June 13,2017 Regular Council
Regular Council Meeting
Mayor Clay called the meeting to order at 7:52pm and introduced the evening's Art at Council, an acrylic on canvas painting titled Eye Contact by Zuzana Driediger, a published illustrator, talented carver, and a Parks Canada staff member.
Mayor Clay noted that the painting is part of a touring exhibition called Art in the Park, organized by Parks Canada and the Revelstoke Visual Arts Society to celebrate Canada's 150th anniversary, and will be on display at the Arts Centre from June 15 to July 13, 2017.
2. Public Input Ken Tough, Port Moody, expressed concerns about the height of buildings proposed for the Moody Centre Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) area in item 9.2. Bill Van Beek, Port Moody, noted on behalf of Suncor Energy Inc. that he and his colleagues are available to answer questions from Council regarding item 9.3. Robert Spibey, Port Moody, expressed concerns about there not having been any studies released to date about potential impacts that development of the loco lands may have on Bert Flinn Park. Anita Niven, Port Moody, expressed concerns about development of the loco lands and the impacts of a potential road extension through Bert Flinn Park. Dan Eaton, Port Moody, expressed support for high density in the Moody Centre TOD area, but noted that 40 storeys would be too high. Mr. Eaton also expressed concerns about a letter he received from the City regarding the need to put a restrictive covenant on the additional lot should his subdivision application be approved. Yvonne Harris, Port Moody, expressed support for the parkland acquisition strategy resolution proposed in item 9.7. Dave Harkness, Port Moody, expressed concerns about there not having been any transportation studies released to date on a potential extension of David Avenue through Bert Flinn Park. Hunter Madsen, Port Moody, expressed support for the parkland acquisition strategy being proposed in item 9.7, and expressed concerns about the City's handling of the proposed traffic study regarding a potential extension of David Avenue through Bert Flinn Park. Danita Sepp, Port Moody, expressed concerns about insufficient park and play space for daycare centres in Port Moody, and noted that the planned relocation of Moody Elementary School to the campus of Moody Middle School will remove a significant play area from the neighbourhood. Ms. Sepp asked for the establishment of a plan to maintain or supplement existing green space prior to the relocation of Moody Elementary School. Helen Daniels, Port Moody, expressed concerns about the Car Free Day event on August 20, 2017 being planned for St. Johns Street, and asked why the event is being held on such a busy street. Jeff McLellan, Port Moody, congratulated Councillor Glumac on his election to the Legislative Assembly for Port MoodyCoquitlam and thanked him for his service to the City. Mr. McLellan noted that the owners of the loco lands have not yet submitted a development proposal, and urged people to refrain from making assumptions about a road being put through Bert Flinn Park. Graham Herring, Port Moody, expressed concerns about the building heights proposed for the Moody Centre TOD area in item 9.2, and the potential waiver of the requirement for Community Planning Advisory Committee consideration.
RC17/197 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the public input period be extended for an additional 15 minutes.
Zac Jacobson, Port Moody, expressed support for the public consultation proposed in item 9.8 for the Glenayre neighbourhood. John Grasty, Port Moody, expressed concerns about Council Strategic Plan items being neglected due to other less pressing items being proposed. Mr. Grasty noted that Council needs to give priority to improving existing park spaces before considering acquisition of new parkland. Mayor Clay asked Hunter Madsen for clarification regarding the route of a potential east-west connector that Mr. Madsen would like specified in the review of potential alternative routes to the David Avenue extension.
4.1 Minutes File: 01-0550-05
RC17/198 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the minutes of the Special Meeting of Council (to Close Meeting) held on Tuesday, May 23, 2017 be adopted.
RC 17/199 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held on Tuesday, May 23, 2017 be adopted.
