Oct 3,2017 Finance Committee
Finance Committee
2.1 Adoption of Minutes
FC17/074 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on Tuesday, September 5, 2017 be adopted.
4.1 Funding Source for Townsite Tales: The History of Ioco Memo: Finance and Technology Department – Financial Services Division, dated September 25, 2017 File: 01-0230-01
FC17/075 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the $5,000 approved for the pre-purchase of 100 copies of Townsite Tales: The History of Ioco at $50 each be funded from Council Contingency.
4.2 2018-2022 Utilities Financial Plan Draft Report: Finance and Technology Department – Financial Services Division, dated September 25, 2017 File: 05-1700-03
Staff gave a presentation of the draft 2018-2022 Utilities Financial Plan, noting the timeline, factors for the rate increases, and a comparison of the utility fees to other local municipalities. Staff answered questions regarding the 2018 rate increase and fair and equitable rate structures.
Action: Staff to report back with additional information on the increased costs for Solid Waste, including reasons for which a new garbage truck is needed. Action: Staff to report back on initiatives being taken to reduce utility costs, including ways to reduce contamination penalties levied by Multi-Material BC and increasing recycling-related bonuses that are directed to reserve funds.
FC17/076 Moved and seconded THAT single family detached home water rates be capped at $450 per household; AND THAT the remaining utility costs be distributed evenly among multi-family households.
FC17/077 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the foregoing motion be referred to an upcoming Committee of the Whole meeting for discussion.
FC17/078 Moved, seconded, and CARRIED THAT the report dated September 25, 2017 from Finance and Technology Department – Financial Services Division regarding 2018-2022 Utilities Financial Plan Draft be received for information.
6. Adjournment Councillor Lahti adjourned the meeting at 6:55pm