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July 25,2017 Public Hearing

Agenda            Minutes
1.1 Official Community Plan Amendment – Flavelle Oceanfront Development
Notice of Public Hearing Bylaw No. 3087
Report Considered at June 27, 2017 Regular Council Meeting: Development Services Department – Planning Division, dated June 16, 2017
Files: 09-3900-02-1 and 13-6700-20-128
A Bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2014, No. 2955 to change the land use designation for the area known as the Oceanfront District.
Mayor Clay read the meeting procedures.
The Corporate Officer confirmed that the statutory requirements for this Public Hearing were met and that all written public input received before the advertised deadline was included in the on-table package.
Staff provided an overview of the Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment application.
The applicant gave a presentation on the Flavelle Oceanfront Development.
Mayor Clay called for public input.
Willy Martin, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that extensive consultation has been held and that the project will create jobs and provides the public with access to the shoreline.
Allen Hiebert, Port Moody, expressed support for the OCP amendment, noting that the project is close to the SkyTrain Station, provides a number of amenities, and creates jobs.
Doug Ramsay, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that extensive consultation has been held.
Clay Allain, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that it is good for business owners and will boost tourism in Port Moody.
Kris Schjelderup, Port Moody, expressed support for the project.
Rod MacVicar, Port Moody, expressed concern about the project, noting that the waterfront should be used for other purposes, and not for residential development.
Daphne Herberts, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that extensive public consultation has been held and that the project will be beneficial to residents, creating new housing, recreational spaces, and green spaces.
Michael Hind, Coquitlam, representing the Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce, noted that the Chamber of Commerce supports the project and that the project will boost the local economy, create new park spaces, and be located near a SkyTrain station.
Daniel Richardson, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that it will create new commercial and office spaces, which will allow Port Moody residents to live and work in the City.
Helen Daniels, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that extensive public consultation has been held.
Jake Healey, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that new commercial spaces will create more opportunities for businesses, and that additional park space will be beneficial to Port Moody residents.
Laura Dick, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that the project will be a good addition to Port Moody.
Robert Simons, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that it is an opportunity to move forward with Port Moody's vision that started several years ago, and that the project will be an asset to the community.
Shaffin Mawani, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that it will create new housing options and recreation spaces.
Davis Chiu, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that it will create new economic, social, and environmental opportunities for the City.
Ilse Leis, Port Moody, expressed concern about the density of the project and suggested that the waterfront area should be made open to the public as much as possible.
Desiree Dupuis, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that it will create new housing and help boost the local economy.
Tasha Evans, Port Moody, welcomed the addition of new green spaces and noted that there should be meaningful consultation with First Nations going forward.
John Grasty, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that extensive public consultation has been conducted and the proponent has shown corporate social responsibility.
Andrew Mackey, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that it will be a centre piece for the City.
Mike Carlassara, Port Coquitlam, expressed support for the project, noting that it will be an asset to the City.
Ruth Foster, Belcarra, expressed support for the OCR amendment, but expressed concern about the density. Ms. Foster suggested further additions of park spaces.
Dan Helmer, Coquitlam, expressed support for the project, noting that it will boost the local economy.
Cathy Cena, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that it will create more green spaces, jobs, and housing options.
Mike Coghill, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that it will create new business spaces.
Brady Gordon, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that it will create new housing opportunities.
Rasha Lammam, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that it will be a landmark and a legacy for the City.
Jacquie Boyer, Port Moody, expressed concern about the layout of and proposed uses in project.
James Robertson, Port Moody, expressed concern about the density and that the waterfront area may not be accessible to the public. Mr. Robertson encouraged municipalities to work together in planning to solve the housing crisis.
Karen Rockwell, Port Moody, expressed support for the OCP amendment.
David Lank, Port Moody, expressed concern about the high-level of density that the project will bring.
Adam Crandall, Port Moody, expressed support for the OCP amendment, noting that the project will provide more spaces for local businesses to expand.
Sterling Ward, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that adequate public consultation has been held and that the project will be a landmark in the Tri-Cities.
Tim Laidler, Port Moody, expressed support for the OCP amendment, noting that the project will create amenities for public use and that it has the potential to create affordable housing.
Martin Winter, Port Moody, expressed concern about the high-level density that the project will bring and noted that there may be opportunities for alternate use of the waterfront area.
Graham Herring, Port Moody, expressed concern about the proposed maximum height and density of the project and
requested that Council consider reducing the density of the project.
Jeremy Wright, Port Moody, expressed support for the project, noting that it will create more housing options.
The Mayor called three times for further public input.
There were no more comments from the public.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2014, No. 2955, Amendment Bylaw No. 7, 2017, No. 3087 (Flavelle) be referred to the Regular Council meeting to be held on July 25, 2017 for consideration

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