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Nov 24,2015 Regular Council

Regular Council Meeting

Agenda         Minutes

1.1 Introduction of Art at Council
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay
File: 18-7705-01
Mayor Clay introduced the evening's Art at Council display, noting that the acrylic mixed media painting titled Undercurrents was created by local artist Vicki Allesia, a member of the Blackberry Artist's Society who works in watercolour and acrylic media, striving to create art that is appealing, fun, and a little different.
Mayor Clay invited Ms. Allesia to speak about her artwork.
Ms. Allesia described the process of creating the painting, noting that she incorporated a variety of textures and shapes into the final piece.
Ms. Allesia noted that the painting would be available for sale at the 1st Annual Christmas Marketplace taking place at the Port Moody Arts Centre until December 21, 2015, and encouraged the public to attend the show and sale.

1.2 BC Hydro's Community Champions - Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay
Video Link:

Mayor Clay introduced the Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society's video entry into the BC Hydro Community Champions contest and screened the video. Mayor Clay noted that the contest would run until November 30, 2015 and encouraged members of the public to visit the website and vote for the Mossom Creek Hatchery entry.

2. Public Input

Roland Mueller, Port Moody, expressed support for the subdivision application for 1243 loco Road.
Ana Stipica, Port Moody, expressed support for the subdivision application for 1243 loco Road.
Damir Dugandzic, Port Moody, requested that Council review his application to subdivide his property at 1243 loco Road.

3.1 Presentation - ViewPort Mobile
Presentation: Corporate Services Department - Information Services Division / File: 01-0550-50

Aidan Sheridan, IS Applications Supervisor, and Kristi Smith, GIS Coordinator, presented Viewport Mobile, the new mobile version of the City's GIS mapping system. It was noted that the system was designed to be easily viewed on any mobile device. Mr. Sheridan showed examples of how the system can be used and responded to questions from Council regarding timelines for updates to the system, types of requests that have been received from the public for addition to the maps, and plans for future expansion of the system.

Delegation Request: Ivano Cecchini, dated October 15, 2015 /  File: 01-0490-20-01
Devon Ross, Principal - Facilities Initiatives, and Trevor Kolkea, Principal - Ecole Moody Middle School, gave a presentation on Ecole Moody Middle School of the Arts, noting that construction has begun on the new school facility, but the school will remain open throughout the construction period. Mr. Kolkea provided an overview of the school's programs, noting that the school is home to just under 300 students, who are grouped into fourthemed pods - Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water. Mr. Kolkea noted that creativity is a key theme for all activities in the school and that students are encouraged to learn through the arts with the integration of drama, dance, digital arts, media arts, visual arts, music, and technical arts into various aspects of learning.
Mr. Kolkea noted that Ecole Moody Middle School of the Arts has partnered with such groups as Vancouver Biennale, the Young Actors Project, Coastal Sound Choir, Caulfield School of Dance, and the Port Moody Arts Centre, and is currently partnering with Artstarts, Evergreen Cultural Centre, the Port Moody Arts Centre, and the City.
Mr. Kolkea also noted that City of Port Moody staff have been working with school leaders and School District #43 to develop opportunities for students for presentations of learning and art installations as part of the Neighbourhood Learning Centre guided by community artists.

3.3 Delegation - Port Moody Foundation
Delegation Request: Robert Simons, dated October 18, 2015 / File: 01-0230-01

Robert Simons gave a presentation on the Vital Signs project being proposed by the Port Moody Foundation. Mr. Simons noted that Vital Signs is a national program led by community foundations and coordinated by Community Foundations of Canada, which seeks to leverage local knowledge to measure the vitality of communities, to support action towards improving collective quality of life, and to raise public awareness and generate dialogue on issues that are facing communities.
Mr. Simons noted that Vital Signs would provide a wide range of factual indicators and statistics relevant to all stakeholders to highlight vital issues that affect the community's well-being, and to guide grantmaking and philanthropic activities.
Mr. Simons responded to questions from Council regarding timelines, costs, and key areas of study.

4.1 Minutes 
File: 01-0550-05

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held Tuesday, November 10, 2015 be adopted.

5. Consent Agenda
At the request of Council, all items were removed from the Consent Agenda for consideration under section 6.

5.1 Finance Committee Resolutions for Ratification

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the following recommendations from the Finance Committee Meeting of November 17, 2015 be ratified:

2016-2020 Financial Plan Draft - Part 3
FC15/142 and 143
THAT all line items, with the exception of item 11 (Support for ArtsConnect), in List A: Sen/ice Level Impacts - Suggested Reductions be put back into the budget.