5. Consent Agenda
RC17/200 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the recommendation contained in the following item presented in the June 13, 2017 Regular Council Consent Agenda be adopted: 5.1 - Finance Committee Resolutions for Ratification. Funding Source for Canada Africa Network Theatre Fee Waiver
5.1 Finance Committee Resolutions for Ratification
Recommendation adopted on consent: THAT the following recommendations from the Finance Committee meeting held on Tuesday, June 6, 2017 be ratified:
FC17/057 THAT the fee waiver of up to $2,115.75 for use of the Inlet Theatre by the Canada Africa Network on September 6, 2017 be funded from Council Contingency.
Capital Project Budget Amendments - Project Consolidation FC17/058 THAT project budget amendments be made to consolidate capital project CEN16103 (Traffic Signal Infrastructure Improvements) with the current capital year's traffic signal maintenance program (CEN17105 - Traffic Signal Infrastructure - Maintenance and Replacement) as outlined in the report dated May 1,2017 from Engineering and Operations Department - Engineering Division regarding Capital Project Budget Amendments - Project Consolidation.
Boiler Room Compliance, Asphalt, and Painting Repairs FC 17/059 THAT boiler room, asphalt, and flame retardant paint maintenance and repairs be funded from the Facilities Capital Asset Reserve as recommended in the report dated May 23, 2017 from Community Services Department regarding Boiler Room Compliance, Asphalt, and Painting Repairs.
7.1 Rezoning Application - 2313-2315 St. Johns Street - Third Reading Memo: Corporate Services Department - Legislative Services Division, dated June 7, 2017 Bylaw No. 2982 File: 09-3900-02-1
A Bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890.
RC17/201 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 223, 2014, No. 2982 be read a third time.
7.2 Rezoning Application - 2124-2130 St. Johns Street and 2127-2131 Clarke Street - Third Reading Memo: Corporate Services Department - Legislative Services Division, dated June 7, 2017 Bylaw No. 3077 File: 09-3900-02-1
Councillor Glumac declared a conflict of interest due to his having received campaign contributions from Bold Properties and left the meeting at this point.
A Bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890.
RC17/202 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 236, 2017, No. 3077 (2124-2130 St. Johns Street and 2127-2131 Clarke Street) (CD66) be read a third time.
7.3 City of Port Moody Housing Agreement Bylaw, 2017, No. 3083-Third Reading Memo: Corporate Services Department - Legislative Services Division, dated June 7, 2017 Bylaw No. 3083 File: 09-3900-02-1
A Bylaw to authorize Council to enter into a Housing Agreement pursuant to section 483 of the Local Government Act.
RC17/203 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT City of Port Moody Housing Agreement Bylaw, 2017, No. 3083 be read a third time.
Councillor Glumac returned to the meeting at this point.
9.1 David Avenue Extension - Reviewof Potential Alternative Routes Report: Engineering and Operations Department -Engineering Division, dated June 6, 2017 File: 16-8330-01
RC17/204 Moved and seconded THAT the scope of work for the assessment of alternative routes to David Avenue be approved as recommended in the report dated June 6, 2017 from Engineering and Operations Department - Engineering Division regarding David Avenue Extension - Review of Potential Alternative Routes; AND THAT the scope of work specifically include the possibility of connecting Sunnyside Road with Strong Road as potential route #5; AND THAT staff request Brilliant Circle Group (the Developers) to fund assessment of alternatives to the present road right-of-way through Bert Flinn Park.
RC17/205 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding as the third clause: "AND THAT the scope of work specifically include the possibility of a road through the forested area east of Heritage Woods Secondary connecting David Avenue to East Road as potential route #6".
RC17/206 Moved, seconded, and DEFEATED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding: "AND THAT the scope of work be amended by removing the option of connecting David Avenue to April Road". (Voting against: Councillors Dilworth, Junker, and Lahti, and Mayor Clay)
RC17/207 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding: "AND THAT no impact to Bert Flinn Park and minimize traffic impacts to loco Road be added as criteria in the assessment". (Voting against: Councillors Dilworth and Junker)
RC17/208 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by replacing: "AND THAT staff request Brilliant Circle Group (the Developers) to fund assessment of alternatives to the present road right-of-way through Bert Flinn Park" with "AND THAT the cost of $77,500 for the assessment of alternatives to the present road right-of-way through Bert Flinn Park be referred to the Finance Committee to identify an appropriate source of funding".
