 23, 2015
File: 13-6870-03/2015-01

Moved and CARRIED
THAT a letter be sent to the Province indicating that the City of Port Moody supports the Pesticide Use Permit application 15460-07/PUP-MOE-16-19 provided that:
1. Pesticide use continue to be considered a last resort option and used as part of an integrated pest management approach that prioritizes non-chemical means; and
2. Any application of pesticides in foreshore areas adjacent to City-owned lands not proceed without prior consultation with the City.
(Voting against: Councillor Vagramov)

4.7 Review of Land Use Policies in Moody Centre - Proposed Terms of Reference
Report: Development Services Department - Planning Division,dated November 9, 2015
File: 6530-20-07

Staff provided an overview of the proposed Terms of Reference and responded to questions from Council regarding timelines, public consultation plans, and density bonus options.

Moved and CARRIED
THAT the proposed Terms of Reference for the review of land use policies in the Moody Centre Transit-Oriented Development Area be endorsed as recommended in the report dated November 9, 2015 from Development Services Department - Planning Division regarding Review of Land Use Policies in Moody Centre - Proposed Terms of Reference;
AND THAT a budget of $30,000 for the review of land use policies in the Moody Centre Transit-Oriented Development Area as set out in the proposed Terms of Reference be forwarded to the Finance Committee to identify a funding source.

4.8 Coronation Park Neighbourhood Plan - Proposed Terms of Reference
Report: Development Services Department - Planning Division, dated November 20, 2015
File: 6530-92

Staff provided an overview of the proposed Terms of Reference and responded to questions from Council regarding timelines and options.

THAT the proposed Terms of Reference for the Coronation Park Neighbourhood Plan be endorsed as recommended in the report dated November 20, 2015 from Development Services Department - Planning Division regarding Coronation Park Neighbourhood Plan - Proposed Terms of Reference;
AND THAT a budget of $30,000 for the Coronation Park Neighbourhood Plan as set out in the proposed Terms of Reference be forwarded to the Finance Committee to identify a funding source.

Moved and DEFEATED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding the following after the first clause:
"AND THAT the Coronation Park Community be given the opportunity to provide feedback on allowing sensitive infill development in the community such as duplex, tri-plexes, four-plexes, and townhouses prior to the neighbourhood planning process."
(Voting against: Councillors Dilworth, Junker, Lahti, and Mayor Clay)

The question on the main motion (CW15/131) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED.

5. Adjournment
Mayor Clay declared the meeting adjourned at 9:55pm.

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