THAT all items on List B: Service Level Impacts - New Sen/ices, without identifying the position being considered in line item 9 (New staff position in the amount of $145,900), be included in the Budget Town Hall presentation on November 30, 2015.

THAT staff be directed to present a proposed 2016 tax increase of 5.13% less the utilities shift of 0.75% for a total tax increase of 4.38% at the Budget Town Hall presentation on November 30, 2015;
AND THAT the presentation show a combined City and Police proposed increase of 2.0% for 2017 to 2020.

THAT, for the purposes of the public budget consultation Town Hall Meeting, staff identify the proposed Library Renovation Project in the amount of $355,000 as being funded from the Asset Reserve.

Project Pre-Approvals
THAT the Project Pre-Approvai Submissions for Budget Year 2016 as submitted by the Financial Sen/ices Department on Novembers, 2015 be approved.

City of Port Moody 2016 Fees Bylaw
THAT City of Port Moody Fees Bylaw, 2015, No. 3022 be amended by changing the Strata Title Conversion fee in Appendix 65 to $2,500.

THAT City of Port Moody Fees Bylaw, 2015, No. 3022 be forwarded to Council for approval as amended during the November 17,2015 Finance Committee meeting.

Mutual Aid Expenses - Transfer of Funds from Reserve
THAT the balance of the Mutual Aid Reserve of $30,000 be transferred to 2015 Fire-Rescue operating budget as recommended in the report dated October 30, 2015 from Fire-Rescue Department regarding Mutual Aid Expenses - Transfer of Funds from Reserve.

Purchase ofAdministrative Vehicle from the Equipment Replacement Reserve
FC15/157 and 158
THAT a one-time purchase of a Police administrative vehicle from the Police surplus portion of the Equipment Reserve Fund be authorized for 2015 as recommended in the memo dated October 28, 2015 from Port Moody Police Board regarding Purchase of Administration Vehicle from the Equipment Replacement Reserve;

AND THAT the City ask the Police Board to review existing City policy regarding fuel efficient vehicles.

Funding for CivX Conference 
FC 15/159
THAT the potential budget of $1,295 for attendance by Council members at the CivX Conference on November 24, 2015 be funded $667 from Council Contingency and the balance of $628 from Accumulated Surplus.

5.2 Committee of the Whole Resolutions for Ratification

Moved and seconded
THAT the following recommendations from the Committee of the Whole Meeting of November 17, 2015 be ratified:

Chines Integrated Stormwater Management Plan
CW 15/087
THAT Council endorse the final draft of the Chines Integrated Stormwater Management Plan, dated November 2015, as recommended in the report dated November 2, 2015 from Engineering and Parks Services Department regarding Chines Integrated Stormwater Management Plan.

General Local Government Election Bylaw Amendment
CM 15/088 and 089
THAT City of Port Moody Local Government Election Bylaw, 2011, No. 2897, Amendment Bylaw No. 2, 2015, No. 3021 be referred to the Regular Council Meeting of November 24, 2015 for consideration as recommended in the report dated October 29, 2015 from Corporate Services Department - Legislative Sen/ices Division regarding General Local Government Election Bylaw Amendment;
AND THAT staff be directed to report back with comprehensive analyses of the following election related issues:
• Advance Voting Opportunities;
• Mail Ballot Voting Opportunities;
• Voting Locations; and
• Election and Candidate Awareness Initiatives;
AND THAT staff report back with the Terms of Reference for the previous Elections Task Force.

Council Procedure Bylaw Update
CW15/090 and 091
THAT an Administrative Policy be drafted to clearly indicate the Report to Council submission deadline for staff and members of Council;
AND THAT the Administrative Policy be brought back to Council for consideration.

THAT the differentiation between delegations and presentations be included in the Council Procedure Bylaw;
AND THAT delegations and presentations be scheduled for Committee of the Whole meetings.

CW15/098 and 099
THAT motions to submit resolutions for UBCM and FCM consideration and advocating or lobbying for the change of a law or bylaw that Council has no legal authority to amend not be treated as non-jurisdictional;
AND THAT consideration of non-jurisdictional items require a 2/3 vote of Council.

THAT late items be placed on the agenda with a unanimous vote of Council.

THAT items to be included in the Consent Agenda be specified as follows:
• Recommendations from Committees;
• Reports for Information; and
• Items for which debate is not expected.

THAT the maximum time for which a member may speak on an item be limited to five minutes.