RC17/209 Moved, seconded, and DEFEATED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding: "AND THAT options that have an impact on Bert Flinn Park or on loco Road traffic volumes be excluded from consideration". (Voting against: Councillors Dilworth and Junker, and Mayor Clay) The question on the main motion (RC17/204) as amended (by RC17/205. RC17/207. and RC17/208) was put to a vote; the following motion was CARRIED:
THAT the scope of work for the assessment of alternative routes to David Avenue be approved as recommended in the report dated June 6, 2017 from Engineering and Operations DepartmentEngineering Division regarding David Avenue Extension - Review of Potential Alternative Routes; AND THAT the scope of work specifically include the possibility of connecting Sunnyside Road with Strong Road as potential route #5; AND THAT the scope of work specifically include the possibility of a road through the forested area east of Heritage Wood Secondary connecting David Avenue to East Road as potential route #6; AND THAT the cost of $77,500 for the assessment of alternatives to the present road right-of-way through Bert Flinn Park be referred to the Finance Committee to identify an appropriate source of funding; AND THAT no impact to Bert Flinn Park and minimize traffic impacts to loco Road be added as criteria in the assessment. (Voting against: Councillor Vagramov)
9.2 Moody Centre Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Area Plan - Recommended Land Use Concept Report: Development Services Department - Planning Division, dated June 6, 2017 / File: 13-6530-20-07
RC17/210 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT built form scenario A for the Moody Centre TransitOriented Development (TOD) Area be endorsed as outlined in the report dated June 6, 2017 from Development Services Department - Planning Division regarding Moody Centre Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Area Plan - Recommended Land Use Concept; AND THAT staff prepare an Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment Bylaw, which will include land use designations, policies, and Development Permit Area Guidelines, for Council consideration; AND THAT the requirement of Development Approval Procedures Bylaw, 2012, No. 2918 to prepare a report for submission to the Community Planning Advisory Committee prior to consideration by Council be waived for this OCP Amendment; AND THAT staff prepare a Financing Strategy for the funding of public amenities and infrastructure required as the Moody Centre TOD Area redevelops. (Voting against: Councillors Glumac and Vagramov)
RC17/211 Moved and seconded THAT the meeting be extended for an additional one hour.
RC17/212 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the foregoing motion be amended by replacing "one hour" with "30 minutes".
The question on the main motion (RC17/211) as amended (by RC17/212) was put to a vote; the following motion was CARRIED: THAT the meeting be extended for an additional 30 minutes.
RC17/213 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT Development Permit 2016-116 be issued as recommended in the report dated May 29, 2017 from Development Services Department - Planning Division regarding Development Permit 2016-116 - Suncor Energy Inc. - 9955 Barnet Highway; AND THAT the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application.
9.4 Coronation Park Neighbourhood Plan Next Steps - Financing Strategy Report: Development Services Department - Planning Division, dated June 6, 2017 / File: 13-6530-92
RC17/214 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the report dated June 6, 2017 from Development Services Department - Planning Division regarding Coronation Park Neighbourhood Plan Next Steps - Financing Strategy be received for information.
9.5 Land Use Contract Amendment and Development Authorization - 300 Morrisseey Road (Parcel D Suter Brook Village) Report: Development Services Department - Planning Division, dated June 5, 2017 DevelopmentFiles: 6700-20-136 and 3060-20-122
RC17/215 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT City of Port Moody Land Use Contract No. 4,1978, Authorization Bylaw No. 1409, Amendment Bylaw No. 10, 2017, No. 3076 (300 Morrissey Road (Parcel D), Suter Brook) be now adopted as recommended in the report dated June 5, 2017 from Development Services Department - Planning Division regarding Land Use Contract Amendment and Development Authorization - 300 Morrissey Road (Parcel D Suter Brook Village); AND THAT Development Authorization 2017-122 be issued; AND THAT the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application. Development Permit
9.6 E-Comm 911 Annual General Meeting Memo: Mayor Mike Clay, dated June 7, 2017 / File: 14-7150-07/Vol 01
RC17/216 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT Mayor Clay be appointed the voting representative at the 2017 Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of E-Comm; AND THAT E-Comm be notified of this appointment.