CW15/107 and 108
THAT, if a Bylaw under consideration is amended before third reading, that third reading of the Bylaw be delayed to a subsequent meeting;
AND THAT each reading of a Bylaw be moved separately

THAT a unanimous vote be required to extend the meeting for an additional hour after 10:00pm, as well as every hour thereafter.

THAT closed meetings be automatically adjourned at 6:55pm unless extended by a unanimous resolution of Council.

CW15/111 and 112
THAT Committee of the Whole meetings be automatically adjourned after three hours unless extended by a unanimous resolution of Council.

THAT staff report back with options regarding electronic participation at Council meetings.

THAT electronic meetings only be held in the event of an emergency;
AND THAT staff report back on parameters of what would constitute an emergency.

THAT a draft Bylaw be brought back to a Committee of the Whole meeting for Council consideration.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the following clause be added to motion CW15/087-.
"AND THAT local stewardship groups and Moody Centre Community Association be invited to provide feedback on a subsequent draft."
(Voting against: Mayor Clay)

The question on the main motion (RC15/397) as amended (by RC15/398) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED.

Moved and seconded
THAT the following recommendations from the Committee of the Whole Meeting of November 17, 2015 be ratified:

THAT a clause be added stating that Council shall not interact with the speakers during the Public Input Period, but may call speakers up for questions at the end of the Public Input Period;
AND THAT public input periods be extended by 15-minute increments by a majority vote of Council.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT recommendation CW15/097 be amended by deleting "but may call speakers up for questions at the end of the Public Input Period".
(Voting against: Councillors Dilworth, Junker, and Lahti)
The question on the main motion (RC15/399) as amended (by RC15/400) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED.
(Voting against: Councillors Lahti and Royer)

Moved and seconded
THAT the following recommendation from the Committee of the Whole Meeting of November 17, 2015 be ratified:

THAT there be a maximum of two members of Council permitted to participate electronically at a meeting.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT recommendation CW15/115 be amended by adding:
"AND THAT the maximum number of times a member may participate electronically be limited to four times per year."
(Voting against: Councillor Dilworth and Mayor Clay)

The question on the main motion (RC15/401) as amended (by RC15/402) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED.

5.3 Review of Officer's Decision on Subdivisio Application for 1243 Ioco Road
Memo: General Manager of Development Services, dated November 16, 2015 / File: 13-6720-20-89/01

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the memorandum from the General Manager of Development Services dated November 16, 2015 regarding Review of Approving Officer's Decision on Subdivision Application for 1243 loco Road be received and referred to the next Closed Council Meeting, and that legal counsel be requested to attend.


Memo: Corporate Services Department - Legislative Services Division, dated November 19, 2015
File: 09-3900-02

City of Port Moody Local Government Election Bylaw, 2011, No. 2897, Amendment Bylaw No. 2, 2015, No. 3021, being a Bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Local Government Election Bylaw, 2011, No. 2897 to change election signage locations and requirements.

Moved and seconded
THAT City of Port Moody Local Government Election Bylaw, 2011, No. 2897, Amendment Bylaw No. 2, 2015, No. 3021 be read a first time.

Moved, seconded, and DEFEATED
THAT Bylaw No. 2897 be amended by removing location #6 from the map on page 37.
(Voting against: Councillors Dilworth, Junker, Lahti, Royer, and Mayor Clay)

Moved, seconded, and DEFEATED
THAT Bylaw No. 2897 be amended to prohibit election signage on Public Property.
(Voting against: Councillors Dilworth, Junker, Royer, and Vagramov)

The question on the main motion (RC15/404) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Local Government Election Bylaw, 2011, No. 2897, Amendment Bylaw No. 2, 2015, No. 3021 be read a second time.


Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Local Government Election Bylaw, 2011, No. 2897, Amendment Bylaw No. 2, 2015, No. 3021 be read a third time.

7.2 City of Port Moody Fees Bylaw 2015, No 3022
Memo: Corporate Services Department - Legislative Services Division, dated November 19, 2015 / File: 09-3900-02

City of Port Moody Fees Bylaw, 2015, No. 3022, being a Bylaw to establish the 2016 fees charged by the City of Port Moody.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Fees Bylaw, 2015, No. 3022 be read a first, second, and third time.

9.1 Port Moody Police Board 2016-2020 Operating Financial Plan
Presentation: Port Moody Police Board
Letter: Port Moody Police Board, dated November 17, 2015
File: 05-1700-03--12/2015

Port Moody Police Board representative Terry Hawes gave a presentation on the Port Moody Police Board provisional budget, including 2014-2016 strategic goals, enhanced and new 2015-2016 initiatives, 2016 operating plan drivers, 2016 capital plan, the transition to E-Comm, 2016 operating projects, 2016 project preapprovals, and the projected operating surplus for 2015.
Mr. Hawes responded to questions from Council regarding the transition to E-Comm, drivers of the projected 2015 surplus, and projected costs for DNA testing.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT Port Moody Police Board 2016-2020 Operating Financial Plan be received and referred to the Finance Committee for budget deliberations.

9.2 Development Permit Delegation Bylaw
Report: Development Services Department - Planning Division, dated
November 13, 2015
File: 09-3900-90

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Development Permit Delegation Bylaw, 2015, No. 3032 be read a first, second, and third time.

9.3 Designated Anchorage Area PIlot Porgram -Cost Recover OPtions
Report: Engineering and Parks Services, dated November 23, 2015/File: 08-3010-01 /Vol 01

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the Designated Anchorage Area Pilot Program proceed with partial cost recovery for 2016 as recommended in the report dated November 23, 2015 from Engineering and Parks Services regarding Designated Anchorage Area Pilot Program - Cost Recovery Options;
AND THAT staff develop a fee schedule for usage of the Designated Anchorage Area and report back to Council for consideration prior to implementation.

9.4 Intermunicipal Business License Program Initiative Extension
Report: Development Services Department - Building, Bylaw, and
Licensing Division, dated November 16, 2015
File: 09-4300-01

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Intermunicipal Business Licence Bylaw, 2012, No 2947, Amendment Bylaw No. 1, 2015, No. 3033 be read a first, second, and third time.

9.5 Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning - 2313-2315 St Johns Street
Report: Development Services Department - Planning Division, dated November 16, 2015
File: 13-6700-20-119

Staff provided an overview of the application, and responded to Questions from Council regarding potential upgrades to St. Andrews Street as part of the proposed project, the Land Use Committee recommendation in September 2014, and view corridors.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw 2983 be now read a first and second time asrecommended in the report dated November 16, 2015 from Development Services Department - Planning Division regarding Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning - 2313-2315 St. Johns Street;
AND THAT Bylaw No. 2983 be referred to a Public Hearing on Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at City Hall, 100 Newport Drive, Port Moody;
AND THAT Bylaw 2982 be now read a first and second time as recommended in the report dated November 16, 2015 from Development Services Department - Planning Division regarding Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning - 2313-2315 St. Johns Street;
AND THAT Bylaw No. 2982 be referred to a Public Hearing on Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at City Hall, 100 Newport Drive, Port Moody.

9.6 "Blueprint" - Zoning Bylaw Review and Update
Memo: General Manager of Development Services, dated November 18, 2015
File: 09-3900-05

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the memorandum from General Manager of Development Services dated November 18, 2015, regarding "Blueprint" - Zoning Bylaw Review and Update be received for information.

10.1 Naming of Tim Jones Peak
Letter: BC Geographical Names Office, dated October 23, 2015
File: 01-0410-01

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the naming of Tim Jones Peak be supported.

10.2 Request for AED Funding
Letter: Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society - Mossom Creek
Hatchery, dated November 6, 2015
File: 01-0230-36

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the request for an AED from the Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society be referred to the Grant Process to be established.
(Voting against: Councillor Dilworth)

11.1 Council Verbal Reports

Councillor Glumac noted that he had attended the CivX Conference, and enjoyed presentations on current technology trends.
Councillor Dilworth noted that she attended the Arts Centre
R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Gala event, and that she was pleased to see many attendees at the Remembrance Day ceremonies.
Councillor Royer noted that she attended CivX Conference, and reported on a presentation by the Mayor of Kimberley on a solar panel project.

11.2 Staff Verbal Reports

12.1 Committees,Commissions, and Boards - Minutes
Information Items
• Land Use Committee - July 7, 2015
• Fire Department Advisory Committee - September 28, 2015
• Economic Development Committee - October 7, 2015
• Parks and Recreation Commission - October 14, 2015
• Community Care Committee - October 15, 2015
• Seniors Focus Committee - October 15, 2015
• Transportation Committee - October 21, 2015
• Environmental Protection Committee - October 29, 2015

12.2 Metro Vancouver Meeting Recap
Notes: Mayor Clay
File:01- 0480-01
• Metro Vancouver Board Highlights, September 2015
• Metro Vancouver Board Highlights, October 2015

13. Public Input
Jacquie Boyer, Port Moody, expressed support for the progress beingmade in the Ecole Moody Middle School of the Arts construction and for the Port Moody Foundation Vital Signs proposal.

The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 9:52pm.

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