9.7 Parkland Acquisition Strategy Report: Councillor Rick Glumac, dated June 4, 2017 / File: 01-0530-01
RC17/217 Moved, seconded, and DEFEATED THAT the City of Port Moody develop a parkland acquisition strategy which includes an implementation plan and timeline for the acquisition and expansion of new parkland, trails, and pathway systems relative to population growth in Port Moody. (Voting against: Councillors Dilworth, Junker, and Lahti, and Mayor Clay)
RC17/218 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the Parkland Acquisition Strategy be referred to the Parks and Recreation Commission for consideration.
9.8 Public Consultation on "Monster Homes" in Glenayre Report: Councillor Barbara Junker, dated May 31, 2017 / File: 01-0530-01/2017
RC17/219 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT a special Public Consultation meeting be held at the Glenayre Community Centre prior to any changes being made in the Zoning Bylaw regarding RS1-zoned lots in the Glenayre neighbourhood as recommended in the report dated May 31, 2017 from Councillor Barbara Junker regarding Public Consultation on "Monster Homes" in Glenayre.
10.1 Delegation Response - Thingery Memo: Corporate Services Department - Legislative Services Division, dated June 7, 2017 / File: 01-0230-01
RC17/220 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the Thingery delegation be received for information.
RC17/221 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the meeting be extended by an additional 15 minutes.
RC17/222 Moved, seconded, and DEFEATED THAT staff work with Chris Diplock and report back on options for the installation of two Thingeries in Port Moody. (Voting against: Councillors Dilworth, Junker, and Lahti, and Mayor Clay)
10.2 Delegation Response - WestCoast Environmental Law Memo: Corporate Services Department - Legislative Services Division, dated June 7, 2017 / File: 01-0230-01
RC17/223 Moved, seconded, and DEFEATED THAT the West Coast Environmental Law delegation be referred to the Environmental Protection Committee for feedback. (Voting against: Councillors Dilworth, Junker, and Lahti, and Mayor Clay)
11. Reports from Council
11.1 Council Verbal Reports Councillor Glumac noted that he was sworn in as a Member of the Legislative Assembly for Port Moody-Coquitlam and that he plans to submit his resignation as a Council member prior to the next meeting. Councillor Glumac noted that he looks forward to serving the residents of Port Moody at the provincial level, and thanked City staff and other Councillors for their hard work and service to the community.
Councillor Vagramov wished Councillor Glumac all the best in his new role in Victoria.
Councillor Lahti wished Councillor Glumac all the best in his new role in Victoria.
Mayor Clay wished Councillor Glumac all the best in his new role and thanked him for his service to Port Moody during his time as a member of Council.
12. Information Items
12.1 Commissions, and Boards - Minutes • Tourism Committee - February 22, 2017 • Parks and Recreation Commission - April 12, 2017 • Library Board - April 20, 2017 • Arts and Culture Committee - May 1, 2017 • Finance Committee - May 16, 2017
13. Public Input Jeff McLellan, Port Moody, thanked City staff for their hard work and contribution to Port Moody, and noted that he is disappointed to hear many negative comments being made about staff and Council on the progress with David Avenue extension and traffic study. John Grasty, Port Moody, noted that he was impressed with the demographics panel recently hosted by the City at the Library, and encouraged people to view the session on the City website. Fred Soofi, Anmore, noted that the Seniors Friendship Society will be hosting a free (by donation) public barbeque event on Wednesday, June 14, 2017.
Mayor Clay adjourned the meeting at 10:47pm.